Start Your Journey With God

British Columbia

It will show you that God was leading you all this time and that you are not crazy. It will show you that God is in control and that all things will work for good to those who love him and are called according to his purpose. God is a loving God and he wants our hearts and he wants us to be happy for the rest of our lives and to be like a tree planted by streams of his living water. No man can give you what God will give you he is the lover of your soul and he wants to show you that he is the love you have been searching all this time.

I did not know this type of organization existed . I encountered rejoice ministries but it did make sense to me . I am very glad you exist . I wish I have found this type of support but God had mercy on me and one night I encountered this website.

God loves you so much and after this you will come out a different person a better person . God is your great reward . You will be so happy with him, you will feel so love and complete everyday. He is your husband a true husband a loving and kind husband, your maker.

United States

I would really recommend this book because it is an eye opener. So many things that are taught in this book that are honest to God, the truth. Don't look at your situation as hopeless, nothing is impossible with God. HE can turn the heart wherever He wishes. Just have faith and trust in the Lord for He is our refuge and our Salvation. Yes, I'm not saying it's an easy road but at least you know you have the only person that can help you change yourself and your situation. God Bless!

My marriage situation was hopeless. There was so much hatred on his part and mine too but my husband was just enraged with hatred. I blamed it on him for leaving me but then with this 30 day course I found out it was me that pushed him away. Now l, after 30 days, I have hope that God will restore my marriage. I just have to continue to use the tools given to me with the book and continue to seel God and make him my #1 priority right now. It's hard not to think of my situation but it is getting easier every day.

Please take this gift and start your journey with God. I'm not going to lie, it's not an easier journey but you have to remeber, God is and always will be with you all the way. Please don't make my mistake, talk to our Lord Jesus Christ about your problems. Cry to him and no anyone else. HE is the only one that can answer your prayers and turn the heart. Be encouraged and stay strong.


I am so grateful that God led me to this book while searching for support to stand for my marriage. It's not like reading any other self-help book. It is so saturated with Scripture that it is rather like reading someone's well-marked Bible who has gone through the same struggles that you are facing. My Bible now looks like that, which is the legacy I want to leave behind. I believe that everyone should have RYM as a handbook for family life, not just those who have waited until the struggles became disastrous.

I have been in a Christian marriage for over 37 years - most of it in public ministry, but I did not realize that the personal/spiritual distance between was anything other than age. We have a modest home & family business in Michigan, but my husband (due to physical issues) really HATES the cold & built a house in Florida with his disability monies. The "blow" came on New Year's Day 2015, when he said, "I don't want to be married anymore." I was devastated. Since we were in Florida at the time (with a motor home in the driveway), I was expected to sleep in the motor home. Needless to say, I had many sleepless nights sobbing out to God. In order to endure the pain, I started searching for reasons why my husband was "broken". (Which I now realize is not what God wanted for me.) Then, months later - giving in to his idea that we would both be better off with other people. We remained "friends" and he promised to take care of my financial needs. By July, he was writing up no-fault divorce papers when our adult sons got wind of the situation and confronted him. We went on a "try to save it" trip together, which only confirmed that he had absolutely no romantic feelings for me. However, we did agree to suspend the D and just remain separated (he lived in the motor home while in Michigan). God began to change my heart and I started to search for books about believing for my marriage, which eventually led me to RYM and later to the website.

I want to let you know that you have chosen to embark on a glorious spiritual journey with the Lord. I encourage you to mark your Bible, use a journal and just pour yourself out before the Lord every day. Philippians 1:6 (HCSB) "I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."