Get help over ALL your Hurdles and Fears
Lesson on Sowing and Reaping
"Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors"— Psalm 119:24
“Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully. Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” —2 Corinthians. 9:6
“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return” —Luke 6:38
Become an Encouraging Woman
SUBMIT your own Overcoming a Hurdle PRAISE Report about your Sowing and Reaping
★★★★★ Testimonies
★★★★★ Posting a Prayer Request
I was once helped by posting the prayer request for marriage restoration on the above site. I was led to your ministry by one sister who answered to my prayer. If not the sister who sow the seed of hope to me, I may still in the desert or take a longer time to find the door to hope. After understanding the importance to sowing hope to others, I want to sow the seed as well. Therefore, I went to the site again and wanted to say thank you to the one who replied me and looked for someone who also posted the prayer request on marriage restoration.
The Lord lead me to follow what the prayers advised by the lesson. Add little more:
“Dear Lord, please guide this special sister during the trouble in her marriage. And her ears shall hear a word behind her saying, this is the way, walk here, when she turns to her right and when she turns to her left (see Isa. 30:21).
“Please reassure her when she sees a thousand fall on her right side and ten thousand at her left; help her to know that if she follows You, it will not happen to her (see Ps. 91:7). Hide her under your protective wings.
“Help her to find the narrow path that will lead her to life, the abundant life you have for her and for her family. Lord, I pray you to wipe all the tear of this sister and heal her heart with your everlasting love. I pray for a testimony that you can use for Your glory when this troubled or broken marriage is healed and restored! We will give You all the honor and the glory. Amen.”
Never give up.....God is the God of Hope and Reconciliation. HE is more than able to restore everything.......
I recommend you visit HopeAtLast.com where you can find the hope.
The obstacles I had to overcome is sometimes it is not easy to know if they are the people I am looking for since they may give too little in the request. I will pray God to lead me to the right people that I can sow the hope
~Jasmine in China
★★★★★ “Led to Pray”
The Lord has led me to sow hope.
I joined an online prayer site back in May so I could post a prayer request but never did because instead I was led to pray for other women in the same situation. After seeing sowing hope online and decided to log on and help one particular woman and happened to find some others this being one of them.
Their response was: Thank you Sis Isabel, I thank God for you at this time I was so confused and ready to just keep believing but faith without works is dead. So I read my emails and saw you there I had recently prayed lord I need a revelation what do I is it truly your will for my marriage to be restored and when I read your and copied the link and began to read I started to cry for he has heard me! I foot almost slipped but I was caught by your encouragement and the words of sis Erin testimony I almost started to make those mistakes because the enemy wanted me to take matters in my own hands I started to get discouraged. Had I not read that chapter I would have messed everything up( god is amazing) because I was losing hope then God sent you! I am honored and very Grateful to you I immediately ordered the book! May God Bless You abundantly!
I sowed hope on July 11th and only a couple of days later look what our loving God did. Her own words on the 13th of July.
Hallelujah Glory be to the Most High God, I thank God for hearing my cry and answering my prayers. My husband called last night and asked if he could come home. We welcomed him home with open arms. We prayed asking God to strengthen us and help us to build a better relationship him so that we can do his will and love one another, Bless his holy name. My husband is hurting.I am learning to exercise a Gentle and Quiet spirit allowing the lord to be faithful to his word. I know through prayer and fasting all things are possible to us that believe. I am very grateful to everyone that prayed for us we ask that God would bless each of you and your families and marriage's as well. Thank you Jesus for your love,grace and mercy. Amen!
Praise the Lord, God worked suddenly!!! Thank you God for restoring her marriage.
Tell us what the Lord led you to say.
God is more than able to Restore your marriage.. I am sending you a link that will be very helpful in the restoration of your marriage. Be Blessed Isabel
HopeAtLast.com This link is to a restored marriage testimony and the first chapter of the book: How GOD Can and Will Restore Your Marriage
“Dear Lord, please guide this special sister (name) during the trouble in her marriage. And her ears shall hear a word behind her saying, this is the way, walk here, when she turns to her right and when she turns to her left (see Isa. 30:21). “Please reassure (name) when she sees a thousand fall on her right side and ten thousand at her left; help her to know that if she follows You, it will not happen to her (see Ps. 91:7). Hide her under your protective wings. “Help (name) to find the narrow path that will lead her to life, the abundant life you have for her and for her family. Lord, I pray for a testimony that you can use for Your glory when this troubled or broken marriage is healed and restored! We will give You all the honor and the glory. Amen.”
★★★★★ “My Local Post Office”
I sowed hope into in Local Post Office. He led me to the our local post office where we have a bulletin board for postings right up front. I hung up the poster with attached hope cards that I had cut for easy tear off and asked the Lord to lead others in need of a restored marriage who were hopeless and needed encouragement and to bless them with a restored marriage. First few days nothing was taken off then one day one was then another day another.
~Isabel in Oklahoma
The Tell us how the Lord led you to Sow Hope.
Phase 1: Online: HopeAtLast.com site.
I started by typing in "I need prayer" and found a website. But what I was looking for on the website was pray for other people. so I found a link from the website I was on, to pray for other people. I had to join the prayer community. they had the prayers in categories, which was awesome because I didn't have to read a bunch of prayer requests before i found a prayer request for a trouble marriage. I found three people that I sowed hope to. I wrote them a very short note and the link to Hope at last. I was so excited to think that by sending someone a link to HopeAtLast.com could change their life forever... This brought back a lot of memories, at the beginning of my restoration journey I posted a ton of prayer request online. I remember how desperate I was. I saw that same desperation in the prayer requests I read it made me cry. I am hooked I will be sowing on line continually.. It's easy and there are thousands of desperate people looking for answers.
Tell us what the Lord led you to say. *
Dear Bride, God is more than able to Restore your marriage.. I am sending you a link that will be very helpful in the restoration of your marriage. Be Blessed Linda HopeAtLast.com
Alice, My heart aches for you. I am so sorry that you have had to go through all this. I am sending you a link to a website that could turn your life around. With God Nothing is Impossible! HopeAtLast.com Sincerely Linda Praying for you
Hi Gail. I don't know what you're going through personally, but I am sending you a link that very well could help you in the restoration miracle that you are praying for. Be Blessed Linda HopeAtLast.com
What obstacles did you have to overcome and what were they? *
There were really no obstacles. Except having to join community. But I have a alternative email address I use so I don't give out my personal email that is for friends, family and ministry only.
From ~Erin
This is EXCELLENT Linda, thank you for blazing the trail for us. After thanking the Lord "entering His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with Praise" I sought Him for more inside.
The first improvement to what you've already have been led to do is maybe if in your email end with a SHORT prayer since this is what they posted they needed. You can either allow the Lord to lead you OR take the prayer at the end of Chapter 1 of the RYM book and modify (making it your own).
“Dear Lord, please guide this special sister during the trouble in her marriage. And her ears shall hear a word behind her saying, this is the way, walk here, when she turns to her right and when she turns to her left (see Isa. 30:21).
“Please reassure her when she sees a thousand fall on her right side and ten thousand at her left; help her to know that if she follows You, it will not happen to her (see Ps. 91:7). Hide her under your protective wings.
“Help her to find the narrow path that will lead her to life, the abundant life you have for her and for her family. Lord, I pray for a testimony that you can use for Your glory when this troubled or broken marriage is healed and restored! We will give You all the honor and the glory. Amen.”
And the other thing the Lord just reminded me is that what would immediately help them is sending them Chapter 1 as an attachment or sending them to that webpage.
You can either download the chapter and send it as an email attachment:
OR send them to this webpage that includes Chapter 1 that includes Dan & Erin's Testimony and the MEQ at the bottom.
OR (and especially if it's a man in need of Encouragement) just like you did Linda, send them to HopeAtLast.com.
Keep up the good work Linda!! And thank you again for being a Bridge Builder!!!
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth"—2 Timothy 2:15
From ~Linda in Washington
★★★★★ Googled "I Need Prayer"
Grace Hope/Christian prayer center
HopeAtLast.com site.
Tell us how the Lord led you to Sow Hope. *
I googled " I need prayer" the site I found was Christian prayer center. I also had to join this group. This site only gives you one prayer request at a time for you to read and leave a comment to the person if you like. I had to read through a lot of prayer requests to find marriage crisis request. Which was fine.. but not if you were crunched for time. It seems that about every 4th or 5th prayer request is about troubled marriage.
Tell us what the Lord led you to say. *
I just left a short note sympathizing with their pain and telling them that the link I am giving them could turn their whole life around.. The reason I say "could" is because it is up to them to accept the life line that is being thrown out to them.
What obstacles did you have to overcome and what were they? *
As I was reading the prayer request somewhere rather lengthy and went into a lot of detail. I could tell which ones where really broken and seeking help and the ones being self righteous and bashing their spouse ( only because I was one) but I actually was going to pass one up because I thought it was to hard of a nut to crack. But God stopped me and said don't judge anyone by what I read. Thats not my job and to send them all a life line HopeAtLast.com so I had to repent. He also said I changed you didnt I?
From ~Erin
This again is so helpful Linda. We can see that some sites will allow you to find marriage crisis more easily, but even though this took more time, it allowed you to see the heart of the woman in crisis.
It's always a hard call whether or not to send information, due to the principle in Proverbs 29:1 "A man who hardens his neck after much reproof will suddenly be broken beyond remedy." However, if the woman is NOT interested, you at least are going to have a way to find you when GOD breaks her, which is the way I would "pray" for her.
What I want to warn you about doing is if there is a way for her to contact you or begin arguing with you. That's when you need to back away and just turn her over to the Lord to complete what He started.
Like you I was broken, but it wasn't until the Lord broke me into tiny pieces before I totally surrendered to Him and His will before He could change me.
From ~Linda in Washington
★★★★★ Promise Book
I went back to the sites that I joined. Since i am not contacting the person directly, but leaving a note in response to their prayer request . I started a little note book. I record the date and the person's first name [that's all they give you] and what site it was on in hopes to see them in the future RMIEW. I also use a promise book with scriptures to use as a guideline to pray for them using scripture and inserting their name to make it more personal and not so generic. Such as: Isaiah 41:10
Amplified Bible (AMP) "Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice." This is one of the scriptures i used to pray for someone along with HopeAtLast.com.
Glad you brought up about seeing them on RMIEW. The Lord led me to add 2 questions to the top of the MEQ asking how they found us and what was the person's name. Our MEQs have increased significantly ever since the ADMIN Ministers began going to sites, but so far no one has stated it's been due to any one person.
When they do, then I will be using the person as her Paid & Prayed for Sponsor with the hope they will go through the 1st and 2nd Courses and join your Online Restoration Fellowship 🙂
The Tell us how the Lord led you to Sow Hope. *
I wasn't sure even where to begin to sow hope ONLINE because there are soooo many different prayer forums out there. But after going through a few, and just not feeling like they were the ones God wanted me to sow into, I finally asked God to lead me.
Immediately, I came across the National Prayer Bank Website! I know this was a God thing because after registering, I found the site to be super friendly, easy to navigate, and they even had an "encouragement" section where I was able to post the hopeatlast.com website and my prayer 🙂
I shared different introductions with each lady based on what they posted, but what I said were all similar with me emphasizing that NOTHING is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37).
Below is a copy of one of my encouragement posts as a sample:
Hi Tenisha, my heart is with you. Please know that NOTHING is impossible with God (Luke 1:37) and that He can and will work all of this out for your good and the good of your family! (Romans 8:28)
Before I pray for you, please allow me to share with you a website that I know will bring you the HOPE you need right now!
Dear Lord, please guide Tenisha my special sister during the trouble in her marriage. And her ears shall hear a word behind her saying, this is the way, walk here, when she turns to her right and when she turns to her left (see Isa. 30:21).
“Please reassure her when she sees a thousand fall on her right side and ten thousand at her left; help her to know that if she follows You, it will not happen to her (see Ps. 91:7). Hide her under your protective wings.
“Help her to find the narrow path that will lead her to life, the abundant life you have for her and for her family. Lord, I pray for a testimony that you can use for Your glory when this troubled or broken marriage is healed and restored! We will give You all the honor and the glory. Amen
God bless you Tenisha!
I did come across a few men asking for prayer requests for their broken marriages. And as instructed, I simply shared with them the HopeAtLast.com website with No obstacles at all! PTL.
~Terri in Texas
This proves how many sites there are, and even if you are working on the same site as someone else, the more they receive Hope and Prayer, the more we will see thousands of women (and men) turning to the Lord and His Truth.
The only thing I would say is that be sure that women who may not know the Bible understand that what you're quoting is from the Bible. If I had gotten this book when I didn't know the Bible, then I would have not fully understood and it may have scared me away.
However, when people are broken and desperate, they will be open to just about anything, even prayer, even if they are not a believer. Most sites will probably be geared to "Christians" but just in case, don't assume the person understands your quoting God's Word. Back when I wrote RYM I was focusing on Christians and had not begun ministering to non-believers.
We've come a long way, so just make sure you adjust your response and prayer accordingly.
★★★★★ New BNN Facebook Account
The Tell us how the Lord led you to Sow Hope.
"As I was talking with my Heavenly Husband today and after reading almost all of Erika Kramer's book, and all the resources I have gotten from RMI, a few that I purchased and the 2 free books, I wanted to help others, but did not know how.
I set up a new BNN facebook account and posted the RMIEW website there and on a few peoples prayer requests, since that is how I was led to our website to begin with. I also sent 2 free ebooks to others that I had email addresses for that I knew were in a "marital" crisis. I really hadn't heard anything from anyone and left it at that.
I kept reading about the hope cards and sowing the books at libraries in the encourager that I got emailed to me, but my desktop computer was not working correctly and would not let me print on my printer. So I prayed about it and waited. The Lord told me to reinstall the printer on my laptop, my husband had done this once before, and then I would be able to print from it. So I did that and still did not think about the Hope Cards again until I went to the laundromat Friday night and thought I should have printed cards and brought them with me. On the way home I was led into a different direction by the Lord and when I was on my home today He said start writing your testimony from the beginning until now and I answered "but I do not have a restored marriage yet." He said to start typing it out today and I will do that, but then I thought about the Hope Cards again and went home and printed 3 sheets of them off just now. I cannot wait to pass them out. I cannot wait to see what God will do in my life and most of all I hope that it makes a difference to someone else who is in crisis.
~ Chasity
From ~Erin
Chasity brought up MANY different ways of sowing: Facebook, Hope Cards, free eBooks and paperback books for her local library. As I've SG the Lord has begun showing me an easier map of Sowing Hope that includes all of these methods, which I am beginning to write in detail. What's important is that we do everything in an easy progression, especially for our new clients AND for our Rebuilders to follow (which has now been added above). THANK YOU Chasity for your input. He's even given me a plan regarding Facebook, but it's later on, possibly Step 5 or 6. Like everything, this is a Restoration Journey, one I am enjoying!
Sowing Step 3:
★★★★★ Local Library
~Sabrina in Georgia, Restored
Hello and I hope everyone is being blessed. I was giving an assignment on the books that I ordered last week. However the first library I went to was college park branch. I called and spoke to someone who handles books. I explain to her about me being a mit. She told me I could come in and donate the books, but if they couldn't be used they would donate them to someone else. As you know i went to meet with her and as i arrived there, I told her I had called and she just took the books and said thank you.
The second one was East Point library, I didn't call this one I just went there. I first talked to a man that was at the front desk and explain to him that I was a MIT. As I finished talking his nose was up in the air. I replied is something wrong with your nose? (LoL) I smile and so did he, he said I was trying to get what you was saying, let me get someone to help you. I spoke to another man explaining to him about the situation, and when he looked at the books he had a big smile. He shook my hand and said thank you I would love to take them, that I felt better. The third one I went to was South Fulton Regional, I spoke to a man that handle books. I explain to him what I was doing. He said if the books was not in their system they will put them of this shelf that sit right in front of the store and sell them. I got skeptical, but he went on to say that the money go toward the children in their library like black history month performance etc. He turn and said "tell them you made me smile." "He did smile" I said. However the books will still be in the library and know that someone who needs them will get them.
The fourth one I went to was Clayton county library, I called and spoke to a lady by the name of Flora Hazelton. I spoke to her about me being a MIT and i would like to donate something there. She told me to come in and ask for her. You know I did! she welcome the books and ask for my name and address so she could send me something in the mail. Last I went to Hapeville Public library. As I walked in, a lady greeted me and ask me how can she help me? I explain to her that I was a MIT and what i was doing. She grab my hand and said you came to the right person. She ask me for the book. At this point I was appalled and was happy to give it to her. In doing this I felt so good because this the first time I ever done something like this and know in my heart, that these books will fall in the right woman hand (PLT). I tried to submit a picture but it wont let me. Sorry maybe next time!!
~ Sabrina in Georgia RESTORED
I'm very impressed with how Sabrina followed through and was able to SOW all the books she purchased AND how wonderfully she documented her experiences so that all of us can glean wisdom, knowledge and understanding from what she shared. If any of you want to SOW books to your library, purchasing 5 or 25, here is the link: CLICK HERE!
★★★★★ My Former Church
Tell us how the Lord led you to Sow Hope. *
I prayed and the Lord to lead me to where I should sow one of the RYM books. I felt Him place on my heart my former church. I knew it had a bookstore in the lobby. So, I prayed the day I received my doubled order of books for Him to reveal to me where to sow the first book. While laying in bed on yesterday morning I wasn't even planning on going to church, but doing our devotions at home, but I felt the Lord lead me to take my children to church and sow the first book there at Abundant Life Cathedral.
What was their response. *
Their response was positive. The first gentleman I approached at the start of service told me of a man who was in charge of the bookstore that he would have wait for me in the lobby after church. I took my seat and prayed for God to make a way and cause that man's heart to be receptive of my sowing the book into the bookstore. I also asked God to provide me with what to say. After church, the man wasn't available so, the pastor's sister-in-law was coming into the lobby and the gentleman called her over. I'd spoken to her a few times and knew her. She was receptive to my sowing the RYM book to the marriage ministry.
Tell us what the Lord led you to say. *
The Lord told me to say that I would like to sow a book to the ALC Bookstore that tells how God can and will restore marriages. I told her that I'd gotten so much wisdom from that book and it helped restore my own marriage (the first time-I didn't tell her I am currently separated again, though). She looked at the cover and took down my name and number and told me she would give it to the head of the marriage ministry and we hugged and told each other Happy New Year and I left.
What obstacles did you have to overcome and what were they? *
The only obstacle I had to overcome was feeling inadequate to speak up on behalf of what a blessing the RYM book has been for me since I am once again separated. But I prayed about it and stepped out on faith, trusting God to "make a way" and, as usual He was faithful. I smiled all the way to my car. My 5yr old daughter wanted to come with me to sow my seed and we were both excited that they were receptive. I didn't email the church beforehand, I just went in person. I had to fill in that email box to submit my form.
~ Sherri in Texas
First, the enemy is clever and will always try to get us to feel we are or our testimony is unworthy so that we won't share what God HAS done in our lives!
Revelation 12:11 "And they overcame him [the wicked one] because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death."
Each of us has a testimony of how God changed us through our personal relationship with the LORD!
So, rather than getting caught up with what He hasn't done (or your failures, which the enemy loves to accuse us all with; see Revelation 12:10), what's MOST important AND what the enemy can't steal from us, is how the LORD helped you find PEACE in the midst of your marriage crisis when your life was falling apart.
Now, when speaking about the RYM book, you can safely and truthfully share how the book changed YOUm and gave you Hope, helped you find PEACE, and most importantly, helped you begin to focus on how important a personal relationship with Him is.
You can also add that this is what RMI is all about, helping women (or men on their site) develop a deep relationship with the LORD to help them through their marriage (or any) crisis.
What Christian or church could be against that?
Secondly, Sherri was clearly led by the Lord since this is something He's been speaking to me about.
Many local bookstores (both church and local businesses; even some chain stores) allow local vendors to stock their shelves with books. The put the books on the shelves (like in the marriage help section) and go back to see if the books were sold (checking the shelf). When they see some of the books had been sold, they restock the shelf and are then paid a customary 40% of the retail.
The RYM books sell on Amazon and Encouraging Bookstore for $19.00. This means the bookstore makes 40% or $7.60, and you would make 60% or $11.40.
Normally the $11.40 would NOT be your full profit because (or course) you normally have to purchase the book. And as a partner or MITC it would mean that normally you'd purchase 5 for $35.00 or $7.00 each, which would mean normally you'd make $4.40 profit per book. Ordering RYM books by 5 or 25, plus the discount as a partner will ensure a financial profit but more importantly, a spiritual blessing.
★★★★★ Very Warm and Friendly
As instructed in last week's lesson, Rebuilding on Sundays, I sought the Lord about 3 local churches that He would want me to visit in order to sow HOPE!! Since the instructions also advised that we visit churches in our area, the Lord brought to mind the Church of Christ that I pass by often when I am on my way to town.
The Jacksonville Church of Christ was somewhat special to me, in that it is the denomination that my former husband introduced me to when we met, and the denomination that I was baptized in and made my profession of faith in Jesus Christ!
I had not visited a Church of Christ in ages, due to the deception and spiritual arrogance I fell under while I was a member of that denomination. But now that I know the TRUTH, I knew God would want me to "go back" and spread it so that I (and hopefully the church as well) could heal.
What was their response. *
The congregation as a whole were very warm and friendly towards me! It was not a very large or diverse congregation, nor was it youthful (mainly senior citizens), but the hospitality was genuine and heartfelt.
Tell us what the Lord led you to say. *
After the church service, I asked to speak with the "spiritual leader" of the church, because I knew that the Church of Christ does not have "pastors."
Soon, I found myself meeting with Robert Burns, whom I believe was an elder of the church. (I was informed that due to a recent "split" that the congregation was basically going through a transition period, so the leadership was still being rebuilt and established).
Mr. Burns and I sat in the church pew together, and with a bright smile I shared with him that I was visiting various churches in the area and was interested in learning more about his church. He then asked me what my spiritual background was, and I was able to share with him about growing up in an unbelieving family and home, but how I met and married a man who had been raised in the Church of Christ, and how I found Christ through him and his family.
The Spirit then led me to share about my marriage crisis and how through the "loss" of my marriage that I began to build an intimate relationship with the Lord , which was something that I did not have before that time. (Funny, but I don't believe I ever mentioned the word "divorce" at all)
I also explained that through my closeness with Christ and seeking Him to restore my marriage, that I was blessed to not only have a restored marriage, but that I was also blessed to give birth to our first son! He was encouraged to hear this.
I then went on to share how afterwards, I lost my focus on Christ and went through another family loss. But that now I am rebuilding my life once again on the solid Rock of Christ with the Lord as my Husband according to Isaiah 54:5. "For your husband is your Maker, Whose name is the Lord of hosts."
I went on to share about my partnership with RMIEW and how our mission and vision is to spread the GOOD NEWS about God's ability to restore marriages and rebuild homes. I cited the epidemic of divorces in our nation, and how so many are occurring right in the church.
At that point, I turned and handed him the RYM book and shared how so many have experienced a restored marriage based on that book. Yet, so many are still "perishing" because they don't have the knowledge that God can do this, quoting Hosea 4:6. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
Mr. Burns accepted the book and I stated that I hoped that it would encourage him and that he would use it to help others that he knew were in marriage crisis, suggesting that he could also order more if he needed to.
Mr. Burns paused several times to share with me how "close" he felt to me, and the love he could sense from my Spirit. Which I told him was all due to me spending so much time with God who IS love (1 John 4:8) 🙂
To my surprise, he then asked if I would go to lunch with him and his wife as their guest. I hesitated, not sure if this was what God would have me to do, but then felt that it was what I was supposed to do, so I accepted.
I followed behind them, talking to God and asking Him to bless the meal and the fellowship, and to keep me from saying too much. God was good, and most of the lunch "talk" was about others and very little about me!
After the luncheon, the Lord led me to send the Burns an email THANKING them for the lunch and expressing how I would like to meet with them again soon to discuss their thoughts and comments about the RYM book!
My hope is that we will be able to get together at their home, perhaps before or after the Christmas party they are hosting at their home on December 16th , to share our experiences. If this is God's will and plan of course.
What obstacles did you have to overcome and what were they? *
Mr. Burns was very delighted when I shared that I had experienced a restored marriage, but when I told him that I was currently not married but believing that God would restore again, he then began to share with me his views on divorce and remarriage.
That's when I realized that he did not really believe that God could restore, nor did he promote or support restoration as he held firmly to the belief that if a person tries to reconcile the marriage and it doesn't work, then they are free to remarry.
He then attempted to tell me that if it "didn't work out" between my husband and I as I hoped, that I could go on and remarry someone else!! EEEK! Of course, I kindly and gently told him that I believe that NOTHING is impossible with God.
I continued to smile, listen and nod, as he went on to refute Matthew 19:9 KJV: "And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." Basically saying that it was a commandment given BEFORE the establishment of the church, which according to him, didn't occur until the second chapter of Acts. (the Church of Christ considers themselves to be a "New Testament" church, so anything quoted out of the Old Testament, or in this case before the establishment of the first century church, that they don't agree with or contradicts their lifestyle they say it is no longer valid or not applicable today--hence the reason I lived under such rebellion for so long as a new Christian)
He then made a reference to "Deuteronomy 4" , I believe about his support for divorce and remarriage, but I could be wrong. However, when I did some research, I believe he was actually referring to Deuteronomy 24:1-4:
"When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens [a]that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out from his house, and she leaves his house and goes and becomes another man’s wife, and if the latter husband [b]turns against her and writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out of his house, or if the latter husband dies who took her to be his wife, then her former husband who sent her away is not allowed to take her again to be his wife, since she has been defiled; for that is an abomination before the Lord, and you shall not bring sin on the land which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance."
During lunch, I then found out why Mr. Burns supported remarriage, he himself was remarried AFTER a divorce, and he was in his 80's I believe. He was a dear, dear man, very kind and gracious, but greatly deceived . And sadly he is encouraging others in remarrying as well, because he encouraged me to do the same.
I believe this is why the Lord led me to have lunch with Robert and Peggy, so I could find out about him being divorced and remarried.
This is probably the reason the lie about divorce and remarriage is being propagated throughout the church, because so many of the leaders and elders are themselves in second and subsequent marriages. I don't judge anyone in a second or subsequent marriage, but I think it is hard to encourage a woman (or man) to seek God for the healing of their marriage and family, when you left the wife (or husband) of your youth, and found another. Maybe there is a guilt or regret factor there, not sure.
I hope I responded correctly, but would appreciate any feedback to help me on my next church visit. Thank you!!
~Terri in Texas
From ~Erin
Terry was the first to fill out the form for Sowing Hope in Community churches, which is helping me see what she experienced AND to SG further for Him to guide us.
Though I am very Terri glad you visited the church above, I didn't realize that the second part to the instructions "Worst Case Scenario" weren't either read or was never sent before you went, which is in Rebuilding Understanding Week 2.
If you had read it, then after your first meeting, when the church rep asked you to join him and his wife, is the moment when you would have known to stand up and graciously decline. Then while leaving you may or may not have asked if he would be able to put the book into their church library.
However, God used it for good 🙂 This allowed me to update the instructions and it serves as a perfect lesson for everyone to learn. By going along, you witnessed how people will take your restoration efforts "personally", which means if they are divorced and remarried, to justify their sin, they will do all the can to get others to join them. The same goes for someone who was involved with someone they love to move on and possibly remarry. (Please Read the Testimony below.)
Most importantly, step back rather than moving forward in situations like this. We do NOT want you to be part of any church or be pressured to change course and get back on the Wide Road to destruction."
And if the discussion goes too far, then the book and your ministry will be discounted or worse. The chances of this man or anyone in this church referring a women in crisis to read the book or be sent to our ministry or your home fellowship group are little to none. Instead, they will be "counseled" the same way as you were and possibly warned about what you hope to offer them.
Another thing you mentioned:
My hope is that we will be able to get together at their home, perhaps before or after the Christmas party they are hosting at their home on December 16th , to share our experiences. If this is God's will and plan of course.
PLEASE do not do this. Do NOT meet again. If there is any contact, initiated on their end, then simply ask the Lord to help you encourage them to offer the book you left and refer any woman they hear about in crisis to contact you—SO they can gain a deeper relationship with the Lord. Do NOT talk about or debate Scripture.
Once again, due to not reading or being sent the "Worst Case Scenario" in Rebuilding Understanding Week 2, God used it for GOOD to help us Seek God for more wisdom and a clearer plan. 🙂
~Jeannie in Canada
★★★★★ Salvation Army
Tell us how the Lord led you to Sow Hope. *
This church is the local Salvation Army Citadel in my hometown. It was not a church I attended regularly in the past however, I had been there before and I am familiar with the pastors/majors who pastor the church now.
What was their response. *
They embraced me and were glad to see me there. The lady pastor was very willing to speak to me after the service was over.
Tell us what the Lord led you to say. *
I shared about my own situation (divorced) and how I believed that God was able to restore my marriage. This led to me introducing the RYM book and how it had given me the hope that I needed and believed that God was able to restore me and my marriage. Major Perry then shared with me that she absolutely believed that God's desire is to restore marriages. I then went on to share about RMI and what you are about, ie, your main focus is restoring women and men back to God and restoration of marriages.
She has agreed to read the RYM book and took my telephone number and agreed to get back to me.
What obstacles did you have to overcome and what were they? *
I don't believe there were any obstacles as such other than the fact that Major Louise Perry did make a comment that when most men and women come to them after a marital breakdown they are "so far gone" (in her words) that they don't have any hope left in them that the marriage can be saved, which led me to believe that not too many, if any, are aware or made aware that God can restore.
I am hoping and praying that after Major Louise reads the RYM book, she will lead all people who are experiencing marriage problems to this book and RMI.
From ~Erin
While Michelle was waiting for the 10 RYM books she ordered, she used the one book she had to sow "in obedience" to what I asked our ministers to do who were beginning our ADMIN Ministry Internship portion of RMIOU.
Though what Michelle experienced was not as difficult as what Terri came up against, the Lord spoke to me about how going in openly will often mean being "Stonewalled." That is the word He used with me, which is why I am passing the word to you.
At this point I can see there are other forms or methods of Sowing that need to be sown first, and during that time, I am confident the Lord will be revealing more and more of this exciting plan!! ~ Erin