Peace of Mind


RYM is the best book I ever read - I learned the TRUTH in God's Words and reading RYM is an eye opener to me and a wake up call! and it made me closer to our LORD! Studying HIs words give me a PEACE OF MIND and I know HE is always there for us. Thank You RMI! Thank you ERIN!

A lot of anger, felt helpless knowing EH is living with the OW and had a hard time letting go of EH.

Don't Give UP and read HIS Words, the Bible and pray unceasingly.


I would recomend this book for every woman who has intention to enter marriage and also to women in marriage and of course for those in marriage crisis like I am. Principles in the book really work. And God is faithful. Thanky You my Love for this book - the most precious gift I have ever got.

When I found you, it was three days before divorce. I was desperate and crying and I had feeling my whole world crashed dowm. Then I started to study materials and immediatly after divorce my husband told me he wants to marry me again. Then pride came in and again destroyed everything and now I am only in rare contact with my husband. But I do believe God has everything under control. I praise You my Love.Amen

My dear sister, God wants to restore your marriage and He wants you to give Him everything and his desire is arrange everything for you. So let Him act in Your situation. Obey and let Him act and I am sure you will see your miracle come to pass. I believe with you and I am awaiting restoration with joyful heart with you.

My marriage is restored

If I could recommend "How God Can And Will Restore Your Marriage" to other women I would and do tell them that God has a plan and purpose for their lives and marriage . I would/do tell them how much damage I caused before the Lord led me to this ministry and I got a hold of God's Truth did my life changed. I would also tell them that we get so much wrong information concerning relationships through our families , the media,movies, etc that it's no wonder the divorce and remarriage rate is so high. I would tell them,wouldn't it be better to know God's will for your marriage and obey Him rather than allow the enemy to steal it right from under your nose along with your children. I encourage them to read the RYM book and find out God's will for their marriage and relationships. I tell them how it changed my life and how it will bless them too.

Partners,before I found this ministry my marriage was completely destroyed in every way that mattered. My husband and I had been separated several times,there had been adultery on his part and my own,their was a hate wall between us,and I was very contentious and self-righteous . We both listened to others about our marriage did a lot of damage to our relationship with God through our disobedience ,to one another, and to our children . God saved us through R.M.I. I had never heard the truth that I found here. All the advice I had gotten,even from church,was so contrary to God's Word,it was no wonder my marriage and relationships were in such bad shape . I am so grateful that Erin allowed God to use her to start this ministry . My life has been changed and I have found true intimacy with the Love of my life. Even though my marriage has been restored ,God is still working a lot of issues out and I have all the tools I need to walk in obedience to His Will and not my own. I have found my purpose in encouraging others in what I've learned. I have found such joy in the midst of my trials. I wouldn't change any part of my Restoration Journey,which led me to this sweet place in my relationship with the Lord.

My dear sister in Christ,it is such a blessing that God brought you to this ministry . Your life is finally going to change for the better. Here at thus ministry you will learn truths that you have never heard from a pulpit,or women's ministry,or anywhere else -but these truths are straight from God's Word and will set you free. Open up your heart to the Lord and put your complete trust in Him. He has a plan and purpose for your life that will blow you away. Take the time to seek God's heart and meditate on His Word. Doing that will renew your mind and change everything in your life. You've probably tried everything else,including your own way,and it hasn't helped. So now, try what is proven (by all the testimonies you'll read in the lessons) to work. You won't be disappointed . God will not let you down .