You will never regret


I really believe that How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage is truly a life saver. It is a book that can change many lives and help many families. I highly recommend this book to everyone out there who are going through a crisis in their marriages and are willing to stand for their marriage.

When I first found this site my marriage was going down hill. I was too busy doing the wrong things and not doing what God wanted me to do. As I took these courses it showed me all of the things that I did wrong and gave me the opportunity to repent from these things.

At this time I am not able to contribute into this donation and I do apologize for not being able to do so.


When I first started reading "How God can and will restore your marriage" I was skeptical, why would God want me to keep my feelings to myself and be broken hearted all the time? How can that be God's will? But I applied the principles and my husband would respond kindly. If I fell back to the flesh it would start world war 3. Then I started fighting with God's word when realized it wasn't my husband fighting me it was the enemy. Now I immediately call my prayer partner and we start binding and praying and God gives me a peace that passes all understanding. I am only 2 months into this journey and we have a long way to go but I know that my God will never leave me or forsake me or let me be ashamed. I am excited to see how God is going to move next.

I was separated for 2 years and divorced for 1 year and my husband returned and that is when panicked because I knew it wouldn't work if we kept doing everything the same.

Please remember that the fight is a spiritual fight with the enemy and not your husband. Speak God's Word out loud everyday. There were times I did everything and would ask the Lord now what? He would say now just stand and Be still and know that I am God. He created us and knows exactly what we need. He created your husband and knows exactly what He needs. When you are praying God is working.


The book "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage" really helps you apply Biblical principles to your dying marriage to restore it. You will receive many testimonies how God has helped other marriages be restored. You first must surrender to God and have an intimate relationship with him. God must be your first love. God's WORD says that when we obey him, follow him with a pure heart, apply his wisdom in our relationships, and please him, he can make even our enemies be at peace with us. Let God change you by renewing your mind with his ways. Your biggest battle will be in your mind. You must change from the world's way of thinking to God's way. I have seen what this has done for my marriage and he can do it for yours. God's way appears foolish to the world because they do not know him personally. The book also warns you of things not to do while you are waiting for God to change your husband's heart. You can trust God's WORD to be true that is taught in this book. God can restore impossible marriages. God hates divorce and it is his will to help you. Please read the book and allow God to change you and restore your marriage.

Before coming to this website, my marriage was cold. I felt like my husband and I were strangers sharing the same home. We had a hate wall up between us and there was no peace. I felt very little feelings toward him because I was bitter and angry over our differences

Please believe that God wants to help your marriage. He first wants to have an intimate relationship with you that puts him first in your life. He wants to teach you and guide you through his WORD. He desires for you to have fellowship with him each day. He will meet all your your needs in a way that your husband can't do. God's WORD can be trusted. Please do not trust your emotions. Let the truth of God's WORD give you faith to fight the battle for your marriage. Share your concerns with him and then thank him for what he is doing. He will always do what is best for you as we submit to his will for you. Trust him, even if you don't understand. He is always working for our good even when we can't see it. He sees the whole picture and we can only see a piece of the picture. You will never regret doing things God's way. You can have an inner peace while going through the storm. May God bless you in your journey with him..