His Timing Is Always Perfect


This is a great resource as it teaches us to become that woman God has planned for us to be.

These testimonies are powerful and encouraging.

My husband and I were high school sweethearts. Do to our inmaturiry and lack of knowledge wee fell into the enemy's trap and I filed for divorce. It has been a bit more than 10 years since then and we have stayed single. I know that I made a horrible mistake by filing for divorce and I have asked God for forgiveness since then. The last 2 years my husband and I became close again and right when I thought things were working out I found out about the OW. It broke my heart and I felt so lost. Its been 2 months since and I have learned to ask God for this restoration. I stand in the gap for my family and for my husband.

Lets keep praying and following all the principles. God is real and he is on our side. We are his daughters!


Ustedes me ayudaron grandemente a mí en mi crecimiento sobre lo que Dios quiere hacer con los matrimonios. Yo hablé mucho con gente y todos me decía. Lo Mismo que ya dejara las cosas así que nada hiba hacer volver a mi esposo pero con este ministerio confirme que para Dios no ahí nada imposible. Gracias

Los testimonios de las mujeres que ahí aquí con muy alentadores yo llore, sonreí, y soñé con cada uno de ellos y me fui mucha más esperanza de las que ya tenía gracias a todos por derramar sus experiencias para que otra también tuviéramos la esperanza de que Dios va a restaurar nuestros matrimonios. Espero pronto poder mandar mi mensaje diciendo quemo matrimonio fue restaurado.

Mi esposo y yo estamos separados yno teníamos casi comunicación él estaba muy alejado y hasta el momento que yo escribí esto todavía lo estamos pero yo tengo la fe y esperanza que pronto vamos a poder restaurar nuestro matrimonio

Hermanas en Cristo que mi Dios las bendiga y las llene de amor por el. Este ministerio me ayudo mucho a mi para encontrarme a mí misma y para seguir esperando la voluntad de Dios gracias a los testimonios me dio mucha esperanza para seguir y pegada de Dios en oración.


This book is not even about restoring your marriage. It is about restoring yourself, and until you do that, you cannot restore your marriage. I highly recommend that woman married, single, separated, or whatever read it to become a better wife, mother, and woman.

These testimonies were encouraging at times, and I won't lie there were times that they were heart wrenching and sadness became an overwhelming emotion as I read through what I can only WISH to have again someday. With that said, the encouragement and strength and reading through every single one still leaves lots of room for HOPE!

My marriage started when I was 17 and married at 19. I am now 37 and was still happily in love with my husband when he chose to leave. I started out early in the morning a little aggressive, and quickly knew to STOP. And I ceased immediately. Afterwards, I spent 10 days working hard at getting to the grave. I was going to starve myself to death, or atleast to the hospital to see if he even cared. He didn't. God rescued me from the grave and told me to get a grip and we can do this together!

I pray that all women in need are able to benefit from this amazing ministry, and as soon as I have an income I will sponsor at least one woman, if not more as I can. Wish i could do more right now.


I would definitely (and have) recommend RYM to anyone and everyone, not just those facing crisis. This book, along with Wise Woman and FAL, gently guides the reader to learning what their role is as a servant to Him and as a spouse through scripture and prayer. Reading these books before a crisis occurs will help avoid trouble and will lead to a deeper relationship with your HH, as well as your EH.

I would recommend getting every one of the WOTT books! In my darkest moments when things seemed almost hopeless (I knew they weren’t because my HH promised me), I would pray for peace, then I would begin reading the testimonies in these books. They have brought such encouragement to me many times as I read about others who have or still are traveling the same journey I am. They showed me how following the principles as I am lead to restoration, but most importantly lead us closer to our HH. It was comforting to read about real people who struggled just as I do and make mistakes in their journey, but with their repentance, our HH was quick to get the, back on track instead of destroying their restoration. Crying with and rejoicing with others as they are blessed with their miracles lifts my spirit and helps take my mind off of my situation because I am focused on celebrating with them.

God led me to your ministry after my husband came home suddenly right before Christmas for three wonderful weeks before telling me he was going back to the OW. For months, I have searched the Internet for any help I could find about how to reach God to bring my husband home. It was a process of Him teaching me how to pray, so I think He delayed my finding your ministry because I wasn’t quite ready for it. His timing is always perfect, and He led me to you when my spirit was broken enough to seek His will over my own.

You are not alone in your journey. You are surrounded by others who rare standing in the gap for your miracle, but most importantly for your walk with your HH. While there are many who are praying for you and with you, none of that even compares to the love and mercy your HH will pour out to you. Rest in His arms and enjoy this moment in your life as you grow closer to Him than you ever imagined.