God opened my eyes


"How God Can And Will Restore your marriage" is an excellent book. This book is filled with so many scriptures that apply to every area of our life. This book truly points you to God and helps you build a relationship with him. I would definitely encourage other women, divorced, facing problems, even those in a happy marriage, to read this book and draw close to God and let him change your life for the better.

I have been divorced for going on 11 years. My marriage ended due to adultery. The first time around when I took this course I had an opportunity to witness God do some amazing things in me and my ex husbands life. We experienced a false start toward a new relationship. Most importantly God opened my eyes to the woman that I am and through this course he has transformed me for the better. This course and the material I have had access to has been very encouraging and helpful on this journey.

Although this may not be much a little goes a long way. I know God will take what we have and stretch it a long way. I have seen him do it. Please know that you are not alone and you will get through this. God is about to do some amazing things in your life, and after he gets started you will never be the same. You may be hurting now but soon that pain will only be a memory. Commit to completing this course and not allowing anyone or anything to get in your way, and you will find all that you have been searching for.


I did recommend this book to a couple of women that I knew had trouble in their marriage. I also bought the wise women book and gave them away.

My marriage situation hasn't changed much, I'm still separate however the resources in this website, the books I read with the bible changed me. The resources helped me to seek God to change me.

I'm sorry I can help at this moment. I bought some books to give away not long time ago.

Puerto Rico

I have recommended " How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage " to other women . If you want to restore your marriage and want to do it correctly and based on God's promises .This book is a must.It's all based on biblical principles ,truths nothing watered down or twisted...just scripture.So if you truely want a restoration that will be through the Lords hand ...then you need to rebuild but upon the rock , Jesus Christ .So let this book be your guide I recommend it 100%.

If you want to be encouraged this is a must . Read how God moved in different situations and scenarios and Restored Marriages. Be filled with hope as you read how God moved in impossibles situations and turned it all around . If He did it for them , He can do it for us .Amen

I am refreshing the course.After finishing WW I was lead to start over the courses When I first went through the course I was broken , shattered in such pain and much turmoil. My ears were being tickled that I was a free woman to move on , that God had something better ahead .Was in such pain and turmoil because I felt that wasn't what the Lord wanted I did go to my Pastor and told him what I was feeling only to be told that it was demons and bad spirits trying to confuse me from doing His will.Was even asked to place a "D" I know they meant well . I kept going to church and started being treated as a rebel but as I started the lessons and the truth was being revealed the Lord led me to leave the church and join the Fellowship . I can't say am at the finish line but looking back am not that same woman.I am closer to my Lord than ever I had been and His truths keep being revealed 🙂 Amen

When I first was led to this ministry I was broken , confused , hurt and could not see past my circumstances. But as the Lord led me to take that first step into His arms through this ministry my life has not been the same. I grow closer to the Lord each and every day. My hopelessness has been turned to hopefulness , and may I gurantee you that it is all based on God's scripture. It's His principles , His word and His leading that does it all. He loves you and wants to restore you if you just let Him.Hope you will embrace Him as He wishes to embrace you.So blessings and a warm welcome. Amen