Get help over ALL your Hurdles and Fears

Lesson on Facing Divorce

Chapter 11 "I Hate Divorce"


"Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors"— Psalm 119:24 

Become an Encouraging Woman
SUBMIT your own Overcoming a Hurdle PRAISE Report about Facing Divorce without Fear



★★★★★ “Just Part of His Plan”
I have much to update on all that the Lord has done in my life! A few months ago, I submitted my restored marriage testimony. Since then, I have experienced so many things that have been so true to what Erin predicts. I have read my Wise Woman workbook and How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage over and over again even after restoration. The Encourager and the morning devotions have been so helpful, which is why I felt I needed to submit a praise report today! I had been noticing that some of the ladies have submitted praise reports that indicated their husbands had left again and I felt I needed to share more testimony. 
When I returned to my home, it was extremely intense with trial after trial. By the grace of God, I was able to apply so much of what I had learned here. I continued to be amazed by how I could maintain peace in the midst of them. My husband, however, struggled. We ended up divorcing last month—but again, by the grace of God, it was almost a supernatural process. I asked God why He restored my marriage for only six months, but so much happened in those six months. My EH and I were able to resolve so many issues, we were kind to one another, we were open and honest, our home was finally a safe place. My EH told me over and over again that he was amazed by the changes he saw in me. When he told me he wanted a divorce, it was because he wanted to go and pursue what I had found. He told me the entire time that he wanted to go on our own journeys with the Lord and come back together if it was in His will. Although I did not agree with the idea of divorce, I told him I could never deny what he thought would bring him closer to my Heavenly Husband. 
The divorce went very smoothly as we agreed on everything—it actually went through in one day. My EH asked me on a date right after, actually. The night before I moved out, my EH and I spent the night talking about our future and all that God has done in our lives. I realized that the divorce was probably part of the plan all along because my EH thought it was what he needed to sort out his life, but the Lord, in His mercy, brought me back for six difficult months to plant good seeds and overturn the destruction I had once done with my spiritual pride. I had peace this time around, knowing I was in God’s will and knowing that the divorce was just going to be part of the testimony. Before I left, my EH prayed over me and told the Lord, “help me figure out my life and if it’s in your will, bring us back together again.” We both promised one another that we were going to seek HIM with everything we have. 
Since leaving, my FH and I have talked regularly, just growing together and sharing our faith and what the Lord is doing in our lives. One day, he sent me a very long message telling me that he had never experienced the unconditional love that I had shown him since coming back and that one day, he hopes to find it in himself to be able to love like that. It’s only because I’m so wrapped in the love and grace of HIM. It’s still painful, but there is so much peace and I am so thankful that Erin prepared me for this. Even when I submitted my restored marriage testimony, you all sent me an email and let me know that my EH may leave again, so I was prepared for this. There have been many, many other moments and things that I could tell you. But I felt it was important to encourage the ladies who have submitted a restored marriage testimony, only to experience their EH leaving again. If you are following the principles and keeping your eyes on the One who WILL heal you and comfort you, then you don’t have to fear. A divorce going through is just part of the plan. Trust Him, lean on Him, run to Him.
“Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles.” -Zechariah 9:12
 We can decide what prison we are in during this restoration journey. We can be prisoners of doubt. Prisoners of fear. Prisoners of sin. Or we can be prisoners of hope!
~ Valerie in Illinois
UPDATE: After reading the two Facing Divorce books, Valerie was determined to follow the principles. What makes this so extraordinary is that she was a law student (her parents are high profile attorneys) and yet she chose to "lose" by default only to win His heart. He rewarded Valerie with a RESTORED Marriage Testimony you need to read: Married to My Son’s Father.
★★★★★ “Peace on the Day of My Divorce”
I have found so much peace in my journey. Digging deep in the scriptures and truly listening to Him has opened my eyes, ears and heart. Since I have learned to be quiet and not speak, and to speak with kindness and love when I do, I've seen great improvement in all my relationships, not just with my EH. I feel at total peace with my situation and I know it's the Holy Spirit at work. Yesterday was the day my divorce was final, and not once was I worried or upset. I know that was God's hand. I am so thankful to have found this site and all the wonderful information in it. I know He is doing great things in my life and my marriage will be better for it when it's restored.
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) 
Every battle we face is not a war of flesh but of spirit. We should always look to God for the answers instead of trying to do things on our own. 
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7) 
Having faith will lead us to the truth, not looking to things we see. We have to believe He is working for our good even when things don't look that way in the flesh. 
“Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:10-11) 
As we fight the spiritual battle, we must use God's word to battle, not physical things. The battle against the devil is a spiritual one, and that's the only way to fight it and win.
~ Jennifer in Tennessee
★★★★★ “More Than What Was Asked”
There is so much to Praise our HH for I don't even know where to begin!! I am currently on a prolonged fast that He lead me to do. I will say that I have had trial after trial during this time, but I also have had His peace that transcends all understanding!! Every time something has come upon me I was able to praise Him knowing that He led me to fast during this time because He knew what I would be facing!! He wanted to make sure that I would be able to hear Him and rise above. 
Two weeks ago my EH had to go to court to say that he wanted to proceed with the divorce. I was out of town for work and when I returned EH was at our home. It is not unusual for him to be there, but I saw that all of his belonging were packed up in his car from OW's house. Thankfully, due to the lessons from RMI, I knew better than to ask him any questions. Since that time he was back and forth between our home and OW's. Some nights he would stay home and other nights at OW's. It was challenging during this time to keep my eyes on Him and not on my situation. There were days I thought that perhaps I was restored. The other day when I got home from work I saw that EH went back to OW's and he took all of his belongings back there. He didn't even say a word about it and I don't have a need to discuss anything with him. I will admit that I shed a few tears, but I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from me as well. I thanked our HH for protecting me and I trust that He will finish what He started. 
The trials continued and the next day EH asked if he could keep our 4-year old daughter overnight at OW's house. I was a little sad and worried a bit about what our daughter was being exposed to but I agreed. Well that day the Lord had my mom call me to invite me over for some broth (she knows I'm fasting). While I was visiting with her we were led to read a chapter from the Wise Woman together in regards to our First Love. It's amazing to see my Mom growing in her love for the Lord too :). After that He set up for my sisters and I to have a bible study at our local coffee shop. We read the “Without a Word” chapter in the Wise Woman book which was very timely for all of us. We were there several hours and had such a wonderful time :). The following night at the time EH was supposed to bring our daughter home, he asked if he could keep her another night. I heard our HH speak to me and said "give him more than he is asking for." I agreed and said he could keep her an additional night too! Only the Lord could give me that grace :). Immediately when I offered him more instead of feeling sad that I wouldn't have my daughter another night, I began to get excited about having more "alone" time to spend with Him! I had such a wonderful evening and the time flew by! I went to get a massage and went to the steam room at the gym. I was able to come home and spend some time alone with Him. On top of that, even though I offered additional time, my EH said he couldn't keep her an extra night because he had to work. 
Ladies once I offered more than what was asked I was able to feel the pain leave me!! I have no doubt of the Lord’s protection over my daughter. I was always so fearful about her going to OW's and would reluctantly agree to EH. I used to feel that way about the divorce too, but no longer. I will eagerly agree and offer more than asked!! I used to see myself in a neutral position between EH and HH. I always thought our HH was first and that I would reach for Him if I had to choose, but today I envisioned myself actually turning away from EH and towards our HH!! He is now in front of me and my EH behind me!!
“Therefore, thus says the Lord, “If you return, then I will restore you— Before Me you will stand; And if you extract the precious from the worthless, You will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you, But as for you, you must not turn to them.” (Jeremiah 15:19) 
He was telling me not to turn to EH like I used to. I didn't even realize that I was.
~ Gina in Arizona
★★★★★ “EH Forgot About Divorce Court”
As some of you may remember, my EH filed for divorce after confessing about the OW about 8 months ago. It was so painful when he wanted to discuss splitting up our stuff. I had peace in me that the Lord would restore, but I still had pain and was so fearful of when he would bring up the divorce. 
We had a court date regarding the divorce a few weeks ago. My EH didn't mention anything about going and I wasn't planning to attend, so I didn't bring it up either. My EH actually came over for breakfast at the time our court appearance was scheduled. It was amazing to me that I didn't even feel like jumping up with joy that he didn't attend because it no longer matters to me if he does!! So my test came when EH got a letter in the mail from the court 2 days after the hearing. I wanted to know what the letter said. It wasn't because I was scared of what it said, but because my EH and I are still intimate and I want to make sure that intimacy does not continue if the divorce goes through...well that was my fleshly excuse anyways. 😉 
I attempted different methods on trying to open the letter so EH wouldn't know. I could sense the Lord telling me not to open it but I kept trying :(. I reached out to my epartner hoping that maybe she would give me "permission" to open it, but she confirmed that I needed to leave it for my EH to open. I agreed but still left the letter in the freezer for 3 more hours hoping it would pop open :). I even fought with myself about just ripping it open and throwing it away so he would never know about it. Well our precious HH protected me and the letter did not open. I put it back in the mailbox for EH to open the next time he came. 
Well Ladies, our HH rewarded my obedience and allowed me to see what the letter said when my EH came and asked me what the letter meant. It said that another hearing is scheduled in a few weeks and if he doesn't attend they will dismiss the divorce. I could see that it caused a great deal of turmoil to my EH since it is the OW pressuring him to get divorced and sell our home. Our HH showed me that I could've opened the letter and thrown it away and the divorce would've been dismissed but that is not His plan. It is not my place to stop the divorce. I'm not sure if EH will attend the next hearing or not, but ladies I have such peace! I no longer fear if the divorce will go through or worry about selling the house. On a side note my EH is now the one who keeps adding new home improvement projects delaying the sale of the house. 
Ladies I rejoice not because of changes I see in my EH, but because of His faithfulness and His promises are true!! He has our best interest and wants to mold and protect us from harm!! He knows what we need, and knows I needed more refining trials to get me to the place where I no longer fear. I used to get so weary about the wait but He has a perfect plan for us. He will give us the desires of our hearts, and my desire is for Him to be my everything!! Ladies He is faithful and is using every situation to give us our heart’s desire.
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) 
He has a plan for us, all we need to do is relax in His loving arms. He will protect us.
~ Gina in Arizona
★★★★★ “HELLO! I Love You”
Thank you Lord!! This is my first praise report. But there should of been many more. You have blessed me in many ways where I have lost count. The Lord has not given up on me. He has been showing me to trust Him. 
Today was my court date for trial. My EH told me last week to check my email, I ask why and which email, which I shouldn't have because I knew. Fear came over me and i didn't want to check my email but since he ask me I needed to obey. So I got my court papers. At first I didn't read through it, then I scan through it. I couldn't believe what it has said on the papers. 
My mind started to doubt how am I going to provide for me and the kids later down the road. I'm ok for the next 3 years but after that I was scared. I felt I needed to show up in court to defend myself and stand firm for my marriage and not wanting the divorce to go through, but remembering these courses and what I learned, me going to court will just cause my EH hate wall to go up, he will think I can't let go, and plus I can't force him to love me or be with me and I was just thinking about me. And God had to pull me back and remind me “HELLO! I love you!! You’re my bride. I will protect you and give you what you need and give what your heart desire.” 
Before I got the papers from my EH I felt I was ok, not broken and I was distant from the Lord. I couldn't feel Him and started to think I was not worthy to stick around. But that's not the case at all. The Lord loves me and His love for me will always be the same. He is the same as yesterday, today, and tomorrow. How blessed are we to have a God like Him. So I started to pray and ask to be forgiven for not obeying. This whole weekend He has put in my mind Esther, fast 3 days. So I started on Saturday evening and praying asking the Lord will to be done. Asking forgiveness for not obeying. And to give me some strength and encourage to build my faith again. 
Today is Wednesday which is my first pre trial for my divorce. I'm like ok Lord whatever Your will is let it be done. Praise the Lord!! He has came through again. He is always showing me how faithful He is. My EH is still providing for me for the next 3-4 years. I still get to live in our home. My beloved soften my EH heart. GOD you always do right. And I just want to thank you and tell you how much I love you!!! You’re my Rock and even if the divorce goes through I still have You 🙂
“Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4) 
“For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’” (Isaiah 41:13) 
“for we walk by faith, not by [a]sight—” (2 Corinthians 5:7)
“so that your faith would not [a]rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:5)
~ Alexandria in Arizona
★★★★★ “To Grow & Be HIS Bride”
My EH texted and told me he is filing for divorce. At first I felt happy and a sense of relief that I don't have to worry. I responded in a gentle way stating that whatever he wanted me to do I would. After stating that, fear set in. I became emotional and rushed to my prayer closet to pray to God and seek His guidance. God sent me to Psalms 112:7, that I should not be worried or afraid, but to trust in Him. He also said that I needed to believe in His promises and trust Him to complete the work He started (Romans 4:18-21). 
The enemy wants us to believe that this is it and final, but God has the final say so. God does not want me to lose sight of why I am on this journey which is to grow with Him and be the bride He has called me to be. I am so thankful that He gave me those two gentle reminders and helped me to overcome the fears and keep my focus on Him. He is all I need, want, and live for.
Brides... Let not your heart be troubled just trust in God. I know it's hard when you’re in the thick of it and what is before you seems bad. Know that you are not alone. God is there with you and He will carry you through. He is your HH and loves you deeply. Let it all free.. God is in control. He has the final say so. Whatever He promised you, will come to pass.
“The King’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the lord. He turns it wherever He wishes.” (Proverbs 21:1)
God is in control of this very situation. He does have the power to turn your EH hearts when He is satisfied. 
“The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)
Do not be afraid when men succeed in their ways. God will order our steps and work everything out for good.
~ Valecia in Arizona
★★★★★ “Thanking HIM Despite ‘D’ Papers”
Three days before Thanksgiving I received my “D” papers. Yes I broke down, but nonetheless I praised God for another trial and for HIS unconditional love!!! Yesterday the 28th my EH text me to ask if I had signed the papers so we could move on. 
Weeks ago I had prayed that God would not allow him to ask me to sign them. He didn't, my EH asked IF I signed them!! I replied that I had earlier asked him to not have me sign them nor would I contest the “D” and let him know he was free to go!!!!! That was the end of our text PRAISE GOD! 
Today on our drive back from a family Thanksgiving dinner with our daughters, my EH called asking me to sign and to move out of our home. I agreed to do as he asked. I came home and went in a quiet place and cried out to God thanking Him for what he has planned ahead that it be HIS Will! I went to the Lord and said if that is what He has planned that HE needs to have a new home fall in my lap so I know it is HIS WILL and that I'm not going ahead of HIM by searching for a home, unless it is what HE wants to do, not knowing HIS plans. The Lord is ever so faithful and I trust HIM! I want to, need to and am following HIS Word by being submissive to my husband but I also don't want to move ahead of my Lord's plans until HE makes it happen!! 
I praise God for taking my contentiousness and spite and strife and disobedience and allowing me to be gentle and kind when I agreed to do what my EH asked without being angry!! God is our Provider, Healer, Comforter, Peace Maker, and Protector!! Because of this I TRUST IN HIM AND KNOW MY DAUGHTERS AND I WILL BE OKAY!! 
Ladies praise God in all things joy and sorrow...He will provide! HIS love is greater than mankind! 
“Love never fails!” (1 corinthians 13:8)
“Behold to obey is better than sacrifice.” (1 Samuel 15:22)
“God had removed my acquaintances far from me.....He has removed lover and friends from me.” (Psalm 88:8) 
“....but with God ALL things are possible!” (Matthew 19:26)
~ Stacey in Illinois
★★★★★ “No Fear of Divorce”
This is a very difficult praise report to share with you. Last week, I wrote in my restoration journal that I was going to stop praying against divorce. I have not spoken to my husband in months and have been praying against divorce night and day. Last week, I read the lesson where you choose your marital status which for me, was "separated." Through that lesson, I learned to stop resisting divorce. Although I hadn't spoken to my husband for a very long time, I had been praying against divorce night and day. I wrote in my journal that I no longer feared divorce and could truly tell God that I wanted His will, not mine. 
Yesterday, without any contact from my husband for months, suddenly, I got divorce papers. In fact, my husband filed the day after my birthday. I didn't understand. I don't understand. But, the Lord did indeed warn me just like Erin said He would. He prepared me many ways. First, I had a dream three weeks ago that I would have three weeks left to live. In my planner, I wrote down a specific date and made a note that said "what will happen during this week?" My sister had also told me that someone told her she heard I was getting divorced just last week. And finally, my restoration journal from last week recorded my prayers and thoughts that I was no longer going to resist divorce but was going to welcome God's will in my life. 
Well, now I can look back and be reminded in my own words that just last week, God removed the fear from my heart from the threat of divorce. And now it's here and I can remind myself in my own words that I will not fear. That I have nothing to fear. That in the will of God, there's nothing that I fear. 
I do have to admit there is some fear. But there is more peace than fear. How good is God that He didn't let the papers come until I told Him that I was ready for His will to be done even if it meant divorce!
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) 
Whenever I am afraid, this verse is ALWAYS the first one that comes into my mind. I love that God says "I KNOW the plan I have for you." In fact, He DECLARES it. There is no uncertainty with Him. He says it with confidence and I will receive it with confidence. 
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:42) 
This verse reminds me that I am not the first one to ask God "is there any other way?" In fact, Jesus even said it because He knew the pain and suffering that was ahead and still, He yielded to His Father. I have been praying those words since I received the papers yesterday.
~Valerie in Illinois
★★★★★ “Walking on Water”
I can now understand how we cannot take a step forward in this world without the Lord at our side guiding us and leading the way.
Isaiah 30:21 (NIV): "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it."
The court date for the divorce was a few weeks back and as I was getting so much sympathy from my 2 friends, both who went through divorces themselves, I had to reflect and ask myself if there is something wrong with me… Why did it not bother me? Well, of course because I have my HH and I know that I can trust Him with my life, my heart, soul and all of my being!!!
Oh, of course I do not want the title "divorced", but does it really matter when I have the title "Bride of Jesus". When you can claim this title due to His lovingkindness, suddenly no other title really matters.
By following the principles of this ministry and ultimately the principles written in the Word and not involving myself with the process by contesting or hiring a lawyer, let me tell you ladies, the Lord has really blessed me with so much.
To start with financially, my EH is really contributing so much financially to me and the children. This could only have come from the Lord and I never asked him for anything. There would be a need, I go to the Lord and He provided through ways I never thought possible. He still does it every single day and I never have to doubt whether He will do it again tomorrow:)
Then there is the divorce itself, a process that should have taken 3 months at the most took almost two years and I still do not know whether everything went through or not, because I do not ask any questions. My HH has all the answers so why ask them from someone else :).
I have made so many loving unlikely friends. Ladies I never would have mixed with a few years ago, because I never liked the way they always mentioned the Lord in all their conversations. Hahaha, now I am one of them! If I had slandered my EH, none of these ladies would have been friends with me as they would have distanced themselves.
Looking back at the year that has passed, I can see the hand of my Lord in everything. In a time where a lot of woman would have felt they were drowning, I can see myself walking on water but only because Jesus is holding my hand!!!
HIS Promises
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28 - 30
It took me a while to really understand this fully and I am still not sure if I grasp how lovely these few verses really are. I was weary and burned and He gave me rest. But something in these verses that really spoke to me was "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me" Now the only way I can learn from Him is by reading His word and listening to His voice. And by learning His Word which in turn strengthens my faith in Him making my yoke easy and my burden light and in that I can find rest for my soul. Wow, His word is so rich.
~ Yvonne 
★★★★★ “Facing Divorce is Not Scary Anymore”
I lift up the name of my Lord Jesus and say He is worthy of all the praise, honor and glory!
He is what I have been searching for all my life. In Him I’ve experienced love like I have never experienced before. He's given me peace in the midst of the storm. He is greater than the greatest! He is greater than all men. He is awesome and He completes me. My life is complete.
Things don’t mean anything to me anymore. Even if my marriage is not restored or my EH gets full custody of our children, the Lord will still be my number one. I’ve cast all my burdens upon Him and taken up my cross to follow him. It is not scary anymore. I have found what I have been looking for. He is enough for me.
Psalm 40: 7 – 8 “Then I said, “Here I am, I have come – it is written about me in the scroll. I desire to do your will, O my God, your law is within my heart.”
I thought my EH, children, wealth and friends would fill the void but I know nothing except my Lord, my Heavenly Husband. He cannot break your heart or mine. He is the Man of all men. He has crowned me with His beauty and covered me with His love. He will never break His covenant. He will never stop loving you and me. He says nothing can separate us from His love. He is faithful.
Is 54: 10 “Though mountains be shaken and the hills be removed yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed.”
What more can I ask for? But say come Lord Jesus, come and take your rightful place in my heart and abide there forever. Nothing in this world can give me such joy.
Jeremiah 33: “Give thanks to the Lord Almighty for the Lord is good; his love endures forever.”
Halleluiah! Halleluiah!
HIS Promises
“The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.” Psalm 118:14 (NIV)
He is all I think about and talk about. When I had no strength, He became my anchor, my help, the solid rock on which I stand. He has given me a new song.
“Before I was born the Lord called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name. He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver. He said to me, " You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendor.” Isaiah 49:1-3 (NIV)
The Lord knew me before I was born. He brought me into this world to fulfill His purpose. This crisis is not unto death but to bring glory and honor to His name. He will use me to display His splendor.
“You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.” Isaiah 62:3 (NIV)
~ Jada in Tanzania
★★★★★ “My Friend Became the OW”
Praise the Lord!! Words are not enough to express how thankful I am to my Beloved for this journey with Him, everything He has done in my life and where He has led me.
I say this because it is the only reason I prevailed over a crisis today, crisis that would have crushed me yet AGAIN, an evil tiding that confirmed the worst fears I had before and would have brought me back to where I was when my life fell apart— heartbroken, hopeless, hurting, lost etc.
It came to me that the very person I trusted, leaned on and supported me when my marriage fell apart, became the OW. I am sharing this only to show the gravity of this news and show us that no matter what storms or trials we face in this journey, when we cling to the Lord, trust in Him, and have found Him as our Heavenly Husband, not only can we prevail over them but also have His peace during the storm.
Without the Lord as my Heavenly Husband, I know for a fact that this news would have devastated me and sent me back in the beginning. I praise the Lord for His love, for where He has led me in our journey, wanting only Him. In my heart, I know that finding the Lord as the Love of my life is what helped me. This crisis didn’t hurt me because my love is now for Someone else. I praise Him for continuing to do His work in me. It brings me to tears thinking about it. It is all Him. He loves us so much.
It is only by His amazing grace, His mercy, His love that protects me and finding my Heavenly Husband, that I was not shaken. I understand now just how significant our time in the wilderness with Him truly is, letting Him allure me, refine me, mold me and secure my love. I am so so grateful that He walked me through the refining fires and the trials, We endured earlier that tested and stretched my faith, because it prepared me for today.
As I sensed what was about to happen, He reminded me of His promise in Psalm 112:7; “He will not fear evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.” And I held on to it. I’m in awe of the peace that I had as I was learning the news, as though it concerned someone else, not myself or my own marriage. I must confess that I battled with wanting to know more. And I thank Him because He gave me the strength to let it go, for in the end, it didn’t really matter.
Honestly, the news didn’t affect me at all. I had His peace!! I was indifferent. I didn’t even care. Like we were talking about the weather, not some gut wrenching revelations!!! It was really weird if I did not know it is due to Him!!! It is all the Lord!! I overcame because of Him!! Thank You my Beloved!!
The most amazing thing was His compassion and forgiveness I felt in me. I was not even shocked. He prepared me for this. I had no anger, no hurt, no nothing, not even a feeling of betrayal. Just His love flowing in me. Knowing in my heart He is in control. I found myself concerned more for the OW knowing what I have learned in our RJ and who she is, I am in awe and it is All Him, not from anything I am or ever did. This is all my Beloved and His Spirit working in me. I could never have felt this on my own and if it were not for Our journey together. All glory, honor and praise are His.
I just want to give Him all the praise He so richly deserves. For loving me enough that even when I used to beg Him to restore my marriage, He never did, because He knew I was not ready. For loving me enough to let me suffer to strengthen my faith, because He knows I will need it for the path that lies ahead, and for helping me to surrender my will for His will so I can receive His best. For taking me through all the blessings and trials in my life that I may know for myself, how wide and long and high and deep is His love! That He is in control and has never been truer for me than at this moment. Wow. He is in control!!
“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
He has been preparing me all this time. He is preparing you too. Just that morning, He gave me Psalm 91. Praise His Holy name! I appreciate even more now this journey we are on and how very important it is to find the Love of our life to get us through in times like this. I pray that we will continue to press into Him more, to diligently seek Him and look to Him as our Heavenly Husband. Today, the news that would have crushed me before, felt like sprinkling of dusts I brushed off my shoulder. Truly, it is a miracle.
Thank You my Beloved. Thank You for everything!!! I will praise Your name as long as I live!!
HIS Promises
“Therefore, behold, I will allure her, bring her into the wilderness And speak kindly to her.” Hosea 2:14 (NASB)
Enjoy this season in the wilderness growing in the Lord! It will change your life!
“He will not fear evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.” Psalm 112:7 (NASB)
Keep your eyes on Him not on our circumstances. Trust in Him. He is in control.
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.” Psalm 46:1-3 (NASB)
“"For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, But My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, And My covenant of peace will not be shaken," Says the LORD who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10 (NASB)
“I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8 (NIV)
I am learning time and time again that faith and trusting in Him alone is what got me through all the trials in my journey. It doesn’t matter what is happening, what we see or hear. Trust and believe in His promises. We will not be shaken!! Amen!!
~ Joy in Nevada RESTORED
★★★★★ “Unafraid and Painless”
I want to say how blessed and grateful I am for RMI. Today my EH handed me our divorce papers to sign. Thankfully due to the awesome lessons and resources I have absorbed, I was able to sign them today knowing that our Beloved HH has everything under control ;). I can't even imagine the pain I would be feeling if I didn't know the Lord so intimately. As soon as my EH left, my sister stopped by and I was able to talk to her without discussing any details with her. She didn't suspect a thing. Upon her leaving I was able to sit with Him and talk to Him about what my future holds. I am at a place now that I know no person can comfort me or counsel me the way our HH can :). I feel like I should let you know that in the paperwork it says that I will get no child support, no spousal support, and no assets. Not only that but it states that we would have joint custody meaning I would not have my daughter 50% of the time. I do not fear with the paperwork says because I know who my provider is ;). I can say without a doubt that even if our Beloved chooses to never restore my marriage, I would choose to go through this journey again due to the Peace, Love and Joy I feel from knowing Him as my Husband.
HIS Promises
"We need have no fear of someone who loves us perfectly; his perfect love for us eliminates all dread of what he might do to us. If we are afraid, it is for fear of what he might do to us and shows that we are not fully convinced that he really loves us." (1 John 4:18 TLB) 
If God is all you have, you have all you need. 
"The pain that you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that is coming." (Rom 8:18) 
He has a plan and a purpose for everything you are facing. If He leads you there, He will carry you through whatever you are going through.
~ Gina in Arizona
★★★★★ “Trust God Alone to Deliver”
I praise Him today because He lead Erin to teach us about not seeking the “help” of an attorney and trust God alone to deliver and protect us when a separation occurs. 
Today, as a law student (how ironic), we saw in our class how the procedure works when we start working with the judicial system. It is so complicated, it takes time and money and it will for sure weaken’ you to the last. The results are that the final decision is set by a total stranger, who does not know you, your history, your family needs AND your future. The “rules” that you have to follow for share custody are pre-fixed and have to follow the legislation, the rules of men, all it can do to you and your family is only hurtful. It proves that by seeking the help of others (lawyers etc.), disaster is inevitable.
The teaching of the world wants us to think that the law will set us free and that for the sake of our children, it is best to negotiate what we call “an agreement on an amicable basis”, with and through the world’s law… They say that it is the best way to conclude a fair agreement…I felt so sad for all of those who believe in this law, the rules set and established by men.
I feel so much peace and strength today because I see what I’ve escaped from when I’ve decided to let go of judicial aid. Even though I study in that field, I know now that His law is the only law that will set me/us free. Getting a third party to choose on how we should split up would have maybe cost me to spend a less time with my son. It would have brought much more hatred and pain for everyone. The results of letting Him set everything and control the way my separation should go along is much more peaceful. 
I have to confess that sometimes, the enemy tries to make me think that if I had continued the judicial procedures, at least everybody would have known how cheap and selfish was my son’s father … this is just a scheme! And like I’ve said in a previous praise report, God has put the will in my son’s father’s heart to do a lot for his son (and even for me) since this RJ.
He, and only He, can protect and defend us. Thank you Lord for allowing me to understand all that before I even started this RJ.
It turned out that God set a schedule for shared custody that is perfect right now (it is perfect because He set it out to be like this). I want to repeat this, having to dispute over all this with a third party would have been a disaster.
Now, a few days ago, a friend who is stuck in the judiciary system right now just told me her entire story…I didn’t know what to say. Her story was terrible. She is now seeking for money to be able to pay for her lawyer, for her son’s lawyer as well. In order that she can win her trial, she needs her sons to testimony for her…how sad! Even though her story is not about the same subject we talk about here, the principles apply in any situation. I knew the only thing I could tell her was to let go of her lawyer and to quit the procedures, that she doesn’t need to “win” this battle, that she has to let go and let God make justice for her. Without my RJ, I would not have been able to give her these advices. 
“Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints” (1 Cor. 6:1 KJV)
“Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, do you ask for a ruling from those whose way of life is scorned in the church?” (1 Cor. 6:4, NIV)
“The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters.” (1 Cor. 6:7–8, NIV)
~ Valerie Landry in New York