This Book Has Changed My Thinking Towards Life


Absolutely would recommend the RYM book. I read it in about two days the first time because I was so frantic. Then I went back and looked at chapters slowly and started my 3x5 cards.

I purchased the ebooks of the Testimonies because I could tell I would need to read them all! Absolutely recommend them as they reinforce the principles and what God says for marriages.

Married 02-05-94. Born again 10-8-2000. After almost 26yrs of marriage with no intimacy for longer than I can remember my EH moved out. At first he said divorce and no reconciliation then he said his heart was softened. We started counseling and sure enough our situation became worse. EH stopped counseling, church and said no reconciliation and started talking divorce. He still helped with kids, but he was angry and had the hate wall up. I was frantic. I searched books and found RYM on Amazon for sale and bought it. Then I went to the website. At first I was skeptical that this ministry was for real because of all the worldly advice and ways, then I watched some of Erin’s free videos and I knew this was God talking to me. I knew I was the contentious wife who drove her EH to live on the roof. Since reading and doing the course my EH has softened more, hate wall has come down more, but he’s stopped all intimacy still. I’m trusting God whose word does not return void to restore and revive my marriage. To light a fire in my EH for Him and me.

May this give you the chance to know your HH.


This book literally has turned my life around. I cannot go back to the woman I was. The Word of God fills the pages of this book and it is exactly what I needed at the time I did. God is faithful and His timing is perfect. I would more than recommend this book to other women so they can be transformed by the Word of God ao beautifully written by Erin.

So RYM book is the foundation and the testimonies of the various women is the support beams. They bring life and meaning to the principles I read in the RYM book. The success of so many women and the restoration of their marriages and also the ones who are still waiting on their restoration is a great encouragement. More importantly through out the ones which I read, they all come back to the key to restoration in general....that is placing our HH as 1st in our life always. I would recommend this book to all women in search of encouragment.

I had just had a baby and 6 montha prior to that I told my EH that we should go our separate ways which he agreed with. After having my son I wanted my EH to be back in the picture on my terms and to my surprise he wanted nothing to do with me. That hurt me deeply and being the contentious horrible woman I was I sent him a whole bunch of messages berating him and calling him disgusting things....sending the OW pictures of my child knowing this would hurt her because she did not know I was even pregnant, cursing out his mother who I know did not support our was just horrible. After all that he blocked me from messaging me and told me that he wanted nothing more from this union and he wanted a divorce. It was reading these words from my EH that I started to ask God why since 2017 until now He had not answered my prayers to bring my EH back home. My EH suggested I move on with my life and find someone else and he was going to do the same. I had never believed that was what God had wanted but I started to agree. I did an online search to see if remarriage was acceptable for christians after being divorced and thats when I got in the search results a link to How God can and will restore your marriage book. I was highly annoyed by that result and tried searching again and the book came back up again. I decided to read the free couple of pages offered and I started crying like a baby as I read as I felt very convicted. I ended up buying the e-book and read it off in 2 days. I then signed up for Course 1 online. I gave my tithes to RMI and also became a member of the Restoration Fellowship Church.

Dear Bride, God loves and cares for you so much that He gave you a Heavenly Husband who is your true husband. You may have started your Restoration Journey focused exclusively on your Earthly Husband but I can assure you that when you finally come face to face with your Heavenly Husband you will repent for beinf unfaithful to Him and He will embrace you and tell you that He never left your side through it all. This Restoration journey is to come back to the loving arms of your Heavenly Husband not your earthly one. The bonus is that He will renew and restore all that has been stolen from you which includes your earthly husband.

Husband is remarried

I would love to encourage women going through marriage crisis to read this book it is life changing.

This is were you can see the lord changing impossible situation in possible. Here i have learn to trust the lord in all my situation.

Before i came here i had lost hope in my marriage because my FH rejected my pregnancy and this happened when i thought my marriage was been restored back but that when the hate wall was big. He shamed me for getting pregnant for him and he went and never looked back. I am thankful for this ministry and what am learning here which help me to know that the lord longs to love me and showing me favour. This book has changed my thinking towards life.

I would love to encourage a woman not to lose heart in searching for God and learning from this book it will change your life.