How can I join the Sunday Restoration His Church Without Walls Zoom Fellowship?

If you are interested in Joining Us, you can read more about our Zoom Fellowships!! But it all starts with JOINING Restoration Fellowship.

Q: Where can I write to ask a specific question about my marriage?

A: First, be sure you’ve read and filled out the Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire.
If you have, then we just want you to know that when we receive your question, we will be SG “seeking God” for how He wants us to answer it. BUT that our main goal is to help you learn to SG for yourself—so that you never settle for less than hearing from the Best!

What we want to encourage you as His bride to take whatever question you have to the Lord directly. If you always ask Him, you will build your relationship with HIM, not with us or anyone else, which will move your Restoration Journey further along. But most importantly you will know exactly what to do, without doing anything that will prolong your journey.

Be sure to WAIT. God is never in a hurry (the enemy is), so give yourself time to hear from God yourself.

* If you do take this time, and resist the temptation to ask anyone else, asking only Him (as we do if you write to us on your behalf), you will feel at peace.

“And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].” Colossians 3:15 AMP

Q: I really feel like my situation is hopeless, is it?

A: First of all, we hope you read and filled out the Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire because after you submit it there is a lot we share in your Evaluation—giving you a lot of the hope you need to move forward.

After reading hundreds of Marriage Encouragement Questionnaires, we know one thing (no matter how we feel or you FEEL) and that is— your situation is NOT hopeless, no marriage is hopeless and the MOST hopeless are the very marriages He chooses to RESTORE!

This is the one verse that our entire ministry was founded on:

"For with God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37 (NKJV) 

“Not one promise from God is empty of power, for nothing is impossible with God!” Luke 1:37 (TPT) 

“For every promise from God shall surely come true.” Luke 1:37 (TLB) 

“For no word from God will ever fail.” Luke 1:37 (NIV) 

No matter which version of the Bible you use it says the same thing—your marriage is NOT impossible to restore—GOD can restore your marriage.

Q: How do I begin to feel this way? 

A: Read and reread Where Do I Begin? 

Once you’ve traveled through Course 1 and Course 2 you will read of so many restored marriages where only one person was trusting the Lord for restoration and in a lot of them you will read where husbands moved and the Lord restored their marriages. 

If that isn’t enough, visit our Encouraging Bookstore to discover so many books filled with Restored Marriages. You will notice that some of them will be similar to your situation, showing you that if He can do it for others, He will surely do it for you 🙂  while maybe also finding none are like yours—which is even better! It means He has called you here to RESTORE your marriage and very soon you will see your RESTORED Marriage Testimony in one of our books after it’s shared on our Encourager blog

Q: Is Course 2 a book?

A: No,  Course 2 came about from questions that women asked that the Lord led Erin to turn into the course to help guide them to let go of their Earthly Husbands and find their Heavenly Husband and move on to the Abundant Life He has for all of us.