How Can I Help?

Is your friend's marriage in trouble?
Does everyone think it's hopeless?
Are they already divorced, but one still cares?
Is there anything I can do to help?

Yes! There's an EASY Way to help Family and Friends

If the couple is not together, find who has the heart ❤️ for the marriage and send them to


purchase the women's

How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage: From Someone Who’s Been There in paperback


How God Will Restore Your Marriage: There’s Healing After Broken Vows in paperback.

If the couple is still together, and both have the heart 💗💗 to continue, then what we have available will absolutely turn their marriage around—they simply apply the same principles that have restored countless marriages. Our resources have been used by couples who were NOT together, one or both was in adultery, often living with the other woman or other man AND many couples were already divorced. This is possible when just one wanted the marriage restored.

FREE Couple's Course

Or Purchase A Wise Woman Paperback and Purchase A Wise Man Paperback

If your relationship with this couple is close whereby you will have ongoing interaction, then it would be wise to be aware of what God said and read the book or do the free courses yourself.

The truth is if you took these courses yourself you would be 99% more effective at marriage counseling than any Christian counselor because these "experts" base their tactics on worldviews with just a few scriptures to back up what the world says. This is what has destroyed marriages within the church at a higher rate than the secular population!

Spousal and Partner Murders are on the Rise!

Not only could God use you to save a marriage and family from destruction, but you also could save the life of your friend. 

Around the world, there are more and more husbands who feel forced to use murder to rid themselves of their seemingly hopeless situations at home. And many women who discover infidelity in their husbands become so obsessed that "murders of passions" are rising at an alarming rate! There are more and more movies and documentaries showcasing this phenomenon.

Our ministry began by encouraging the spouse to let go, giving each time (not to talk and refueling the feelings of frustration and continuing to fight), but to let "peace be their umpire." Our two main courses (using our best-selling books) are used for healing and gaining knowledge we all lack on marriage. Both books/courses are almost entirely scripture, God's Word, that not only enlightens but soothes the soul.

We do not follow any typical method because if they worked we would not see the epidemic of failed, destroyed marriages and families. We share with those who are led here to find hope solely and exclusively what God showed each of us works because it's HIS way of doing it. “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.’” Isaiah 55:8–9 

But Murder?

Please don't assume that your friend or his/her spouse isn't capable of committing a homicide because that's what every shocked family and loved one says after the fact.

A man who feels trapped with no way out is apt to do whatever necessary and a woman who is horribly hurt (most often blindsided) can't be expected to react reasonably. This is especially true with husbands who are fathers and the wife is using the children as leverage to get what she wants, so he snaps. Or wives who are mothers and the husband is using the children as bait to get what he wants; she is not able to think clearly or rationally.

Whether the couple is rich or poor murder is happening everywhere and we cannot close our eyes to it nor foolishly believe that the parties we know would never do such a thing. And don't foolishly think that the police or any other safety measure can protect those at risk. Statistics prove this to be false security but these tactics are still recommended.

Let me share the testimony of a woman who came to Hope At Last and in her questionnaire she told us that her husband had already tried to murder her. Even after we personally reached out to her, since she also stated she came from a very popular "standers" ministry when the pursue the spouse who has left, she continued her pursuit and would not let her husband go. After a third failed attempt, we again sought God in earnest (since we never assume we know the answer to anything and anyone who says they do or acts as if they do is foolish and arrogant because only GOD KNOWS the answers and knows what the truth is behind closed doors).

This time we reached out telling her she was selfish because she was only thinking about herself because she said she wasn't afraid to die, "But what about your children?!?! Are you even thinking about what this will do to them if he is successful the next time and they have a mother who is dead and a father in prison for killing their own mother?!?! What sort of a life do you think you've left them?" Thankfully that did it. And God confirmed (as He usually does) that this was His plan. When she told her husband he was free of her, she was moving on, he confessed he had gotten the keys from their daughter's purse, made a copy and he (and the other woman) had planned to come in to smother her the very next night!!!!!!

This man had once been the spiritual leader of his home until he'd fallen into the pit of adultery and sin. And no one is above falling. It's only by the grace of God we are able to avoid this and all the other pits of sin.

There is so much we've learned from witnessing the lives of both women and men who have graced our ministry for more than 3 decades! So you can trust that we will share and encourage your friend or family member in the very same way. Not everyone is open and ready to hear what we offer, often, that's where your prayers come in. It's the broken-hearted, not the angry or yelling spouse, who is open. So pray what "whatever it takes" God will break them. We can't break them, nor can you—leave that (and everything else) to God. There is no truth to the saying "God helps those who help themselves." It's rubbish and it's contrary to what He says. Once anyone cries out to God in their distresses is the moment He will He send His word and healed them, and saved them from their destruction."

Believe it or not, it's not by chance, nor is it by coincidence, which you have found our website or someone has suggested you come to take a look— God has heard your prayers to know how you can help, and He has personally led you to our ministry that began by helping RESTORE marriages that appeared hopeless!


This IS your Divine Appointment.

God has given you, given all of us,

the Ministry of Reconciliation

“Now all these things are from God,
who reconciled us to Himself through Christ,
and gave us the ministry of reconciliation...”
2 Corinthians 5:18

Restore Ministries International began in 1992 by helping marriages that everyone said were hopeless, and He (God) RESTORED them. The foundation, however, began years later when our founder watched God restore her parents' marriage—after being separated for 9 years. Here is their testimony How GOD Can and Will RESTORE your Parent’s Marriage! followed by Gloria's "My Parents are Restored!!!" that's below it.

Yvonne in South Africa says, "I cannot praise the Lord enough for what He did for my friend and to tell each one of you: “Be encouraged, what He did for her, He can and will do for your friends too!!!!!!!!” Read the testimony about her friend "Remarried Sober After 15 Painful Years" to see how impossible this appeared to be.

We are not coming from studying "about" how to help a failing or failed marriage. We have first-hand experience. Each of our ministers came to RMI when their husbands or wives either left or divorced them, most often for another woman or another man.

Many of our Ministry Team Members have experienced a RESTORED marriage while the rest are still on their Restoration Journeys—applying the same principles! 

All of this is a gift from our Creator God,
who has pursued us and brought us into a
restored and healthy relationship with Him.
And He has given us the same mission,
the ministry of reconciliation,
to bring others back to Him.
2 Corinthians 5:18

Your friend does NOT have a marriage issue. What they have is a spiritual issue. Each and every single person, man or woman, realized that what they lacked was a close and intimate relationship with God, their Father and His Son, their Savior relying on Him for every single need they have.

“My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory.” Philippians 4:19 and more as you “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 Our main focus is not to restore their marriage but to build a solid foundation to rebuild their lives on the Rock, developing a close and intimate relationship, letting go, and surrendering everything into His hands.

“Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today..." Exodus 14:13

You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf . . . Do not fear or be dismayed . . . the Lord is with you.” 2 Chronicles 20:17 If you want to learn how to effectively encourage your friend, we urge you to read this one chapter.

"The Ministry of Reconciliation” for women. 

"The Ministry of Reconciliation” for men. 

Fact. God restores even when there is adultery, or an adulterous marriage (where one or both partners have been unfaithful), which seems to be the one situation, most agree are the most hopeless GOD is able. We know, after filling over TEN books of restored marriage testimonies, that God can restore any marriage—YES, even your friend or family member! 

"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?" Jeremiah 32:27

Most friends and family members hear from just about everyone that they should give up and move on and just find someone else—WRONG. Instead, please inject your faith into this hopeless marriage by agreeing with us and the Psalmist who said:

"Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! NOTHING (not one thing) is too difficult for You!" Jeremiah 32:17 

Why not take advantage and learn how you can minister to people you meet or know who are dealing with a marriage crisis with little to no hope—and no support?
Restore Ministries International
Ministers in Training Courses

Books overflowing with Amazingly RESTORED Marriages that GOD Restored!

"And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even to death"— Revelation 12:11

"By the Word of Their Testimony" Series

Can GOD Really Restore ANY Marriage?

Yes! There is no doubt that God has heard your prayers to know how you can help your friend or family member in their marriage struggles and endless defeats. That’s why He predestined this Divine Appointment to give you the tools and principles and hope that you will need in order to help! 

Don't debate facts, instead show them the proof that God restores hopeless marriages! Order them the eBook Series and purchase a copy for yourself.

Continue to read new RESTORED MARRIAGES posted each Saturday by following #RMT and subscribe to know when a new testimony is posted.

Do you really think that ANY situation or marriage is too difficult for GOD to change, improve or restore? God says NO.

And looking at them Jesus said to them, "With people this is impossible, but WITH GOD all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Looking at them, Jesus said, "With people it is impossible, but not WITH GOD; for all things are possible with God." Mark 10:27

"For nothing will be impossible WITH GOD." Luke 1:37

But He said, "The things that are impossible with people are possible WITH GOD." Luke 18:27

However, if your friend chooses to follow the same advice, the same foolish methods offered by the world, then you will watch that marriage end up exactly the same way—destroyed—along with the innocent children and the families (because divorce has a huge rippling effect).

Instead, encourage your friend or family member to “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it"—Matthew 7:13-14 And take the same JOURNEY with them!

Read "My Dearest Friend RESTORED"


Now that you've found the Narrow Gate for your friend or family member, will you have the courage to share

HOPE at 

in order for them (and you) to gain the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that you, your family and friends (and just about everyone) lack? Are you willing to let go of the lies and myths and Renew Your Mind with what God says about marriage AND how HE can RESTORE it?

Our goal is simply to "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths"—2 Timothy 4:2-4

God said EVERY marriage crisis happens because "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you...Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children"—Hosea 4:6

Do it for the sake of their children and family and everyone else who will be watching. Humble yourself, become a student of His Word, and watch your life change the lives of everyone around you!!

Allow us to spiritually feed and nurture your heart with the truth in order to feed the spiritually starving who are dying in their ignorance and sins.

If you've been starved and deprived of true spiritual nourishment, you need to make this journey yourself. There is the One who created you for fellowship and Who wants to lead you along and through the valley of the shadow of death with your family and friend. Will you go?

One more thing you need to understand right now: if you have not only been told that this or ANY marriage is hopeless without BOTH parties or that marriage cannot be restored, then you are WRONG.

As we've mentioned before, God's desire and ability is to Restore even and ESPECIALLY the most hopeless marriages. By reading the testimonies of seemingly hopeless marriages that now have been restored PLEASE notice that just about EVERY Testimony was restored when just ONE spouse wanted restoration, THIS IS PROOF. There is only One EVERYONE needs help from GOD and His Word.

Over the course of more than 30 years of ministry, we’ve watched as God puts the desire for restoration into the heart of just ONE in each relationship, and often it's the one who has not been caught in sin. "His own iniquities will capture the wicked, and he will be held with the cords of his sin"—Proverbs 5:22

Yet, if just ONE has a heart for restoration and will trust GOD for restoration, then RESTORATION is going to happen—He, not we, guarantees it will. ‘Truly I say to you, if you have faith, and do not doubt, you shall not only do what was done . . . but even if you say to this mountain, “Be taken up and cast into the sea,” it shall happen’” Matthew 21:21.

Determine today to help add another testimony to one of our upcoming—By the Word of Their Testimony books. Share a new testimony of how this marriage you are concerned about, your friend's marriage, which was once believed to be "hopeless" but GOD made the impossible, possible through you. That's when you will also join us and shout . . .

"Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is [was] too difficult for You"! (Jeremiah 32:17).

“Now glory be to God, who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.” Ephesians 3:20 TLB

All our courses are entirely free, courses for women and courses for men— courses that will teach and train you to encourage everyone to rely on HIM alone—look to Him, speak to Him, listen to Him, follow Him as He leads. What we each painfully learned is that no one but God knows exactly what ANYONE is personally going through and how to guide you through. Learn how.

"Yea though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for
Thou art with me”
Psalm 23:4 KJV

Wonderful Counselor

"His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace" —Isaiah 9:6.

We began offering our resources (books, videos, ebooks, and courses) to encourage women (and later men) to avoid the same destructive path that leads to destruction—painfully knowing first-hand that...

Counselors are not only expensive, they don't work, and, what's worse, based on emails we get and what many of us personally have painfully experienced for ourselves is—counselors can be who ultimately and completely destroy marriages—because shaming your spouse and revealing personal secrets that shouldn't be discussed with anyone!

Shaming and hurting each other is what counselors urge couples to do, which is completely contrary to what GOD says. He says, “Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise . . .” Proverb 17:28.

Instead of venting and shaming and hurting each other, we encourage everyone in a marriage crisis to speak to GOD, telling Him everything. We encourage them to use our endless resources to find and establish HOPE, by reading HIS word, what HE says, which you have to agree is far better than any counselor or support group.

Through our resources, we will introduce or reconnect your friend to the BEST and most POWERFUL Counselor. A Counselor who is available every minute of every day, who actually knows the future AND also what is going on inside each person's heart and mind! To tell Him everything, not telling or shaming or venting.

If that were not enough to convince you to help your friend to choose the narrow road, when either the man or woman listens to their very own spouse tell a counselor all their faults and sins with great detail—those extremely painful and destructive words are remembered and retold over and over and over again.

Counseling doesn't work—it further destroys any hope of restoration. 

It wasn't until all of us found the Wonderful and Mighty Counselor that we also found the Prince of Peace. By being introduced and taught and encouraged to work with the Mighty Counselor, is how we each found peace for our tormented souls and that is also when each of our lives began to entirely turn around! Finding peace is the very first step to EVERY restoration, finding the One who can calm the storm in ANY troubled life is what every single person on earth needs.

Please, Please Join Us

If you are interested in either our self-study materials to work on alone at your own pace, or you’re interested in helping others in a marriage crisis, we encourage everyone to take the first step by filling out our FREE Marriage Encouragement below to start your FREE courses for women or men

This will prepare you for what you will use to help. Fill it out on behalf of another, read everything yourself, and renew your mind with what GOD says about marriage, divorce, separation, adultery, kindness, and oh so much more!

Hope at Last .com

Remember this website HOPE AT LAST DOT COM and share it with anyone and everyone you hear is in a marriage crisis or you know about that is having marriage issues— or better yet, create an app on your phone.