He wants your heart all to Himself.


I would say that I would this book is amazing, for it is based on God's truth and it is presented in such a beautiful way. I would say that its so important to read this to help you get thru the restoration journey, it gives you hope built on faith it encourages you and what better way than a woman who was devoted to helping others get thru the restoration journey... I remember the first time I read it and I kinda of sorta believed that God can and will restore you marriage, yet this time when I ready it I know that God can and will restore your marriage his way his time and thru his word, not our time not our way and not by us leaning on our own understanding. Great Book.

It was awful out of control and really terrible between my EH and I... I may not have a restored marriage yet today, we get along the hate walls have come down, the resources are important.. God has spoken to me thru the resources and he has changed me and continues to change me... This month was amazing I have received many compliments on helping others my appearance, and how well I am doing. Today I received an email from my EH and he offered to make sure he checks on the house every week, wow how things have changed

Let go and let God do not pursue you husband take all that energy and pursue God he loves you so much wants you for his bride, wants to be first in your life. I thank god for this ministry that taught me so much and saved my life I had made a mess of my marriage and I thought I was the best wife come to find out I was not now I know the truth.. .I am so thankful for knowing what it means to purse my EH and to allure my EH, I walk by my spirit and not my flesh and honestly as long as I have my God in my life I am so at peace and full of joy and willing to encourage other woman. I encourage you to read the books, watch the video, enjoy your time getting to get intimate with your HH and be his bride he will take care of you and your family


This book is a wonderful encouraging boom of truth! Read and reread to gain the strength, courage and wisdom to stand in the gap as Your Lord has called you to do! With God all things are possible and this book will help you during this trial to stay focused, fresh and ready to fight the good fight.

My husband left me at the end of January. Stating I had become selfish, unsupportive an unforgiving, we had been through a very challenging year and a half following a very traumatic delivery of our daughter and her suffering seizures, In january about a week before we left we discover our daughter has permanent brain damage from her seizures at birth.

Jeremiah 29:11...Take heart dear sister, God has brought you to this ministry for a reason, He knows the plans he has for you, You will find help, rest and comfort here.

Melissa Jane

This is a powerful ministry. The resources provided are god given and life saving. I would recommend them to anyone who would like to live a joy filled existence despite their current life situation.

Like so many, many others, I was broken, despondent and quite alone when He led me to this ministry. My fh had left me and taken almost everything we owned, except our house, but left me with all of our debt. When this happened, I was at the side of my dying father , 2000 miles away. But, my Beloved allowed this to hapne, He was jealous for me. He wanted me back. I had betrayed my First love. Now, I long to be with Him every moment of every day. My life is indescribably joy filled. He has blessed me in countless ways. There is not enough time to express how He used these resources to truly save my life. Now He uses me to comfort and love others. He is so good.

Oh my darling, our Lord and Rock hears your cries. He is with us always. He alone will give you the love and peace your soul is longing for. He wants your heart all to Himself. He wants to be First because You are the apple of his eye. He wants you to know this deep within you. Trust Him to show you. Give him your heart, your soul, your ALL. You will be so thankful you did. Trust Him and be blessed. 🙂