"And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of THEIR testimony, and they did not love their life even to death." Rev. 12:11. 

Nothing is Impossible With God 

The following praise reports and testimonies are filled with miracles of men and women who took God at His Word and believed that "nothing was impossible with God!" Those who have had the miracle of a restored marriage have several things in common. All "delighted themselves in the Lord" and He gave them "the desires of their heart." All of them "hoped against hope" when their situation seemed hopeless. 

All of them "fought the good fight" and "finished their course." All of them were determined "not to be overcome with evil" but instead to "overcome evil with good." All were willing to "bless their enemies" and to pray for them that "despitefully used and persecuted them." All "turned the other cheek" and "walked the extra mile." All realized that it was "God who removed lover and friend far from" them and it was God who "made them a loathing" to their spouse. All of them understood and believed that it is NOT the will of man (or woman) but the "will of God" who would "turn the heart" whichever way He chose. 

All refused to fight in "the flesh" but chose to battle "in the spirit." None were concerned to protect themselves, but trusted themselves "to Him who judges righteously." All of their trust was "in the Lord" because their trust was "the Lord." All released their attorneys (if that was part of their testing) since they "would rather be wronged or defrauded." All of them "got out of the way of wickedness" and "let the unbeliever leave" since they "were called to peace." All refused to do "evil for evil or insult for insult." All loved their spouse who may have been unfaithful because they knew that "love never fails.” 

This is the same journey that the Lord took me back in 1989. That year I made a promise to God that if He would restore my marriage to my husband, that I would devote my life to telling others about Him and His desire and ability to restore ANY marriage no matter what the circumstances. The Lord was faithful and restored my marriage, suddenly, two years later after a divorce. (Yes! AFTER a divorce!) Now I faithfully, with the Lord's continued help, love, support, and guidance, spread the GOOD news that nothing - NOT A THING - is impossible with God! 

It is important to know that our ministry was FOUNDED to help all those who were told by pastors and Christian friends that their situation was HOPELESS. Those who come to us for hope are facing a spouse who is deep in adultery, who has moved out (often in with the other person), whose spouse has already filed for divorce or has had a divorce that has gone through. 99% of those who come, come alone for help since their spouse is not interested in saving their marriage, but is desperately trying to get out. Over 95% claim that they are Christians and most are married to Christians. Over half are in some type of Christian service and many of the men who are involved with other woman are pastors who have left not only their wife and children, but their church as well. 

If you, or if someone you know, is facing devastation in their marriage, there is hope. Read these awesome testimonies that prove that God is MORE than able to restore ANY marriage! 

Restored x 2!! 

 My wife moved out 5 months ago in October as a temporary separation, which then turned into her filing for a divorce in February. Over that period of time we were able to see each other a lot because of our 2 boys. She said I was always welcome to come over to see our boys.  

Over the last 6 weeks we spent time together eating dinner at the house as well as at her apartment; we watched TV and played rummy, but she never showed any signs of coming home or would she talk about it. 

But I continued to stand on God's Word, although I never acted on the circumstances like everybody was trying to convince me to do (i.e. GET AN ATTORNEY, move your money into a different bank etc.). I always showed her kindness regardless of how I felt or what I saw.   

She came over Friday night and before leaving she gave me a kiss, which totally stunned me. I didn't hear from her again until Easter Sunday, late in the afternoon, when she picked up the boys. She said she'd call later, which she did, and proceeded to tell me that she had some wasps in her apartment, so I went over there with some wasp spray to see if I could help.  

We ended up playing rummy and talking about the house and during that conversation she told me that she had been thinking about some things lately, and then she said, "I want to come home, I want to do family things again and work on the house, but I'm afraid." We talked and hugged and kissed and she said she needed a few days.  

Then, last night (4 days later) she is coming home! We are now making arrangements to get her out of her apartment and return home.  

Our final divorce hearing was scheduled for April 16th only 2 weeks away!! She said I would not need to worry about going that day.  

All I can say is, “we serve a mighty God”!!! I know only He could have "turned her heart"!!  

Her father told me that she told him only 3 weeks ago that she was "SURE" that this (divorce) is what she wanted. Only a few weeks before that she had told me regarding the divorce that "This is something that I feel I need to do, and I want to start new". There were many other times she told me similar things that really hurt, but I continued to trust the Lord knowing that He always causes me to triumph! God is an awesome God!! 

The biggest miracle out of all this is my Encouragement (Prayer) Partner was scheduled to go to his final divorce hearing on April 5th and asked me to fast and pray with him. Only two days after my wife told me she wanted to come home, my Prayer Partner's wife went to the attorney and canceled their divorce!!  

Two wives choosing to stop the divorce and restore their marriage in the same week!! I was two weeks away from a divorce and my prayer partner was 3 days!  

So those of you who see no change in your circumstances, continue to stand on God's Word and trust Him. My wife told me that she had been thinking about coming home for a few weeks yet I never saw any difference in her! So don't look at the circumstances! Trust the Lord!! He's always faithful, and always on time! 

Prayers ARE answered! 

Dear Erin, 

I have been doing as you have lined out. Although I still have facets of my life to clean up and ask forgiveness for I have managed to release my attorney even though that proved to be more difficult than I thought it would be.  

Just ten minutes ago my wife left with the children, as it is her week to have them. The visit was great! I told her that I was wrong in the things that I had said and done in the past and asked her as humbly as I could for her forgiveness. Not only did she forgive me, she also asked for forgiveness! It's true! God is awesome and prayers ARE answered! I did not expect this at all. In fact, I was on guard and ready for the thief.  

Although I miss my family I am so grateful that peace has shown back up and I was even getting anxious about wanting her to leave in case the thief was thinking about showing up. Then, after awhile, I told her that in the past I had not been wise and had in fact, been a fool. At this, incredibly, she came towards me and gave me a hug - a genuine hug that lasted for about a whole minute! This was so awesome! God is awesome!! I was given the opportunity to help her with the bags and fix a minor thing on her car. God - thank you!  

Praise be to God as my prayers were answered and in a manner better than I had thought possible or probable.  

God bless you both and thank you for the opportunities and peace that I have been allowed to experience. 

Praising God! 

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your prayer and support. About a week ago I requested prayer for my son. He was being asked by his father to meet the OW. This was also something that she has been pushing for. My son does not want to meet her, because as he told me, 'Why bother? It is not going to last.' What a child of faith. He did not, of course, say that to his father, but he did tell him that he did prefer not to meet her. He has not pushed the issue since that day that I requested prayer. I am continuing to pray that it does not happen.  

I am also seeing several small signs that God is moving in this marriage even though my husband has already filed for divorce, but I am praying that it does not happen. I have not used an attorney or contested the divorceThe night I spoke on the phone with my husband and told him I was not doing either, the hate wall came down immediately. Again thanks, and God bless you all! 

My husband is home!! 

 After an eight-month messy affair with the OW, my husband left on January 10th of this year to go live with her.  

In my broken state I began to pray and cry out to God. I could not accept the stock answers from others saying that I was better off without him or God would heal me and give me someone else. I know God is a sustainer and a healer because he had done this for me so many times before. But, this time I wanted to see the Hand of God. I wanted a miracle. I was scheduled to go to the attorney I hired to sign the legal separation papers on a Monday, but on Sunday morning the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me not to take any action. He said I was in too much pain, and that act alone would be painful, and my husband's legal response would cause even more pain. He also began to direct me to leave my husband alone, not to call him, to drive another route home from work so I wouldn't pass his place of business, do not ask him for anything, etc. and just pray and give it to Him.  

I saw a testimony on a Christian magazine website about a woman who had her marriage restored after a ugly divorce and financial devastation. I contacted this woman and we began to correspond through emails. Her words of encouragement brought hope and life to my wounded spirit. She referred me to another marriage restoration website, that also blessed and encouraged me. I was so excited to hear that others were standing and believing God for their marriages.  

I erroneously typed in Restore Ministries one day and found this website. I ordered the Restore Your Marriage book and the women's workbook. I also ordered the audiocassette of the "Be Encouraged" series, which I listened to and from work each day. 

God confirmed through Erin the direction He was giving me for this situation. He also taught me many more principals and wisdom through her ministry. I was so touched by the answers Erin received through her radical prayers. I came home everyday and read the testimonies and praise reports and other materials I received. I journalized and stayed in the word--especially psalms and proverbs as instructed. It was so good and I began to be healed and find peace, although I still had my struggles and pitfalls.  

I prayed a radical prayer asking God that every time the OW came against me with her strong spirit of influence (pushing my husband to go legal, trying to push me out of our business and home) and every time the spirit of the enemy would speak through her that my husband would see it, and it would irritate him and he would become my protector. I prayed that her own foot would get caught in the net she set for me. After that prayer and others, my husband and the OW began to have weekly fights. During those battles he would come home for refuge. 

This Monday, he came home with his personal belongings packed in his truck. He has been home ever since! He called me twice on my job today. He hasn't called me at work for many months. He has apologized and says he doesn't know how I was able to still be nice to him and love him during all this. He told me that he doesn't want our marriage to fail. He says I wouldn't believe the lessons he has learned. He still needs lots of prayer (me, too) and deliverance from the things he entangled himself in during his rebellion.  

I am writing to say that Erin lived through the things she did and went before us for a testimony and for a Divine purpose. Her wisdom and the principals she learned are powerful. Please ask God to give you a teachable spirit and follow the instructions of those He has anointed to teach us in different areas of our lives--you will be tremendously helped and blessed. Please be encouraged. God IS fighting this battle for you!  

Praising God with Joy Unspeakable! 

My eyes are all puffy from crying, but not in sadness, with joy unspeakable! My heart is so very full right now that it's difficult to really express how wonderful our Lord is, and how grateful I am for this ministry and the blessing that obeying these radical principles has brought me.  

God used my obedience in not getting an attorney, to not listen to my mom, dad or even my pastor, who strongly tried to inform me that I don't have to just "roll over" in these proceedings. They wanted me to get an aggressive attorney who would really make my husband feel dire consequences for his current conduct. But by God's awesome and incredible grace and through, I'm sure, the prayer of my ePartner and the RMI office in response to my SOS request; today I obeyed these principles and trusted God.  

Not only did God bring financial blessing in the hearing I was firmly asked to attend by my husband today, God also used me as a witness to the court representative, who never saw "such agreeable and nice people" in all her years of participation in some of the 19,000 divorces in our county. (God help us!) 

But most important to me, after over 6 months of separation and years of my contentious behavior, I finally saw my husband's hate wall come down before my very eyes. As we talked about money and custody issues over the course of these two hours, God shut my mouth and only opened it when I had something fabulous to say about my husband, his integrity, his great earning capacity, his care of the children and his responsible way of providing all of our needs and managing our money. Although I repented early on in this "Spiritual Adventure", my husband was not open to hear anything I wanted to confess. (I'm sure, because he had heard "religious" things out of my arrogant, self-righteous mouth many times before.) God is changing me. So I just waited. 

Today God gave me the chance to admit to my husband: (and to the clerk) my problems in handing money, my disorganization, my irresponsibility and the past problems I have had in using strong pharmaceuticals (legitimately, but now, praise God, I'm off them!) to manage my chronic pain.  

By the end of the "interview", when I admitted to being "flaky", he actually contradicted me and praised me in front of the clerk, saying that I could really produce great things when I put my mind to it. He also said that I was sensitive and caring with the children and how very understanding I am about his demanding work schedule. Talk about BLOTTING OUT the memory! I nagged him CONSTANTLY about his work for the last 10 years (probably even in the last 10 days!) And I didn't even ask God for that one! Praise Him! He knew I needed it! 

Whereas before when we saw each other he was aloof and abrupt, never looked at me nor talked more than he absolutely had to, today he took the elevator down with me (I'm disabled) instead of the stairs. Then he walked out of the building with me, shared with me something of what his day was going to be like and then (Hallelujah!) he agreed to have dinner with us tomorrow night! I heard myself say, "If it gets too hard to get away from work, don't get stressed about it. I won't tell the kids, in case you can't make it." (Huh!? I know where THAT came from and it wasn't me!)  

He said, with conviction, "I will make it happen!" Then he called out, "see you tomorrow" as he ran to his car. If you had any inkling of what his work is like, you'd be hopping up and down in praise that our God could turn his heart enough to even SAY something like that!  

I come to these praise reports when I am feeling discouraged, and just raising my voice in praise to God for what He's doing for others lifts my countenance and causes "mountain moving faith" to rise up in me. So please, please dear brother or sister, take time right now to use your voice in thanksgiving and praise to our magnificent, living Lord, who can take even a court hearing and use it to His good! And "take courage" that God is working on your behalf even as you obey Him right this minute. 

Giving God the Glory! 

I just want to give God the praise, glory and honor for being a loving Father, after being separated, I received divorce papers 2 days ago. Flesh rose up and I wanted to get revenge after reading that he was going to take everything including the children.  

I in error called my spouse and he was cold and I realized the hate wall was still up. 

I cried out to God but it felt like the enemy was gaining control. I sent a SOS and immediately was given Psalms 20 to read, thru my tears I read it out loud several times and a peace came over me. I spent the next 2 days quoting that God would never leave me nor forsake me and that nothing can happen to me without God allowing it. I kept speaking scriptures to keep my mind from becoming carnal.  

Last night I spoke to my husband explaining why I wouldn't get an attorney and he was compassionate and said he wants to work out the divorce without an attorney; he even shared some fears he has!!!! 

We actually talked for over 30 minutes and there wasn't any hostility or hatred in him, he was even laughing. I thank God for touching his heart and touching mine. We haven't talked on the phone more than 5 minutes in at least a year. God used that time to allow him to see a change in me. 

It may seem like nothing but believe me it was a big thing and I know it was God answering the prayers of those who stopped and prayed for me. 

I will always give God the glory in the restoration of my marriage. 

God is Good! 

God is so good! After my husband filed for divorce in September 2001 I fled back home, which was a 4-hour drive from where we lived. I was afraid of the outcome, and feared actually discovering he was involved in an affair. 

We had been separated for only a few days before my husband started calling and wondering why I had left- I thought he would never care if he saw me again the way he was treating me. After three weeks of separation, I discovered restore ministries and began to change my ways to please the Lord. I released my attorney the same day I discovered Restore Ministries website, and began searching for another job that would bring me and the kids closer so that we could work on rebuilding our family and marriage. 

I prayed like never before, and within a few weeks received a job offer in a town only an hour drive from my husband! We've been separated two months, just enough time for me to realize what my purpose is- to Please God!  

My husband and I have continued contact, I no longer argue or disagree with him, and he desires to be with me. I don't know where the divorce process is at this point, as I have told him I agree to whatever terms he has. He is looking forward to us moving, even though he doesn't say it, I can tell it in his voice! 

God is working in my life, and I am so very grateful for His love and mercy!!!!!! 

My Hope is in Him 

I am praising God for HIS faithfulness...mercy...grace! HE is revealing truth to me on a minute-by-minute basis... and I am in AWE of HIS presence. I discovered this ministry through a friend...and after much prayer and confirmations...I am releasing my attorney TWO DAYS BEFORE OUR CASE GOES TO TRIAL. I have called on the LORD...and He has shown me 'unsearchable things that I did not know...' and through this ministry...and the explanation of the Word...that is ABSOLUTE TRUTH...I am STEPPING OUT IN FAITH...and trusting HIM with the results. 

I have been believing for my marriage since my husband announced his intentions to leave in July of 2000. On July 19, 2000...GOD wrote a promise on my heart...of restoration...recommitment...and reconciliation with my husband of 10 1/2 years. God asked me to wait...to trust...and to OBEY. Today...I have a better understanding of what that obedience is! PTL!!!  

I am resting on the promises of my Heavenly Father! He is my ONE and ONLY! Praise HIM in advance for answered prayer! I am counting on the promises of God...to 'uphold me with HIS righteous right hand!' I am scared...but God has searched my spirit...and knows my heart's desire...and HE has given me the love for my husband that only HE can give. I don't have what it takes on my own.  

I stand...on the promise of HIS Word...that is HIS truth...that comes from HIS power... 

In the grip of God's amazing grace... I wait on the LORD...My soul waits...and in HIS Word I place my HOPE.  

Psalm 130: 5 

Moving with God 

It has been 2 months since my husband filed for a divorce, and one month since we've been separated. Upon notice of the divorce, I decided to move the kids and me to my hometown, 330 miles away from my husband. When I moved I prayed about it, because I didn't know if what I was doing was right or wrong, or good or bad for my marriage. When I got a job, I felt like God was guiding me, so I accepted and moved. 

After a few days of separation, my husband began calling and giving me the message that he was not taking the separation well. However, at that point, I was still hurting and healing from all the pain and suffering I had endured and didn't really show much concern. 

When I began to analyze my life in terms of my marriage, I was drawn to a marriage forum on the Internet that referred me to this website. It was DIVINE INTERVENTION! 

I ordered the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage and released my attorney the same day I found the website. I have a restored hope for my marriage that I NEVER thought would happen. Although I never really liked living in my husband's hometown, after reading the book and the testimonies, I knew that if I was serious about restoring my marriage and family I would have to bring myself physically closer to my husband. 

I was on fire for the Lord at this point, and began sending my resume out to every CPA firm in my husband's area. Within a week, I have gotten three interviews for positions that would put me within 50 miles of my husband, and one that would put me right in the same town! 

God is so good to me! I have been praying and my husband has been calling, almost like reaching out to me. He still is pursuing the divorce, but I no longer have an interest in pressing for child support. As Erin said, I told him that I trust him to provide for his children. 

I don't know how things will end up, but my walk with Christ and my faith in God has grown tremendously the last few weeks. I pray that my move will not only bring the kids closer to their father, but will also bring me closer to my husband, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 

Praise Report from Missouri 

I would like to thank God for small victories. After being separated for 8 months with very little contact, I received a letter from my husband of 28 years telling me it was time for closure of our marriage and for us to move on with our lives. He wanted me to look for an attorney for both of us to use. We set up a meeting at a public place to discuss this.  

Before I went I prayed and wrote what I would say. It just so happened that on the daily Q&A someone asked what to do if spouse asked for divorce. The answer was "I love you and do not want this divorce, but I can understand why you do." I opened and closed my "speech" with this. I prayed for a gentle and quiet spirit. The meeting went well. My husband said he would find the attorney. When we walked out to the car, he said, "Well give me a hug." It was a very tentative hug, but a hug. Then he said "Take care of yourself, hon." That is what he used to call me!!!!! 

I know it sounds very little, but when there has been no contact at all, I praise God for the small things. This all happened at a time when I had just about given up all hope, even had stopped praying the prayers and reading the books.  

Now I am praying that he will not find an attorney that he will be too busy. I am looking forward to restoration!! Thank you, Erin, for your witness. and most of all, thank you God for not giving up on me even when I gave up on You.  

Praise Report from Iowa  

Yesterday, I was reminded that on Tuesday I was to attend a pre-trial conference on my impending divorce. I had let go of my attorney 2 weeks earlier, and decided to walk in faith. That’s when I found 3, that’s right, 3 men of God that would stand for me and my marriage, during that 2 week time!!!!   

Also during that 2 week time, God led another man to my door, and through sharing of my faith in God and his upcoming miracle in my marriage (please note that even as I write this, my marriage looks hopeless to anyone else looking at it. But I choose faith, hope and trust instead of what my eyes are seeing). Anyway, this man was lead to give his life to Christ at church last Sunday (what a blessing).  

As I prepared for my court date, I had those men standing for me praying, I had a small study group praying, and I had the people in your office praying. I did not know what was about to happen, just knew I had to trust God in the hope he has placed in my heart. As it turned out, my wife forgot about the meeting at the courthouse. Her attorney wanted to know if I wanted to go ahead and try to broker a “divorce deal” anyway. I said I could wait and would rather not participate in moving this along on a swifter path. She said that she could reschedule this meeting but it would take 2-4 weeks. I said take your time. Through the prayers of many individuals, God has given my marriage and my family the additional time it needs for God to heal the wounds in our marriage. Thank you in the office for praying for me, and bringing the Lord up close and personal during this tribulation. 

Praise Report from California 

I listened to your words from the Lord and have obeyed (I stopped the legal action)!! The Lord has shown me that He is in control and will bless my obedience!  

Yet, I would have never believed it if I hadn't seen it happen with my own eyes! My husband said he would have nothing to do with a personal loving God. Ever since I dropped my attorney, he began seeking God! Praise to the Lord!!!! He fulfills ALL His promises to us as we believe and obey without fear! Now I wait for His salvation. 

Thank you for your wise word to me in this crisis time of my life. I thought I'd done the wrong thing by signing the divorce papers when my husband asked. I had truly done it in obedience to my husband, as unto MY Lord. Right afterwards the Lord gave me Jeremiah 31:22 "How long will you vacillate, O wayward daughter? For the Lord says: something new and different will happen. Israel will search for God." That's why the Lord answered my prayers - now my husband is seeking the Lord!! What if I had been too afraid to trust Him? 

Praise Report from Florida 

I became part of your prayer ministry just about a month ago. Well, praise the Lord - I bought one book. 

I had filed for divorce, but when I came to your website, I told the lawyer not to serve my husband the divorce papers, but I put off dismissing her. Then the Lord told me to be obedient. I had a lot of people praying that the Lord would restore our marriage, help with our finances (which are really tight). I had people praying specifically that the attorney would refund at least some of the money I had borrowed from a generous neighbor. 

Would you believe, I spoke with the attorney yesterday to release her as my attorney, and praise God, even though we did not argue and though my contract clearly stated NONE of the $3,000 dollars would be refunded, in the end she was more than PLEASED to refund my $1,800.00 of the fees!!! 

Praise the Lord! HE CAN DO ANYTHING!!! 

I am just so amazed at the daily work in our marriage. Another miracle - my husband placed an order for his book from your ministry! I feel so unworthy of the glory and goodness the Lord gives. Pray that I may glorify Him completely and always. He is the miracle maker!! He will remove doubt, just ask, and just simply ask. I love the Lord Jesus. 

May He bless this website so that it may grow and flourish throughout the world. I have been in a lot of different Christian counseling; Restore Ministries International is by far one of the most Biblical ones I have ever seen! Yes, He will restore.   

My love in Christ to you all!! 

Another Praise Report from California 

Praise God! When I had fired my attorney, my husband has since fired his attorney!!! When he stood before the judge, even with signed papers in his hand, he told her (the judge) we were not ready and the papers were out of order! 

I have been living off work comp due to a major back surgery and God has faithfully provided for me -- through my very kind and generous husband!! 

He just told me he is no longer offended by Christians and has seen changes in me! He tells me he could never imagine starting over with someone new and though he holds no promises he is holding off the divorce proceedings! I am still learning how to walk with my Savior but I know He is faithful to complete the work He has started in me (and my marriage) as I look to Him. They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces shall never be shamed. Ps. 34:5 Thank you for your ministry and God bless you for your faithful walk with Him. 

My Husband Didn't File!! 

"Tomorrow during lunch I'm going to an attorney to file for divorce." was what my husband said to me! But Praise the Lord; he NEVER kept that appointment because I cried out to the Lord in my spirit for help. 

As soon as we got to church, I went into the ladies room. In the lounge, God immediately sent a woman who saw me crying. She comforted me with the principles she had learned in How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, then we prayed together. That very night my husband became violently ill. 

As my husband left for work the next morning he said, "I won't be keeping the appointment with my attorney like I said." God had turned his heart!  

Friends Marriages BOTH Restored!! 

Two women met by Divine appointment at church one morning. While talking briefly, they found that both of their marriages were in major trouble. They exchanged phone numbers, and, thus, God answered each of their prayers for "someone to help them." Both of them wanted their marriages, yet each of their husbands were trying to get out of their commitment. Both ladies were newly saved and both of their husbands would have nothing to do with church. 

These women began going to a Wednesday night home group together. One evening a couple whose marriage had been restored through Restore Ministries just happened to visit this home group. Each woman shared her prayer requests for marital help. One of the husbands was still at home but sleeping in another room and hadn't spoken to his wife for almost four months. As the other woman began to share her request, she broke down weeping. Her husband was going to court in less than two weeks; he was divorcing her.  

The restored couple just looked at one another and squeezed each other's hands. They knew why the Lord had “providentially” led them across town for the meeting that night. When they broke for prayer, the restored couple walked over to the woman whose husband was divorcing her and asked if they might pray for her. They shared that they had a restored marriage, that the Lord had obviously sent them there that night, and that God was going to turn the whole situation around. They finished by stating, "God won't allow the divorce to go through." As they spoke, tears ran down her face and dripped onto the floor. After they prayed, the three of them went over to the other woman to pray for her. 

After prayer that night, all four of them sat on the couch visiting while the couple shared their entire testimony of how God restored their marriage. The entire home group listened in. Then the husband excused himself and went to the trunk of their car. He returned with two books and handed each of the women a Restore Your Marriage book.  

More than a month had passed when the restored couple ran into the group leader of that home group and inquired about these two young women. He stated quite calmly that they were doing well and both of them were now attending church with their husbands! After recovering from the shock, the couple asked for details. 

It seems that the husband of the woman who hadn't spoken to her in four months, unexpectedly accepted an invitation to go to a potluck dinner at her home group when the leader called and got him on the phone! His wife, of course, was ecstatic when he told her. But when she called for directions it wasn't that night! The group leader told her he had misunderstood, it wasn’t that night, but next week! Her heart sank. Then he proceeded to tell her to just "come on over anyway." The couple did go and spent the evening just visiting with the group leader and his family. After the meal the group leader asked her husband if he wanted to take a little walk while the ladies cleaned up. While they were walking, the group leader said to her husband, "Son, the problems that you and your wife are having, well, everybody has them. You just have to work through the problems." That is just what her husband needed to hear. That night things totally turned around for her and her husband.  

For the other woman and her husband it was even more miraculous! Two weeks after she met the restored couple, she went to the courthouse for the divorce hearing. She had released her attorney, as the restored couple had told her that she had to, but because it was so close to the hearing, she was required to go to the hearing or be held in contempt of court. The young woman sat nervously praying while she waited for their case to be called. She remembered the night the restored couple had prayed and what they had said: "God won't allow the divorce to go through." But here she was about to be called into court. Finally, as she heard their name called she leaped out of her chair. She trembled as she went into the judge's chambers and sat down. Her husband's attorney was glaring at her. Her head felt like it was spinning as the attorney and judge spoke. Then she heard it. "Divorce granted!!" It felt like a knife pierced through her chest. But then, as the judge leaned over to write his name on the papers, he stopped. He said that his name was not on the papers and that he could NOT GRANT THEM THE DIVORCE!  

This woman thought she was dreaming. Had he said what she thought he said? All three of them got up and walked out. This woman's husband and his attorney stood together talking while she leaned against the wall still in shock at what had just happened. The attorney told her husband that he would have to start all over by filing again. Extremely upset, her husband rushed over and grabbed her hand and stomped out. 

Two nights later her husband got saved! 

Nothing is impossible with God. That means NOT A THING! So if your situation seems hopeless, the Lord has a plan. He is never late. If your divorce is still headed for court, don't despair, instead trust Him, and believe Him. If we trust Him, cease striving, wait for Him, and hope against hope, then all things will work together for our good, if we love Him and are called according to His purpose, not our own! 

Restoration in New Zealand  

This man came to our website seeking help. After getting the men's book, he wrote to our Q & A Column with this: 

"My wife has left. What do I do about seeing our children? I agree with your books on my marriage. The law in NZ is that if I don't contest the custody order then I won't see the children until they are 16. My wife has alleged abuse by me of the children. Should I not fight to see our 7 (age 1-13) children? If I don't go to court and she does then she will have no legal obligation to let me ever see our children again.” 

This man had not seen his seven children for over SIX MONTHS!! 

We advised him to trust the Lord, RELEASE his attorney and not to DEFEND himself against the allegations. The magnitude of his decisions and his ultimate trust in the Lord has brought about an AWESOME blessing. Here it is: 

After he agreed that to trust the Lord was the ONLY WAY, he experienced a tremendous peace. He was able to work his farm better, and then he called and asked for a large packet of materials to be sent to him to give to all the men he knew that also needed help.  

A few weeks later, he wrote about all the Lord was doing in his life. I felt impressed to tell him to agree with Dan and me in prayer that "his wife would need his help and call him." The laws in effect said that she could contact him, but that he would be thrown in jail if he contacted her! We agreed and prayed. Three days later, we received this praise report: 

"Last night at 7:15 I got a phone call from my wife. First contact with her for just over 6 months!!! I couldn't believe it!! She rang ME! You said you would pray she had a need. She has no money and wasn't going to give the children any Christmas at all. But she (God) decided to ring me only ONE time and ask if I would send her some money for the children. She then talked to me for 7 and a half hours. Yes, till 2:45 this morning!!! I was in a state of shock for much of the call, but thanks to your books etc., must have done some right things for her to talk so long. 

I didn't once say, "I love you" even at the end. If she had said it then I would have. I didn't even ask if I could see the children or her or anything like that so there was no pressure for her to do anything for the money. She gave me her address to send some money to ( I agreed but she didn't give an amount - left that up to me). 

She told me most of what had happened to her and the children during the past 6 months. At about 1 o'clock she said she hadn't meant to talk for so long and then carried on for a lot longer. I tried to listen to her and agree wherever could. We had a great talk about the Word and God and the good things of God. 

There was no mention of another call or anything. I didn't even hint that I wanted to see her or talk again. When we were talking I wasn't sure if I should be asking her for forgiveness yet or if it was the right time. I couldn't remember if you said I should as soon as possible or not. Because I was unsure I didn't say anything. ???  

Her talk about her walk seemed pretty good. She said a lot about rebellion and how bad it was and things like that. How can what she was saying line up with the Word and yet in the area of marriage she can't see it (YET?????) 

She also seemed to accept that the marriage was over and it was going to be like her parents. (Who split when she was 2 and are both on their 3rd marriage). Then she said "I don't want it to end like her parents." ???? This was a miracle! 

And yes, I am thanking God. Is there anything I should do now other than pray God continues to turn her heart back to me?????. This is the scary time because one wrong word could wreck everything. I believe she will ring again. After all she rang once that I didn't expect. (Yes, I know by faith I should have, but after the place I got to last night I no longer did). 

I will try to read through both the books again, today, in case she rings again tonight, but I have a very busy day on the farm. (Hay time).  

I tried not to say anything bad about anything she was doing with the children or the house that she has bought. 

I want to praise God and tell everyone that has been praying, but I feel I shouldn't tell anyone (how not to) because she didn't give me any permission to share that she had rung me. 

Must go I got 2 and a half hours sleep and am late leaving for the milking now. I just wanted to share this. Is this awesome or what? I know it's God!! Bless you heaps and heaps. He did give her a substantial check for the children's Christmas. Then a new test came:  

My wife rang again today. Praise God!!!! She wants to work out the money between us and not involve the lawyer. She has already run up $15,000 + legal bills and doesn't want any more. She asked if I would pay off a gift that she got of $30,000 to put a deposit down on the house she bought. She wanted me to give her $100 a week for 6 years. She wants me to keep the farm for the children. She was talking about a divorce and not sure whether to carry on with it. I think she realizes she can't marry again in God's eyes. 

I said "yes" I liked her principle, but could I pray about it before deciding. What I want to do and believe God wants me to do. (If you agree then please pray that my wife will accept it.) I want to give her the $30,000 as a gift so she cannot owe these other people. She was not happy because they are already telling her what to do even though it was supposed to be a gift. I can get the money (GOD is great) as a gift to me (real gift) and no one will ever know how she got the money. Is it good for me to do as much as possible for her money wise???  

Also I want to offer to pay her mortgage. I can take this from the farm as part of my personal drawings and no one will ever know what it is being used for except my wife and God. Does this sound right???? If I haven't heard from you before she rings again (I believe that she will, GOD is working big time) then this is the offer I will make her. 

Also, I want to offer that if she needs money for anything else to ask me first. This seems right to me. Am I right in all this? Should I be doing as much to help as I can???  

She has long term plans for everything, but I know God has started turning her heart back to me. Why else would she be ringing? 

She said today that she has never stopped loving me. 

I think God is so good and awesome. 

Here are just three more of his praise reports: 

"Do you know how awesome it is to pick up the phone and hear "Hi, it's me here" on the other end! After over 6 months of not hearing her voice and now I've had my 3rd phone call!!! We talked for 4 hours until she was late getting the children from school. Thank you for all your prayers. I can never repay you but God can." 

"My wife came around tonight for two hours with all 7 children!!! She didn't seem totally comfortable. She talked and came inside and had a coffee. The children got heaps of their things and loaded up the van. It was awesome! Before today, I hadn't seen her or 4 of the children for 6 and a half months; then in town, and here at our house tonight. This praise report seems impossible -- it was just 6 days ago when I talked with her for the first time in 6+ months. 

AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME - GOD can surely move fast!! 

Then we got this: 

"When she turned up with all 7 children and their 2 dogs and they all got out of the van it was neat. Then them all staying so long and coming in was awesome. It was hard to not say anything about us!! But I managed. The children all talked to me and shared heaps. As you can guess with 7 of them it was hard to keep track of all the conversations and I always seemed to have one on my lap and another one trying to get on. Praise God!! Do you know how nice all this is?! Bless you for your Godly advice and prayers! Thank you!!" 

Then we got word that they were either spending time TOGETHER at the farm or her house, but ALWAYS together!! Within about 6 weeks we got news...  

Number 8 is on the way!!! 

Because of her pregnancy and her being tired with all the children, she was open to more and more help from her husband. Then we got this..... 

IT'S OFFICIAL - Praise the Lord!! 

My WIFE IS HOME!! She has stopped getting the government money and fully moved back. Praise God!!! Now we are relying on God to supply our needs and sort out the rest of our situations. It is official. My marriage has been restored!!!! 

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! 

We don't know what the future holds but we are together as a family and that's the most important thing! If anyone has any doubts about your books working, then they haven't tried them, because I can state that they work perfectly! It's only about 4 months from when I started getting to your principles (GOD's) and they have proven true in every way!!!!  

I thank you again. You are awesome in God and may He bless you and all you do. 

All the questions this man asked and applied was one of the principles from the Word of God and the course for "men" hoping for restoration. A man is to protect and therefore can offer support much more than a woman can Biblically.  

My Wife is a New Woman!! 

A man contacted us from our own church. He left a message on our voice mail that he was desperate for help. He said he was counseled by his associate pastors (along with other Christian friends) to counter sue his wife for divorce and to put a restraining order on her to protect their children! He said he and another man were on their way to where she was staying, to confront her and her lover! 

When we called him back, both Dan and I got on the phone and listened as he recounted the escalating series of events over the past few weeks. I had to ask Dan to interrupt him since I could no longer bear to hear any more details! At this point, we began to share the TRUTH with him. He was open and more than willing to embrace the Biblical principles that were shared. He kept repenting throughout the conversation for failing to deal with his wife Biblically. 

It seems their trouble had began after God had miraculously restored their marriage. Right after the restoration, his wife became extremely ill. He confessed to "not seeking the Lord first" but sought many physicians. ("...he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians 2Chr. 16:12). Each prescribed more and more medication for her painful condition. At the end of his rope, he sought the Lord for his wife. His prayers were answered when the doctors suddenly realized that they had misdiagnosed his wife. It would need surgery to correct the problem, which it did. 

Unfortunately, it was all part of the devil's scheme. Her pain was gone but she found herself addicted to the pain medication she had been taking. 

Again, he confessed to not seeking the Lord, but the arm of the flesh. He made the mistake of committing his own wife to a drug rehab center. In the center, she met a man, another drug addict. She committed adultery there and was convinced that she loved this new man, not her husband. We shared that he put her into a place where there was no protection, and because of her vulnerability as a woman, especially with all that she had to endure with her illness and then with major surgery on top of it, he had failed as a husband. 

Then both of them checked out of the center and she moved in together. At this point, she contacted her husband to tell him that they were through, that she met the man she loved, that she wanted a divorce and had already filed. When her husband fought back, she told him she also wanted the children. This is when all the legal battle began and when he finally got a hold of our ministry. 

Our counsel to him was to first drop ALL legal action, which meant also releasing his attorney. We asked that he NOT shame his wife anymore and refuse to talk to ANYONE about their situation any more. We then told him that the next time she contacted him, to tell her that he had released his attorney and he would never take any legal action against her. Then he was to tell her how TOTALLY and COMPLETELY this entire thing was HIS FAULT! That she was not responsible for ANYTHING. That he loved her more than ever, and that if she needed ANYTHING he would be waiting by the phone to help. 

His wife called that same day, and he relayed all that we had said with a heart of love for his wife and humility in his voice. She was shocked!! That very same day she called to say she didn't know what to do. She wanted to come home, but didn't know how to do it! He told her just to drive home and he would handle the rest.  

When she walked into the house, she was met with open arms and a dozen red roses! 

Her husband jumped into his car and drove to the apartment where she had been staying. He went in, packed up and loaded all her things and headed for home. As he drove up he was singing, "I took back what he (the devil) stole from me!"  

A few days later, we received a phone call from a very tearful and grateful wife. She told us that she had no idea what had happened to her. She said she was completely deceived!! But when her husband told her that it was his fault and took the entire responsibility, suddenly, it's like a veil was removed from her eyes! In an instant her feelings changed completely! 

She said that she could NEVER repay us for saving her. 

We see this couple sitting in the front row of every service. Just recently, the husband read the men's book over and over again during a prolonged fast. At the end of the fast, he couldn't believe the change in his wife! He said that the Lord completely transformed her into the Godliest woman he had ever seen!!! 

I Was the One Who Left Him!!! 

A woman e-mailed wondering if we could help her. Things were totally different in her situation. She said, "I am the one who left and was in adultery. Can you help me? I became involved with a man and was convinced that I should leave my husband for him. I have two children that I home school. One day while driving (after I had filed for divorce to be with this other man) God just came all over me. Instantly, I knew what I was doing was wrong and knew I had to turn around. But when I told my husband, he totally changed from wanting me. He said that if I didn't file for divorce he would. I have already been served with divorce papers. Is there any hope? He says he won't forgive me. I have tried to reason with him, but it seems to make him more determined." 

I wrote back to say, yes, there is hope and that her husband is undoubtedly hurt and doesn't trust her any more. "Reason" will never turn his heart or bring him into the revelation of forgiveness. It will take the Lord turning him, exactly as He was faithful to turn her. It may take some time and a divorce may be necessary for the Lord do. "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil. 1:6.  

I wrote: "The Lord will take this time to mold you and change you so that you will glow in the goodness and love of the Lord. It will certainly be painful at times; He totally and completely had to make me over. There is a dear friend who lives here in Pensacola whose situation sounds almost exactly like yours. She was the one who was unfaithful, she wanted a divorce and then she had a revelation about her condition before the Lord. When she repented and came back to the Lord, her husband refused to accept her back. It took some time and many, many trials and tests, but I saw this woman become one of the most spiritually powerful women I have ever met. What we found in all of this is that it was really no different in her situation than in mine. What our common bond was our restored marriage. The Lord showed me that no matter how a woman came to our ministry, restoration was the same. Most who come are like myself; their husband has left and is in adultery. Many other women come when their husbands are abusive, are drinking or into drugs. Surprisingly, at least a fourth of all the women who come have been in adultery themselves."  

Then she wrote: "Do I cease ALL spiritual conversations and conversations about reconciliation and just let him see the work God is doing in my life? He told me that his pastor told him to go to counseling, but he refuses." 

I wrote: "Don't you make contact, but when he does (or you just make contact when exchanging children) be sweet, joyful in the Lord (not necessarily in your situation). And most importantly, ask for the Lord's love to fill you so that you can love your husband unconditionally, which means, loving him if he doesn't love you back or even if he rejects you. Now I am not saying to love him aggressively. Just stay sweet and quiet. You need not make any advances for a man to know that you love and care about him. When two people first meet, a woman can just let a man know how she feels by the way she looks at him, the way she talks to him and the way she responds to him. 

Personally, I am glad he is not interested in counseling. It ALWAYS causes more problems than it solves. Your consistent love (the love that's found in 1Cor. 13) that is first patient, will win him since we have the promise that "love never fails." 

Then she asked, "My husband wants me to tell him EVERYTHING about my adultery. I don't know how to handle this." I wrote: Giving "details" about past affairs can be very damaging for your future. Your husband is falling into the same trap many of us have faced, desiring to "know" everything. However, since he is asking, you must respond. Try and be discreet and only answer what he has asked, go no further in the circumstances or details. Use the time to "minimize" the feelings you thought you had for the other man and "maximize" your love for him even when you were unfaithful. Also, share how it was clearly deception that caused so much of your adultery. Share your need for his spiritual protection that you got out from under which put you in such a vulnerable spot. And reiterate your awakening to the need for his protection. 

 Finally a Breakthrough 

She wrote: "Last night my husband came over at 9:00 p.m. and stayed until 3:00 a.m.. Even though there were some "rough" spots, I could tell there was a calm and a peace in his heart. The main thing he is working through right now is memories of my unfaithfulness to him. My "words" do not mean much to him at this time, because he feels he cannot trust me. So I am trying to just SHOW him on a daily basis my commitment to him and the change God has brought into my life through my actions. It is so much better when I hold my tongue and just smile!"  

Closer to Victory! 

 "What a precious weekend I had with my husband. We literally spent most of the weekend side by side. He had me over for dinner Saturday night and Sunday night and both nights I ended up staying with him. However....THE ULTIMATE thing happened Saturday before we went to sleep. He said... "We should pray." He took my hand and he prayed and thanked God for His work in our lives. This brings me to tears." 

It's so Close!! 

"Last night we talked about me moving back into our home. I have been trying to be completely silent about this because I have noticed that ANY amount of pressure from me causes him to go the other way."  

"Once before he made a comment about me moving back, but when my face lit up he quickly said, "But I am not sure that is what I want yet." I told him that I trusted him and what he thought was best. However, on the inside I am LONGING to be by his side everyday again."  

The Fire Hits! 

"The divorce date is tomorrow and my husband is adamant about my going!" She didn't have an attorney and her husband had already agreed she could stay home, but the enemy was working hard - since he knew his time was short!! 


The morning of the divorce her husband called and said "DON'T GO! Stay home!!" When her husband went, he had the divorce dropped! A couple of days later he asks his wife to come home! Praise the Lord!!!! 

If you are ready to make a commitment to GOD to finish the course, by CLICKING on your JOURNAL you've agreed, and are ready to document this next step along your Restoration Journey in your "My Daily Journal" form. Take your time, sit down, grab your coffee or tea, and pour your heart into your Journal. 

As an “Older women likewise…teaching what is good, that they may ENCOURAGE the young women…” (Titus 2:3) you will have the opportunity to speak to the younger women who are still single as part of your ministry.

2 thoughts on “FD Chapter 4. Restored Marriages and Praise Reports”

  1. Woow que maravilloso eres Amado y los milagros que has hecho en cada uno de los matrimonios como te revelas en cada persona

    Wow, how wonderful you are, Beloved, and the miracles you have done in each of the marriages, how you reveal yourself in each person.

  2. Ver la fidelidad del Señor es maravilloso, cada testimonio me trajo recuerdos de como Dios trabaja con nuestras vidas, al inicio el a suelo es la restauración de nuestro matrimonio pero saben en mi proceso me doy cuenta que la primera relación que el busca como restaurar es la íntima con nuestro Amado celestial, Ama al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con todas tus fuerzas y luego dice ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo, me di cuenta que la segunda relación que Dios restaura es la que tenemos con nosotros mismos, como puedo decir que amo a mi prójimo, cuando somos arrogantes con los nuestros. Aleluya, Dios me hizo una sola carne con mi esposo y apuntó de cortarnos por la mitad el Señor decidió lastimarme para que no siguiera más, me llevo a ser sanada, restaurada en un tiempo a solas con Él, porque el entrega a nuestro cónyuge a la esposa que Él planifica qué debemos ser. Aleluya, el transforma, Aleluya El hoy Reyna para siempre, ahora el me reprende ya que al principio de dio leche atravez de su palabra y me consoló, hoy en este viaje me esta corrigiendo y avanzamos a la madurez espiritual, Aleluya, te puedo adorar, Aleluya lo que Dios a iniciado lo terminará.

    Seeing the Lord’s loyalty is wonderful, every testimony brought me memories of how God works with our lives, at the beginning the soil is the restoration of our marriage but they know in my process I realize that the first relationship that he seeks how to restore is The intimate with our celestial beloved, love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might and then love your neighbor as yourself, I realized that the second relationship that God restores is the That we have with ourselves, as I can say that I love my neighbor, when we are arrogant with ours. Hallelujah, God made me one flesh with my husband and pointed to cut us in half the Lord decided The wife that he plans what we should be. Hallelujah, the transform, alleluya today Reyna forever, now he rebukes me since at the beginning of Dio Mil , Hallelujah what God has begun will end.

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