💔MM: Lost myself in SA

Please leave some encouragement for this bride who filled out an MEQ "Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire." Before commenting, please remember to:

    1. Speak to your Husband, your Maker, to know what He wants to say to this brokenhearted bride.
    2. Keep it SHORT.
    3. Encourage sharing 1-2 Promises.
    4. Bridge to the course He used to lead you along your Restoration Journey.
    5. After 3 MM Comments and the comments are CLOSED for this session, please continue to encourage by confirming what the ministers are saying by replying beneath their MM Comments.
      “Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1
    6. When YOU are the final 3 Cord of comments supporting o/o/o/ this bride, please CLOSE this session and paste this at the end: "Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED."

Please Note: We ask that you reply to this post ONLY if you are an IOU Student working towards qualifying for your Marriage Minister Certificate.

Next to your name, we must see your IOU Level, for example:


Suid Afrika
Watter taal praat jy?
Ek is hier:
Opsoek na herstel vir my huwelik.
Wat is jou huidige huwelik status? Maak asseblief seker dat jy die een kies wat jou situasie DIE BESTE beskryf. *
Getroud en my eggenoot woon by my.
Het jy die boek "Hoe God Jou Huwelik Kan en Sal Herstel" gelees?
Hoe het jy ons bediening gevind?
Op Facebook
Vertel ons nou asseblief van jou situasie en hoekom jy na ons toe gekom het vir hulp en wat het jou eggenoot/maat gesê is die hoofkwessies of probleme wat hy met jou en julle verhouding het?
Ons het ń jaar terug eerste ouers geword, ons het lank gebid daarvoor en ons gebede was geantwoord. Die prentjies wat ek geskets het is als behalwe, ek het stadig dag vir dag myself verloor en vergeet wie ek was voor ek mamma geword het. Ek is kort na geboorte gediagnoseer met skildklier probleme en dit affekteer natuurlik my hormone. Asgevolg daarvan is ek baie kort van draad en volgens my man hanteer ek hom asof hy gemors is, en hy voel ek het my lewe vir ons seuntjie gegee " Jy is ń goeie ma, maar jy het vergeet hoe om vir my ń vrou te wees!" Hy voel bitter seer gemaak en wil uitstap uit ons huwelik. Ek weet nie hoe om myself te wees nie, ek weet nie hoe om hom al die aandag te gee waarna hy vra nie en ń goeie ma te wees nie. Ek is baie oorweldig, seer gemaak met dinge wat hy gesê het maar ek weet verseker ek wil my huwelik red, hy is dit werd.
Gebruik asseblief die spasie hieronder om eenvoudig met God te praat, in jou eie woorde, en jou hart uit te stort na Hom.
Ek kom staan vandag voor U met ń stukkende hart en gemoed. U ken my menswens beter as enige iemand anders en U weet dat dit waarvan ek beskuldig word nie is wie ek is nie. Here, ek het myself verloor, Wouter het homself verloor ons het vergeet hoe om daar te wees vir mekaar as man en vrou en hoe om na mekaar se behoeftes om te sien. Here, gryp in en lui ons op die pad wat U vir ons skoon gestraap en neer gelê het. Here, wees ons lig help ons om in mekaar te sien wat U sien, help ons om vir Walroux die beste ouers te wees wat hy verdien, help ons om vir hom ń voorbeeld te wees. Here, beskerm ons huwelik teen als wat kwaad is en gee ons die vermoë om U en mekaar onvoorwaardelik lief te hê.In U Groot en Huilige naam,
Vir ons om meer effektief aan jou te bedien, kyk asseblief watter bekommernisse op jou van toepassing is:
Ek is depressief.
Ek is as kind mishandel of gemolesteer.
Ten slotte, kies asseblief hoe jy wil hê ons moet jou Huweliksevaluering doen uit die keuses hieronder.
Plaas jou vraelys privaat aan 'n toegewysde IOU Huweliksbediening-student. “Voorbeeld"
South Africa
What language do you speak?
I am here:
Seeking recovery for my marriage.
What is your current marital status? Please be sure to select the one that BEST describes your situation. *
Married and my spouse lives with me.
Have you read the book "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage"?
How did you find our ministry?
On Facebook
Now please tell us about your situation and why you came to us for help and what did your spouse/partner say are the main issues or problems he has with you and your relationship?
We became first parents a year ago, we prayed for a long time and our prayers were answered. The pictures I painted are anything but, I slowly lost myself day by day and forgot who I was before I became a mother. I was diagnosed with thyroid problems shortly after birth and it obviously affects my hormones. As a result, I'm very short-tempered and according to my husband I treat him like he's rubbish, and he feels I've given my life for our little boy "You're a good mother, but you've forgotten how to be a wife to me !" He feels bitterly hurt and wants to walk out of our marriage. I don't know how to be myself, I don't know how to give him all the attention he asks for and be a good mother. I am very overwhelmed, hurt by things he said but I know for sure I want to save my marriage, he is worth it.
Please use the space below to simply talk to God, in your own words, and pour out your heart to Him.
I come to stand before You today with a broken heart and mind. You know my human desire better than anyone else and You know that what I am accused of is not who I am. Lord, I lost myself, Wouter lost himself, we forgot how to be there for each other as husband and wife and how to take care of each other's needs. Lord, intervene and lead us on the path that You have paved and laid down for us. Lord, be our light, help us to see in each other what You see, help us to be the best parents for Walroux that he deserves, help us to be an example to him. Lord, protect our marriage from all that is evil and give us the ability to love You and each other unconditionally.

In Your Great and Weeping Name,

For us to serve you more effectively, please check which concerns apply to you:
I am depressed.
I was abused or molested as a child.
Finally, please select how you would like us to conduct your Marriage Assessment from the choices below.
Submit your questionnaire privately to an assigned IOU Marriage Ministry student. "Example"

4 thoughts on “💔MM: Lost myself in SA”

  1. Liefste bruid, ek is so jammer om te hoor van die seer waardeur jy gaan. Ek wil jou graag aanmoedig om te begin met die 1ste kursus in Hoe God Jou Huwelik Kan en Sal Herstel https://hopeatlast.com/c1/d1-chapter-1-my-beloved/
    Hierdie boek sal baie van jou vrae beantwoord.
    Onthou, met God is alles moontlik.

    Ek wil hierdie 2 kragtige verse met jou los:
    Die hart van die koning is soos waterkanale
    in die hand van die Here;
    Hy draai dit waar Hy wil.
    —Spreuke 21:1

    “En Hy sê vir hulle: Weens die geringheid van julle geloof; want voorwaar Ek sê vir julle, as julle geloof het soos ‘n mosterdsaad, moet julle vir hierdie berg sê: Trek van hier na daar, en hy sal beweeg; en niks sal vir julle onmoontlik wees nie’” (Matt. 17:20).

  2. Liefste Bruid. Ek verstaan dat jy verward voel en dit vir jou moeilik is om die rol van ma-wees en vrou-wees altwee perfek te doen. Ek was as kind gemolesteer en dit het ‘n groot rol gespeel in die intimiteit wat ek met my man gehad het. Ons was 8 jaar getroud voor ons ‘n seun gehad het en dit was ‘n groot skok vir albei van ons, want skielik is dit nie meer net ons twee nie, maar hierdie klein baba vir wie ons nou verantwoordelik is en ek het alles ingesit om ‘n goeie ma te wees en vergeet om ‘n vrou vir my man te wees.

    Die wonderlike nuus wat ek vandag vir jou het, is dat daar hoop is. Meer as wat jy dink. Begin asb so gou as moontlik ons kursus:
    Die eerste hoofstuk alleen, gaan jou die hoop gee wat jy nodig het.

    Ek sien ook dat jy noem dat jy derpessief is. Wat vir my uit depressie gelei het, was om die Here se woord elke dag getrou te lees. Vir al die Psalms en Spreuke. Ons het ‘n wonderlike leesplan wat jy kan volg:
    Begin asb vandag en sien jou lewe verander.

    Dit is nou baie belangrik dat jy totaal oorgee aan die Here and Hom toe te laat om jou te verander in die vrou wat Hy will hê jy moet wees. As jy al die beginsels wat jy in die kursusse lees begin toepas, gaan jy sien dat die Here jou gaan begin verander en jou man gaan beslis die verskil begin sien.

    Ek is opgewonde om meer van jou te hoor op ons daaglikse blog:

  3. Dear Lovely Bride,

    I’m sorry to hear of all the pain you are going through. Being a mother is the greatest joy and reward that we are given. It can also be very challenging as well. But He never wanted us to do it alone and with only our strength. He wants us to lean on Him and turn to Him to get us through every obstacle that we face. I would like to encourage you to read the RYM book because it will help you understand how He designed marriage, how to rebuild our lives with Him being in the center, and helps us find His Words on the truth of being a wife and mother. His Words will begin to cleanse you and transform you into who He created you to be. It is through His Love alone that will supply all your needs.

    “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    “Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

  4. “Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED.”

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