Be healed by the washing of water with the Word — Healed from your Fears
Ask God what Lesson on Healing He would prescribe for you:
"Your TESTIMONIES also are my delight; TESTIMONIES are my COUNSELORS"
“They overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the WORD of their TESTIMONY...”
"He sent His WORD and healed them, and delivered them from ALL their destructions."
"So will My Word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding [prospering] in the matter for which I sent it."
Testimonies of PHYSICAL Pain & Suffering Healed! ★★★★★ Testimonies/your Counselors (below)
Testimonies of EMOTIONAL Pain & Suffering Healed! ★★★★★ Testimonies/your Counselors
Testimonies of Healing from ADDICTIONS! ★★★★★ Testimonies/your Counselors
Become an Encouraging Woman
SUBMIT your own Overcoming a Hurdle PRAISE Report about your Healing
★★★★★ Testimonies
★★★★★ "What God Has Said in His Word" ~ Frida in Brazil
Today I want to share my PRAISE. I'm sure my story will build and strengthen your life. I invite you all to REJOICE with my wonderful healing report.
When I noticed a lump between the breast and the armpits, I decided to see the doctor, I consulted a doctor and she gave me the diagnosis, but I needed an exam to confirm, I scheduled the exam and the process by Public Health was very prolonged. I was in line waiting for a long period, due to the pandemic, the exam was canceled and all services in public hospitals were stopped, they only attended to urgent cases and Covid. I would have to wait or do paid medical exams. During this process, I met a newly graduated doctor, a young woman, and we started talking about other matters. From that conversation a friendship emerged, she said she was amazed at the way I talked about the Lord, that she saw a different glow, she felt a lot of peace in me. So I had the opportunity to tell her the secrets of my glow, I talked about the courses [RRR], the book [How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage] and she was very interested, we exchanged phone numbers and later I ended up giving her the book.
As our Heavenly Husband is amazing and full of good surprises, He prepared that date for sure. This girl called me and said she wanted to have a cup of coffee with me, and if I was in need of something she would like to know. We had a nice afternoon together sharing the blessings of the Lord, so I had the opportunity to share with her about what was happening to my health. The next day she called me again and asked if I could go to the hospital where she was working to see a trusted doctor, wow! I was so surprised, I knew it was Him taking care of the details with great care and love.
When I saw this new doctor, he gave me a not very pleasant diagnosis and said he suspected something, as there was a lump the size of a lemon and it was rigid, but he needs the exam to schedule the surgery and do a biopsy. He asked for urgency and told me I had that weird mass for a long time and based on his experience, it was not good.
When I got home I went to my room to pray and talk to God, when all of a sudden I heard His sweet voice talking to me: “Where is your faith? Do you really believe that I am the God who heals? Trust Me with this problem of yours and I'll give you the chance to witness who the God you serve is.”
At that moment I had the conviction of the cure. A few days later, when doing an ultrasound, to my surprise, the lump had disappeared, the doctor couldn't find it no matter how hard he searched, it wasn't there. He thought everything was very weird, Praise the LORD!! "I am healed!"
I am so amazed!! In the midst of the most difficult circumstances, God teaches us to trust and wait on Him! I knew that God could HEAL me, even though I was a little scared, I remained firm, that's when I started to seek His healing, praying and fasting, because I know that the Lord answers our prayers. As I prayed it happened, that strange mass disappeared, Praise the Lord. I'm healed and no surgical procedure will be needed and that's so amazing. Our God is Powerful.
Dear bride, God helped me through my trials and I know He can help you too. Have conviction in what God has said in His Word, believe in His promises, believe that He is Always in control of everything.
All this experience made me even closer to God, may He continue to be my guide, my everything, I am so grateful to the Lord!!!
I am so happy and grateful to Him! I will help other women to meet their true, real and loving Heavenly Husband, who heals us.
“Prayer made in faith will heal the sick; the Lord will raise him up. And if he has sinned, he will be forgiven.” James 5:15
★★★★★ "Surrendered my Diseases, Suffering and Pain to Him” ~ Eliza in Cameroon
I wanted to post this testimony when I am completely healed. But I cannot continue to hide what the Lord is doing for me in the meantime. Blessed be His Name!
I have been suffering for the past five months from skin problems: pimples on my body, peeling skin, itching and irritation.
I was ashamed and did not want anybody to see me in this state so I did not go to the hospital. I tried to fight the disease as best I could by redoubling my efforts with my hygiene and using antiseptic products. I was a little relieved, but the disease had not gone away. The situation then got worse in three months later when I was hit with furunculosis. I think I had boils pretty much everywhere on the body except on the face.
One night, as I searched the internet to understand what was happening to me, I came across several articles that said these symptoms could be signs of diabetes-related immunodeficiency. My mother died from it 6 years ago and my father nearly died from it in March this year. So, I panicked.
Then, the Lord urged me to re-read chapter 10 of FAL "Surrender” because He was not willing to let me carry this burden. Just as the author says in this chapter, He gradually piled up a number of ailments to the point where I found myself exhausted (in addition to these skin problems, I have a toothache, I suffer from tonsillitis, acute dysmenorrhoea, I have been diagnosed with early rheumatism which causes me knee pain and finally I fight obesity since my adolescence). Since my childhood, I have been told that I will always be overweight like my grandmother and many of my aunts. And for many, the logical consequence would be that I also suffer from diabetes, not only because of my weight, but also because of my family history.
The next morning, I cried to the Lord. I told HIM that I did not have the courage to go to the hospital and that even if I had to go there, I did not know where to start (since I had to meet several specialists). I begged Him to have pity on me and help me. I told Him that I believed that He has the power to heal me totally and that I fully trust Him to guide me if He wanted me to seek medical help. I told Him that I would rather not be sick, that like everyone else, I would have preferred inherited money from my parents and no diseases (Lol), but if it was His will that I be sick, then His will be done. I told Him that I have confidence that His grace will be sufficient to bear the disease.
He led me to start fasting and decided to stop my medication. It was during this period that I decided not to take the antispasmodics to which I was dependent for more than ten years because of my dysmenorrhea. Our God is wonderful! The first day was difficult, I struggled to resist the temptation to swallow my tablets. I decided to just lie down and I did not even realize when the pain was gone. It's been two months now that I no longer need antispasmodics!!
I had my blood glucose checked two weeks ago and it was "very" normal. Please know that nine months ago the doctor asked me to be very careful because there was only one gram separating me from the hyperglycemia!!
Even though I did not lose a lot of weight, thanks to fasting, I feel more comfortable in my clothes. I can even wear clothes that I had forgotten 🙂 The Lord will not stop there, I know it. I will come back and I will testify of how He freed me from all my health issues.
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me” (John 15:4).
“In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa became diseased in his feet. His disease was severe, yet even in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians.” (2 Chronicles 16:12).
“. . . do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:25, 33).
If what I shared encouraged you and you have a testimony of your own, please give Him praise and submit a PR as I did.
★★★★★ Healed from Rheumatoid Arthritis!! ~ Karen in North Carolina
This morning I have to praise my Heavenly Husband for the blessing and the miracle I received. I have suffered from Agoraphobia since 1993, which is a fear of places and situations that might cause panic, helplessness, or embarrassment. My HH helped me to overcome all of the fears except I couldn't get over the fear of going out of town alone. I was comfortable with my hometown area only—but I was desiring to take a road trip without a chaperone.
A week ago my HH arranged for me to take a trip to Atlanta, GA, Charlotte, NC and South Carolina and I drove 568 miles with my HH only. I was overwhelmed with joy and happiness. My HH restored my independence to roam this land He created freely without fear!
I feel that I can shoot for the moon because I can land among the stars with ease. I had a wonderful time with my best friend whom I have not seen in 12 years and my niece who is on this same RJ. My family and friends were so happy for me all they could say was "look at God" with amazement.
I was not only healed from Agoraphobia but I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 1991 and the few treatments I consented to made things worse so in just tried natural remedies. In 2009 I stop seeing the doctor concerning the disease.
On this journey with Him, I learn who God really is a God who long to be Gracious to me and would give me the Desires of My Heart. I wanted to he healed Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically and what a miracle my HH performed.
I had a doctor visit with a new physician and the Rheumatologist ordered several tests to see how much deterioration was present. The tests came back negative for the disease of Rheumatoid Arthritis!! The doctor was in shock—he didn't know how to explain the results. I started thanking and praising God for my healing and explained to the doctor about the healing power of God. People who knew me could tell you how I couldn't get out of bed for days because of the stiffness and pain. While on this RJ God has restored so much of me it seems unreal but I'm living proof it IS real. I love my HH so much and all honor, praise, and glory go to Him alone!! Jeremiah 30:17 "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds', declares the Lord, 'Because you are called and outcast, Zion for whom no one cares'.
Jeremiah 30:17 "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds', declares the Lord, 'Because you are called and outcast, Zion for whom no one cares'.
When you believe God for restoration He will restore whatever you've lost.
2Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love and a sound mind."
I learned to use the power that God gave me to speak to my mountain and watch it move! And knowing how much God loves me and protects me heals me of all my diseases.
★★★★★ “Doctors Can’t Explain Why” ~ Bernice in Virginia
My praise report is that all this time (2 yrs. 4 mo.) I have been praying for a marriage miracle. Well, God blessed me with several miracles but the Best miracle was a brand new relationship with my Lord and Savior!
I accepted the Lord when I was nine yrs. old and rededicated my life to Him in 2004. For several years I felt like I was just going through the motions of this Christian life but through this journey He has restored my relationship to HIM and words cannot express the joy I have in my heart right now. He is more than church on Sunday or Wednesday, more than doing a Bible study, more than just reading the Bible, more than a simple blessing at dinner and more than a cross around my neck. He is my everything!
At one point through this journey I was so low, I was ready for God to just take me home to be with Him. Well, He showed me that He could have, I had a stroke in May 2015. A blood clot in my brain that erupted and bled. I had none of the high risk factors for a stroke and the doctors cannot explain why I had the stroke. God has healed my body.
He has blessed me with a dream job and just recently when I mentioned to Him that I am still praying for a marriage miracle, He reminded me that HE is my miracle. He is my miracle! My relationship with Him is more than I could ever imagine.
He is so good to me. I am watching Him bless, protect and provide for my family and friends. I have taken Him and my relationship with Him for granted for all these years. Never again. He is my First Love, forever and always.
Lord, Thank You for changing my heart. Thank You for being patient with me and loving me even when I mess things up, when I disobey You or have a bad attitude. My desire is to be completely surrendered to YOU so that I can accomplish what You created me to do for Your kingdom. Thank You, I love You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I am Yours and You are mine. Please continue to change me to be more like You so others may see You in me and want to know YOU.
I love the verse in Eph 3:20 that speaks of: exceedingly, abundantly, beyond anything I can imagine or think.
I can't begin to imagine what my God has for me next on this journey He has me on. I am so excited. I can finally breathe again, smile again, laugh again. Thank you God for loving me and blessing me beyond my imagination.
★★★★★ "Lump Disappeared~ Frida in Bahia
Today I want to share my praise report. I'm sure my story will build and strengthen your life, I invite you all to vibrate with my wonderful healing report.
When I noticed a lump between the breast and the armpits, I decided to see the doctor, I consulted a doctor and she gave me the diagnosis, but I needed an exam to confirm, I scheduled the exam and the process by SUS was very time-consuming, I was in line waiting for a long period, due to the pandemic, the exam was canceled and all services in public hospitals were stopped, they only attended to urgent cases and with Covid. I would have to wait or do everything in private, during this process, I met a newly graduated doctor, a young woman, we started talking about other matters, from that conversation a friendship emerged, she said she was amazed at how I spoke of the Lord, that she saw a different glow, I felt a lot of peace in me, so I had the opportunity to tell her the secrets of my glow, I talked about the courses [RRR], the book [How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage] and she was very interested, we exchanged phone numbers and later I ended up giving her the book.
As our Heavenly Husband is amazing and full of good surprises, He prepared that date for sure, this girl called me and said she wanted to have coffee with me, and if I was in need of something she wanted to know, we had a nice afternoon together sharing in the blessings of the Lord, so I had the opportunity to share with her about what was happening to my health, the next day she called me again and asked if I could go to the hospital where she was working to see a doctor. your trust, ours! I was so surprised, I knew it was Him taking care of the details with great care and love.
When I consulted with this new doctor, he gave me a not very pleasant diagnosis and said he suspected something, as there was a lump the size of a lemon and it was rigid, but he needs the exam to schedule the surgery and do a biopsy. He asked for urgency and told me that I had that strange mass for a long time and, based on his experience, it was not good.
I went home and went into my room to pray and talk to God, when all of a sudden I heard His sweet voice speaking to me: “Where is your faith? Do you really believe that I am the healing God? Trust me with this problem of yours and I'll give you the chance to witness the God you serve.”
At that moment I had the conviction of the cure. A few days later, when doing an ultrasound, to my surprise, the lump had disappeared, the doctor couldn't find it no matter how hard he looked, it wasn't there. He found everything very strange, Glory be to GOD!! "I am healed!"
I am so amazed!! In the midst of the most difficult circumstances, God teaches us to trust and wait on Him! I knew that God could HEAL me, even though I was a little scared, I remained firm, that's when I started to seek His healing, praying and fasting, because I know that God answers our prayers. As I prayed it happened, that foreign mass disappeared, Praise be to God, I'm healed and no surgical procedure will be needed and that's so amazing. Our God is powerful.
Honey, God helped me through my trials and I know He can help you too. Have conviction in what God has said in His Word, take possession of His promises, believing that He is in control of all things always.
All this experience made me even closer to God, may He continue to be my guide, my everything, a lot of gratitude to the Lord!!!
I am so happy and grateful to Him! How I will help other women meet the true Heavenly Husband, real, loving, and healing us.
“Prayer made in faith will heal the sick; the Lord will raise him up. And if he has sinned, he will be forgiven.” James 5:15
★★★★★ “No Detail Does He Miss” ~ Angelina in Georgia
It is in humility and awe that I must share how almighty God is moving in my life. Only a few days ago, I wrote how He had restored my health. I was diagnosed with hepatitis c many years ago and it's a disease that is progressively chronic and usually fatal. My doctor told me that I had no detectable virus left in my body! I also struggled for years with chronic alcoholism, He lifted that obsession from me six months ago. I came home broke with no job, and a month later I now have two and an option to temp when I want. In addition, my credit rating has been upgraded to very good, something I couldn't seem to do on my own. He has restored finances!
I had put all my energy into my husband and marriage, and as a result was alone, and friendless. But God put two women into my life that are invaluable to me in terms of encouragement and support. I have come to love them like sisters! When I got home, I discovered that the air conditioning in my car was shot. I was told that it would cost over a thousand dollars to repair and since it's an older car, I didn't want to put the money into it. So I drove to work and interviews soaked with sweat. Today, I found someone to do it for 300 dollars! There seems to be no detail He doesn't miss! Everything that was promised is coming to fruition in my life, and I feel deeply blessed. To think that my faith in the beginning of my journey was so frail,and wavering! I have lived in fear most of my life, and even that is slipping away. I can't believe what is happening, it's a miracle, one after another.
“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you” (Matt 6:3)
★★★★★ “Migraines Healed by HL” ~ Nellie in Scotland
For over 2 years I have suffered migraine. The worst episode was when I collapsed at work and could neither speak nor move. As a result I was hospitalised and underwent various invasive tests to eliminate possible stroke. In fact only morphine was able to successfully reduce my pain and thus was another warning sign to the medics that this was something more serious. Yet a lumbar puncture and CO scan revealed nothing. Months later I was referred to a neurologist as the headaches continued. The neurologist confirmed no cause also even though I was advised to take stronger medication with the possibility of an MRI scan if things continued.
But God. As part of my visit, the consultant advised I complete a 2 month headache diary. I wasn't comfortable with his recommendation for the stronger meds but I was inclined to complete the headache diary and continue with my regular painkillers as and when necessary. I also continued to trust my Heavenly Love.
Whilst completing my headache diary faithfully I noticed that my episodes were less frequent than initially and observed that stress and over thinking seemed to be a primary cause. So I gave my stresses completely to my Heavenly love. Every last one of them. I spoke to Him about them as advised by the Ministry and let them go. If they troubled me, I spoke to Him about them and left it there believing He would take care of it. Within the 2 months I noticed the episodes were practically non existent. No scan, no medication. Just a relationship with my Heavenly Love.
Trusting Him and casting my problems on Him and having Him central in my life allowed Him to manage everything, in His time. My part - to rely on Him wholeheartedly, listen and obey faithfully every instruction.
“Casting all my cares upon Him because He cares for Us.” (1 PETER 5.7)
He wants us to give Him all our anxieties and worries, cares and concerns so we can focus on our relationship with Him. So that our faith will increase.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” (PROV 3.5-6)
It's so easy to get consumed with our thoughts and what we see. It takes courage and faith to trust Him in every situation and a relationship with Him for Him to be able to direct us.
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough worry of its own.” (MATT 6.34)
It's not our remit to worry about tomorrow. It is our responsibility to trust that He will take care of our tomorrow's.
★★★★★ “Possible and within Reach!” ~ Joy in Nevada “It Was Me”
It is with overflowing joy in my heart that I share my PR with you today. I stand in awe and gratitude of my Lord for this blessing that He is gifting me with. Words are not enough to describe how I feel for a once seemingly impossible thing I never dared hope for or even entertain thoughts of, would soon be possible and within my reach. All because of His mercy, faithfulness, goodness and love for me; what a mighty God we serve!
It all started the month before I started my first 30 day course. He knows the future and directs our path. His timing is always perfect. I actually applied to start my course in May, but I didn’t hear back until the middle of that month and was able to start my course in June instead. And I am now thankful it happened that way.
You see, I suffered severe vertigo for a couple of weeks in May. Had my course pushed through, I wouldn’t have been able to do my lessons every day, let alone read them. My vertigo was the worst I remember it since I last experienced it 5 years ago. It was so bad I was ready and wanted to die just so the agony would end. Strangely, and for the first time in my life, since starting to know the Lord, I actually had peace with me. The thought of dying didn’t scare me. Knowing I would be with Him, I welcomed it.
But my Lord has other plans. It was through this vertigo and a series of doctor visits that the topic of cochlear implant came up. I am deaf and with cochlear implant, the chance of me hearing again is pretty good. After some more tests and waiting, yesterday, I finally had my consultation with my implant doctor!!! Thank you Lord!
Please let me share that when I had vertigo 5 years ago, cochlear implant was also brought up during my doctor visits. Sadly at that time, I didn’t see it for the blessing that it was the Lord wanted to give me. I believed I was okay. I have lived like this for so long I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to hear again. I thought I am okay as I am and I will be fine! I didn’t have a close relationship with the Lord at that time. I don’t know what it is exactly why I refused implants. Maybe I didn’t fully understand how beneficial it would be to me. Maybe I was afraid of change. Maybe it was my pride saying I didn’t need it, I’m fine. Maybe…
Fast forward to now, I am thankful I am able to finally see this as a blessing from the Lord. I know that I will be fine if I never hear again, more so now that I finally have a close relationship with Him!! But I have also learned how He longs to be gracious to us, to bless us with more than we can ever imagine. Here it is, something I never imagined could happen, but nothing is impossible with God!!! Praise the Lord!!
I have an appointment with an audiologist next month, which is needed for insurance approval. My doctor said he would do surgery on both ears first to fix my ear infections and a waiting period of 3 months before the implant can happen and only the Lord knows what is up ahead. Lord!! I trust in You Lord. Whatever happens, I trust in Your plans for me, in Your timing for everything, let Your will be done Lord!
I am so excited!!! I don’t think it has fully sunk in yet. It feels so surreal. I can’t even imagine...!! Oh the possibilities!! The hopes!! The changes!!! It is so crazy amazing!! I love You Lord!! Thank You!! I feel like until the testing and surgeries goes underway, it would still not sink in!!! This is too big of a deal for me. Wow! Lord!!
Yes, it crossed my mind and counted the months of waiting for the once impossible dream buried deep within me to become a reality. But like in our RJ journey, I have learned to wait on the Lord and trust in His timing.
The Lord is so amazing!! He turned my vertigo for good! He orchestrated everything and made this implant possible!!! I never would have thought or even dare to hope of this possibility! Never! Please join me in claiming His promise in Mark 10:27;
Looking at them, Jesus said, "With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God." Amen!!
Impossible is adynateō (G101) in Greek and in Strong’s Concordance means cannot be done, to be impossible.
But is anything too difficult for Him?
He planned it all out and He continues to provide for me through my EH. Even these major surgeries are covered in EH’s insurance and he helped to make sure of it. He is blessing me with something else yesterday through my EH that I haven’t even imagined or thought of wanting!! I shall share it with you guys soon!! The very verse that comes to mind for this particular blessing is Matthew 6:33 “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
The biggest thing for me is experiencing this amazing miracle fully aware that I am going through all these with my Lord, my heavenly Husband and give all the praise, honor and glory to His name. It is indeed a journey of a lifetime.
Never again do I want to take for granted all that He is blessing me with. This implant will be a daily visible testament for me of His faithfulness, His goodness, His mercy and His everlasting love for me. To one day wake up, able to hear again Lord. I can’t even imagine!!!
Thank You so much for everything Lord, my cup is truly over running! Wow Lord!! Thank You my Lord, My Shepherd, My Healer, My Husband, My Prince of Peace. Thank You for this amazing journey of a lifetime with You, I’m so glad to be here with You. Thank you Lord for showing me who You really are and lovingly showing me the truth of who I really am, I will praise Your name as long as I live!!!
★★★★★ “Totally Healed” ~ Cierra in Kentucky RESTORED
I just want to thank my HH for His awesome healing power! Last year my Mommy was diagnosed with breast cancer and now her body is totally healed! Her tumor has dissipated and now she is ministering to others and attributes her healing to her constant tithing!!!
★★★★★ Cancer Free!! ~ Yvonne
This week on Valentine's Day, we heard the wonderful news. My sister-in-law is cancer free. Thank You, my dearest Heavenly Husband:):):)
My sister-in-law has been battling breast cancer and had a double mastectomy but this week she got the all-clear. No more treatments, no more tests, no more pills!!!
And what is also amazing is that my sister is planning a "giving-thanks" get together to give thanks to the Lord for what He has done for her. It is difficult to explain to you why this is even better because you do not know my family.
I grew up knowing that there is a God, but we never spoke about Him except in church. We never talk about anything that hurts us or for that matter any feelings at all. I am not very excitable, I do not jump up and down when my heart is bursting with pleasure because we did not grow up that way. So, this makes it all the more wonderful. When we found out, everyone was saying Oh, thank You Lord. I was amazed.
And as I am writing the PR, the Lord is bringing something to mind. A few years ago I had a 3 day fast for my family. Asking the Lord to bring them closer to Him. And look just look at what He has done.
Ladies, please be encouraged, He NEVER forgets and surprises you when you least expect it.
Exodus 15:26 (NIV) He said, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.”
He is the Lord that heals:):):)
★★★★★ “Healing Praise” ~ Dawn
Since learning about the power of praise from Prison to Praise book, I started praising Him for the headache I had, thanking Him for it and believing. Soon after, it was gone! Just like that! Only God!!! Lord thank You for all that You are doing in my life!!! PTL!
~ Joy in Nevada
“Amazing Healing Praise”
I get Migraines!! When I do, I cannot focus, much less read! I ran out of the meds I normally take for this. Today, my HH reminded me that I need to press into Him and read my Psalms and Proverbs. Though difficult, my migraine was totally gone after reading!!
★★★★★ “Trust Him for Healing” ~ Busi in South Africa
I was reading the lesson about healing, while I had the flu. I then had a severe toothache, which was getting worse. After reading the lesson and my Bible, I decided to trust the Lord for healing. I SG and meditated on His word. I believed in my spirit for healing and left it at that. In the following two days, I felt the pain less and started rejoicing even more. The enemy tried to trick me by making me feel like the pain was coming back. I reaffirmed that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, and guess what ladies??? The pain is completely gone without me taking any medication! My Lord lives, Hallelujah!!!!!! He conquered the grave and is carrying the keys of life. You and I have been set free from the bonds of pain. We are indeed free, bought by the blood of the most high kings.
★★★★★ “My Healer” ~Spacy in Illinois
“O LORD my God, I called to You for help and You healed me.” Psalm 30:2
Just last week I noticed a small lump in my armpit that had some minor pain affiliated with it. I was a little concerned as I know this is not normal. I also knew that I was unable to afford going to the doctor, as I do not presently have insurance. I immediately went to God in prayer and cried out to Him. He knows I'm not currently covered and I know He's my Healer, Protector and Provider.
Ladies, by the end of the week the lump was gone!!! I have no pain and no evidence it was even there!!
Oh how I love you Lord God! Cry out to Him. He hears, He knows, He cares!
★★★★★ “He’s My Healer” ~ Ama
The Lord put on my heart to share with you, how He healed me. This healing happened last year, but I did not write about it, because I was at the beginning of my journey and I was shy. But He reminded me this year, that its the right time to do it. 🙂
I live with my parents since I am separated and we have a farm. Every year I suffered from an allergy to grass. It was so bad that my whole body was covered with red small dots and I kept scratching and scratching. This was a non-stop process for the whole summer. Nobody wanted to be in my company, it was so irritating and nothing was helping me (creams, liquids, pills). I shouldn't have touched the grass, but since we have a farm I wanted to help my parents to do the work.
One day my grandma asked me to help her again and when I was on my way to help her (to move to grass with my hands from one spot to another) I was just talking to Jesus and I told Him that He knows how happy I am to help, I don't mind to do everything just to release my grandma from doing it, but I don't want to suffer from this allergy anymore and I told Him, that I know He has the power to heal me immediately.
So my miracle happened!!! Since this time it did not touch my body anymore. I was completely healed, so fast so easy :).
This year I am not afraid to work with the grass, since I know I am healed. But the enemy thought he was more clever. I got the allergy back but I knew that it was just symptoms. So I said, Jesus, I know You already healed me, I don't have to ask You for the same thing again. I just thank You for everything You did for me. And I was just praising Him and thanking Him again and again.
Well, allergy is gone completely, I am healed, it is so freeing, I am so happy, so overwhelmed of everything what is He doing in my life, because He really is everything what I need and what I want.
Love You Jesus so much!!
★★★★★ "Forever Delivered" ~ Brittany in Tennessee
This PR will be one on God's faithfulness to heal His people if we just cry out to Him!!
“In my distress I screamed to the Lord for his help. And he heard me from heaven; my cry reached his ears.” (Ps. 18:6 TLB)
Since I could remember, monthly, I would be in horrible pain for 3 days! This pain was in my lower back and it was so painful I would literally not move unless it was vital. I would also at times have to sleep sitting up or curled up in a ball and I would take multiple showers a day just to loosen up the muscles. Not only did the pain hurt but it would make me sick because the pain was so intense. To be honest I just dreaded this time of month.
It got to the point that I could not sleep at night and because of the pain I turned to take pain reliever to ease it. Well it did ease the pain but that is all it did, I still hurt and the pain reliever only made it bearable and if I moved too much it was as if I never took any!!
Well when I finally found Him as my Husband and truly understood how great His love for me was, I decided to turn to Him. Let me pause with that before I decided to trust Him to heal me, He showed me that He indeed could heal me by blessing me with a mini healing. I was suffering from a severe headache that was making me throw up, dizzy and non-movable and everything I tried just didn't ease it, even medicine. So I finally laid on my bed at the end of myself praising Him (find the power to praise by reading prison to praise my Merlin Carothers, Erin mentions this in her video) for just where I was and what I was going through. I was determined to be thankful for it despite how much pain I was in because He was in control!! Well within days of praising Him I was healed and in me I just knew it was Him!! I knew the pain was gone and I was forever delivered from it 🙂 yes, I still had the symptoms but deep in my soul I knew it was over!! I just can't explain it.
“What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.” (Heb. 11:1 TLB)
“So we do not look at what we can see right now, the troubles all around us, but we look forward to the joys in heaven which we have not yet seen. The troubles will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.” (2 Cor. 4:18 TLB)
Ok now back to my PR, for the next couple of months I would praise Him for the pain and cry out to Him to please heal me but if this pain is something I should suffer for the rest of my life then give me the strength to do it. I was content that I could do nothing about it. Well one day I recall the pain going from 3 days to only 1 day and I was happy with that!!! It just happened nothing led to it, it was just brought to my attention. Content that one day was way better than three, I accepted it and would forgive be grateful.
“Do not despise this small beginning, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin…” (Zac. 4:10 TLB)
“No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (1 The. 5:18 TLB)
Then came July of this year and I was out of state visiting a friend’s father when He made His power more real to me!! As I was going to sleep one night I was hurting and in pain I just simply prayed "father I hurt and I know our day will be busy tomorrow so if it is your will could you please allow me a good night’s rest." Then I fell asleep, well I got up the next morning and realized that my back didn't even hurt!! I slept peacefully with no back pain or sleeping weird to get some sleep, like sitting up to sleep literally ladies!!
“I will lie down in peace and sleep, for though I am alone, O Lord, you will keep me safe.” (Ps. 4:8 TLB)
Not only that, He continued to work with my pain!! Now that I sit here I can shout to the rooftops that I now have NO pain every month!! Not even one day!! Is He not amazing!?! Satan might come in and lie to me but I kick him away stating and praising God for healing me!! I know that I am no longer in pain because my amazing Husband has healed me!! It’s not really looking at the symptoms and saying no I am not healed but it is having faith that He did it!! I went from 3 days of torture to no days of pain!!
“We are saved by trusting. And trusting means looking forward to getting something we don’t yet have—for a man who already has something doesn’t need to hope and trust that he will get it.” (Rom. 8:24 TLB)
“We know these things are true by believing, not by seeing” (2 Cor. 5:7 TLB)
It certainly was not anything I did or could do. It was me simply crying out to Him to heal me because the medicine of this world just was not doing it!!
“I will cry to the God of heaven who does such wonders for me.” (Ps. 57:2 TLB)
Just recently I found out that both my mom and sister were diagnosed with diabetes and on top of that it runs in my family! But here I am not claiming the symptoms and trusting Him with it all!! Rather I get it or not I now know the power He has in healing me. I trust His will and plan for my life more than I would ever trust anyone else.
“then trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” (Pro. 3:5-6 TLB)
★★★★★ “God is Good, All the Time” ~Kenya in Virginia
“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” Psalm 121:1 KJV
God is just SO awesome. About a month ago my mommy was diagnosed with breast cancer. My family was devastated! Breast cancer unfortunately claimed the life of my grandmother years ago and ever since my mommy and aunts were waiting with bated breath wondering which one of them would get it. When I found out I surprisingly wasn't sad or anxious. Then I realized that is because I am armed with the Scripture of the Lord and I can use it to stand against any situation that I face. Had it not been for my restoration journey, I would not know the Word or my Father like I do. I have prayed and claimed her healing.
My mother has breast cancer, and PTL her tumor is confined to one breast, the cancer has not spread to other parts of her body, and her cancer is NOT genetic as we all previously assumed. The cancer that mommy is fighting is a hormonal variant and because of that she takes one pill a day that will cause her tumor to shrink and ensure that it doesn't come back. Once the tumor is small enough to be removed she will have reconstructive surgery and she will be done. No chemo, No radiation and that is a true blessing. Mommy looks amazing. If you saw her you would have NO idea what she is going through and mother is not ashamed to give God praise for all that He has done.
Last night my mother started to get overwhelmed with all that was going on but I was able to minister to her and tell her that this cancer is NOT about her. It is what God is allowing her to battle so that she can win souls for His Kingdom. She thanked me and I soon realized that I was really ministering to myself as I have gotten to a place in my restoration journey that I just want to stop. I am content to just have my relationship with my Father and move on with my life. Then He spoke and said that it is NOT ABOUT ME! There are souls to be won, lives to be saved, and people to be reconciled back to God and the ONLY way that can happen is if I endure and give Him the praise!!!
For this reason I encourage you to keep pressing toward the mark because HE has a plan for you, to use you to save someone who is lost! Don't give up, Don't give in. Acknowledge Him in ALL you do and don't faint because in due time you will reap if you faint not. I Love You and keep pressing!!!!
★★★★★ “Healing God” ~Ning in Macau, Asia
Praise the Lord. My Lord is a Healing God!!
When I continue to worship my Lord, seek His face and soak in His presence, He began to bring healing to me, not only to my heart, but also to my body. HE healed my heart by replacing my pains and my tears with joy and shouting. HE also performed miracles to my body. There have been “rash spots” on my arms and my thighs since I was small. I really didn’t like them on my skin. In the past I have tried many ways, both the Western and Chinese medication, peeling, etc., to remove the “rash spots” but all in vain. I had no idea what they were or how to remove them. Though it did not affect my health, it made my skin look very “rough.”
Today I must shout “Hallelujah” to my Lord as when I was looking at my skin, I found that all the “rash spots” have already gone!! Those spots which have been with me for so many years have gone away so suddenly. Though I don’t know when it happened, I know that it is the healing from God. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah!!!! 🙂
Ladies, our Lord is a Healing God. Praise Him for everything HE has done for you. The more you seek Him and worship Him, you will find the more healing HE will do to your heart, body and your family.
★★★★★ “Another Answered Prayer” ~Tonia in Texas
Throughout my childhood I have had difficulty with my skin. Around the age of 10 I had a terrible rash that was worse than the chicken pox. I also began to have depression at that age. I was told as a child that I was allergic to gluten and was put on a gluten free diet. I used to pray to God all the time as a child that I would be able to eat gluten again without getting a rash. After 2 years of a gluten free diet, I was able to eat gluten again. My family and I thought that I had grew out of the allergy. I continued to have sensitive skin and acne and depression throughout my life. I also developed health problems during my pregnancies. I developed a rash on my face all last year when my EH and I separated and were divorced. I prayed that God would heal me as I stated in my previous praise report, "God Answers Prayer", which He did in several ways. I went to the Celiac specialist and my blood work tested positive for the Celiac gene. The specialist performed a biopsy of my small intestine because Celiac can destroy this organ. My biopsy came back negative for active Celiac. Praise The Lord! I will continue to seek Him first before making a decision to see any other specialist.
★★★★★ “Above All Sickness” ~ Ama
“God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me.” Genesis 21:6 NKJV
That was exactly what the Lord did to me this morning when I was dressing my son and realized that his eczema was completely gone. :))
When my son was one year old, he got eczema on his face, wrist and elbows. It was very bad, it was leaking and he was scratching it all night.
During this time, I started to pray for his healing, but my faith was shaky. So we went to the doctor and she gave me antibiotics and she told me he will never get healed from this, that we can work on it but it will always be on his body.
I knew in my heart this is lie, because our perfect and loving Father can heal everybody!!
So after half a year of medication and prayer this eczema went away from his face and hands completely!! But it moved to his feet.
But I was not bothered by it. It was not visible, nobody was staring at him and all that had to be done was wash him in salt water 3 times per week.
And I got comfortable with it, did not ask the Lord for healing anymore.
But then It started to worsen and the salt water was not doing anything and he was scratching his feet all night and crying. I knew I will never go to any doctor, because I have the perfect Doctor by my side.
But frustrated I asked "why Jesus, why it is again so bad?" And He told me and what He told me really shocked me.
He said "I had to get your attention, because I want to heal him completely, but you have to ask Me and believe."
So since this time (3 weeks ago) we, me and my son, started to praise Jesus together. We were telling Him that He is our Victor! He is bigger that eczema and He is on our side in this battle!
I saw daily how the eczema is disappearing, but today I realized that there was not even any evidence on his skin, that there ever was something.
So He really made me laugh, He filled my heart with new happiness, new joy and peace.
I want to give Him all the glory, praise and worship. I want to give Him my heart and the heart of my son again and again.
I never want to go astray from Him. I have tears in my eyes, how wonderful and how faithful He is!
"He himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed". 1 Peter 2:24 NIV
By His wounds, we are indeed healed!!!!
★★★★★ "Eczema Healed" ~ Nicki in the United Kingdom
A few weeks ago I read a praise report about eczema and I read it to my daughter who was suffering from it also. We prayed together and thanked God for healing her itchy skin. A few days later my daughter’s skin cleared up and she was able to see the healing power of God her Father.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
(Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV)
God is amazing. He can do anything we ask. He will always use bad for good, in the end.I can't get my head around some of the things He has done in my life during this journey.
~ Tiffany in Canada
I had such a debilitating migraine today that I could do nothing but lay down. I seemed to have run out of painkillers and the ones I did have weren't working. I looked to Him and prayed. Within the hour the pain subsided enough for me to continue my day.
"I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4 (KJV)
★★★★★ “God’s Got This” ~Shantel in New Mexico
I sit here in my bed and ask Him to lead me as I write this Praise Report... I am just so thankful and so grateful for what the Lord has done for my mom, He has helped her beat the odds!!! My mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in April and by June we learned that it had spread to her breast bone and to her lymph nodes. The doctors could not believe my mom's faith when after they told her the news she told them that, "God’s Got This!" Anything they told her she would not let it pull her down, she would hold on and she refused to give up! I feel that God had her come live with me at the time because He knew that I needed a wise woman in my life to help me on the path that He has put me on.
My mom had her first surgery this week to remove her left breast and part of her breastbone and all of her lymph nodes on the left side and I tell you it was the longest seven hours of my life. But, God was right there giving me His peace! He never left me, He was right there with me as I waited for the doctors to come out. When the head surgeon came out she said to me,"It is a miracle! She did it! I'm so proud of her! We think we got it all!”
I just began to praise Him because He is so awesome and I learned a great deal about faith and the power it carries! When I went to see my mom in the recovery room, she looked at me and told me, "I told you God’s got this!"
Yes, He Does!
★★★★★ “Would I?” ~ Phyllis in Vermont is RESTORED
‘Phyllis, Phyllis, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat!’ And boy, did Satan sift me this month. In this month of thanks, I experienced Satan’s attacks as I never had before. Not even when my Beloved set me on this journey last year have I experienced such attacks. Never had I been attacked physically along with my 4 ½ year old son.
About a week into November, I began to get sick. I figured it was the common cold, so didn’t worry too much about it. However, I began to get worse and I literally could not function. With every sneeze, cough and nose blow, my supervisor at work began treating me like a child, asking me all sorts of ridiculous and humiliating questions aimed to shake and break me. I cried out to my HH and asked Him to heal me of my illness, but it was as if He didn’t hear me. He eventually made me realize that I needed to stay home and rest – in Him. One night I nearly drove myself to the ER one because I could not breathe at all through my nose and could barely do so out of my mouth, which caused my heart to race fast. I went to urgent care the next day and the doctor told me that I just had a bad cold. He said that there was nothing he could give me and I would just have to let the virus “run its course” which would take a full 2-weeks. This was not what I wanted to hear. I cried to Him, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" but my condition still did not change. I took the doctor’s advice and rested as much as I could and continued to pray to my HH to heal me of my ailment. I even saw my primary care doctor two days afterwards and she said the same thing. Gradually, my HH healed me of my sickness and slowly, I began to fall back into my normal routine…or so I thought.
As I began to heal, suddenly, my son got sick. One day he was completely fine, and the next day, every bit of energy was drained out of him and his temperature reached 103 Fahrenheit. All evening and night long, I tried to break his fever, with his temperature on a roller coaster. The next morning, his temperature jumped back up to 103. I made an appointment for the pediatrician that day, my husband took him and I left work to meet them. When I got to the office, my son looked terrible. He was so lifeless and I felt so helpless. The pediatrician examined him and gave us the bad news – our son had the flu. Words cannot describe how awful I felt for my son. I couldn’t understand why we were being attacked in this way. The prescribed medicine caused my son to break out in hives, caused excessive hyperactivity and made him very moody. Five days later during a follow-up visit, our pediatrician could not believe that he had the flu. He was doing so much better and was back to his normal self – all praise to my HH.
To top everything off, I noticed a sizable knot on my forehead the night before my son became ill. I had never seen anything like it before. It wasn’t a cyst, but it was causing me a lot of pain and headaches. Nothing I did relieved me of the pain or reduced the swelling. I fell on my knees and asked the Lord to heal my son and me. The next day, I woke up to a larger knot on my forehead and more headaches. My husband noticed it too and told me I should go to the doctor. This time, I went straight to my primary care doctor and she couldn’t find anything wrong. This time, I pushed into my HH as hard as I could and He showed me how to relieve the headaches and knot on my forehead. Eventually, both went away and I walked away praising Him for getting me through these physical crises.
As I look back on those attacks, I realized that my HH needed me to go through them. Yes, I have been praising my HH for all the blessings He has given me and praised Him through my emotional attacks, but would I do the same when being attacked physically? Would I cry out to Him and blaspheme His name at the same time? Would I run to man to relieve my symptoms or would I press into Him and let Him lead me to the solution? Did I give Him my firsts – of my possessions and myself? I must confess that for a moment, I allowed other people to persuade me to run to man and not to the ultimate healer who is my Husband. I did not come to Him and give Him my best and first. No matter how silent I might have thought my HH was, He was waiting for me to shout louder - to deny my fleshly desires and offer myself to Him. I praise my HH that “My troubles turned out all for the best. They forced me to learn from your textbook. Truth from your mouth means more to me than striking it rich in a gold mine.”
★★★★★ “Going Through Chemo Radiantly” ~ Jodi in Australia
I never thought I would say this, but today I praise the Lord for allowing me go through chemo, radiotherapy, and surgery. It has been a year full of challenges but at the same time full of His love and care. I never thought this had happened to me because God was mean or because He wasn`t fair. I always thought I had to learn something from this situation, but it was definitely His eternal love telling me that He would show me what for. Today (a year later after diagnosis), I am a different person, woman, and wife. I love Him with all my heart, feel His love and understand that He wanted me to have time for having the best relationship of my life. I knew the treatment was very hard and I would suffer a lot. However, the Lord made each stage of the treatment "easy" for me. I didn't have the extreme consequences some people suffer, didn`t lose weight as expected and didn't get depressed as even my doctors anticipated I could be.
On the contrary, this time the Lord used to search for me and He found me! I couldn't be happier, I understand this situation was necessary for me to get closer to Him and I wouldn't trade this relationship for anything. My family and friends tell me now that no one could tell I was a cancer patient. They frequently use the word "radiant" to describe me. I know it is only His grace that has allowed me to go through the valley of shadows holding His hand. I trust Him completely and know that He will finish what He started in my life and will still restore other areas in my life too very soon. I LOVE my Lord and praise His name for what He did. It would have been impossible for me to overcome this without Him. If you think your situation is hard, give it to the Lord, He will take the burden for you, will make you stronger and will glorify His name in your situation. Whatever difficulty happens to His beloved will turn around for good! Pray, fast and trust Him only. Fight the good fight, you are not alone in this!!!!!
“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” (1 Timothy 6:12)
Have spiritual eyes, not fighting in the flesh, but through praying and fasting.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9)
He sees things differently. My heart if fixed to Him only.
“Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.” (Isaiah 60:5)
“Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” (Psalm 34:5)
The glory goes to Him completely. He changes the heart and makes us new people. His people.
“Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.” (Jeremiah 33:6)
By me following Him, my life can be totally different. I'm not alone, He is with me!!
★★★★★ “Love Healed Her” ~ Sally in Spain
Recently my mom had a stroke and so much good came from it! My mom is a widow in her late 70's and lives alone. She also lives 2 hours away from me. Three days before she had the stroke, I felt strongly to go spend a few days with her. For this, I have to give praise to My Beloved Lord for orchestrating, because otherwise, my mom would have been alone when she collapsed in her home!! After her collapse, she partially lost her vision and had facial numbness, she became very confused and could not remember my name nor her other children's names. But still, the LORD's peace was very present and filled the house!! A short while after phoning my sister to inform her about mom, she arrived, and as we were caring for her in those moments, we didn't feel the need to call an ambulance or even rush her off to the hospital, but took special care of her, dressed her nicely (I even ironed her outfit :), combed her hair, and then we drove her to the hospital that was 40 minutes away. I’m convinced the Lord gave myself and my sister that time with mom to care for her tenderly, and mom was healed by not panicking, but allowing the Lord to lead us to care for her ourselves, and that LOVE healing her!!
Before we even reached the hospital, her vision was fully restored and she could name every one of her children's names from the oldest to the youngest, even her two grandchildren that she raised, eight in all. All I could do was cry and PRAISE HIM from the back seat of the car!!
The doctors later confirmed by an MRI that mom did, in fact, have a stroke, but by this time, she was fully healed :)))
"As for God, his way is perfect.....he shields all who take refuge in him." (Psalm 18:30 NIV) "I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:2 NIV)
He is so trustworthy!!! Our shield, protector, and refuge.