Marriage Restoration: “Overview & Insights”

In todays Podcast I share my heart and a bit of my own journey and what helped me.

Links to resources I speak about in this Podcast:

Link to the Devotions:

Streams in the Desert devotion "the dew":

Ministry Sitemap to access all resources:

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7 thoughts on “Marriage Restoration: “Overview & Insights””

  1. Thank you, Atarah. I was happy to see a new post, and was eager to listen to your podcast because they’re very insightful.

    As a much, older, wise woman, eager to teach and encourage you in your ministry… I first have to confess that I skipped forward in your podcast mostly because it was longer then I felt I had time to spare (which honestly is a silly thought, because I have all the time in the world) But I believe I needed to feel that way because I believe that’s exactly the way most women feel. If it’s too long, they either skim or don’t listen.
    Isabella’s podcasts was half as long, so I did find myself listening.

    However, Isabella’s earlier podcasts that were just a couple of minutes long usually left me with a THOUGHT that I would think 🤔 about throughout the day. [Hmmm 🧐 something to ponder and discuss at length with my Husband.]

    Now, may I ask a question 🙋🏻‍♀️
    You mentioned a second time going through your restoration after your husband had “an affair” (that I prefer referring to as committing adultery, because it was no party 🎉 but maybe that’s just me 🫣) but why did God ask you to go through it a second time? I know why I went through it a second time, but why were you asked to go through it a second time?
    I believe understanding, and sharing this truth will help women not be fearful when their husband returns after restoration – – possibly even prior to restoration because some might feel “what’s the point?”
    I know why it happens with the standers or I believe I know why… because I asked my Husband He revealed it’s because they’re the ones who are restoring so it won’t really stick and they have to continually be working to keep their husbands at home. But not so with you. I’ve read, and listened to your restored marriage testimony, and that simply not the case. It was no one, but GOD, who restored your marriage, not once, but twice. So why the second time?

    1. Thanks so much Erin I love the feedback. Just before I read your comment I was praying and asking my Love so what is the next topic? Do I continue from here or start a new topic? Well He used you to answer me because now I know that my next topic is a continuation answering your questions by sharing and I can break it up timewise to keep it shorter. Well it was just an ‘affair’ because it was so short and it took me so much quicker to heal from it having a HH.

  2. Atarah, Thank you. I really enjoyed listening. I have two jobs so I’m in my car quite often and I just turned on your podcast and listened to a few of them from my bluetooth while traveling. I love hearing stories and when they aren’t “perfect” (like the affair after restoration) it makes it feel more real and relatable. Maybe one day you can share how you made it through adultery once more while restored.

    1. That’s exactly what I will be doing! Thanks Hope Darling for your comment it’s confirmation that I’m going in the right direction. Thank you Lord!

  3. Thank you Atarah for this encouragement it is very usefull for me. just to know clearly what resources contribute to getting a restored marriage. and not because then I believe it’s because of something I’ve done but because then (And that’s my experience now) I’m getting closer to my HH. The peace and certainty you get about whatever your situation looks like, nothing is impossible for God. I have shared your story to my own BNN ministry FB account. Makes it more real for other women.

    1. Thanks Kristine that is what I felt in my heart my Husband was showing me. I did not just want it to be about Marriage Restoration but we all know that is why we come here… so that needed to be my beginning but in the end I want whoever listens to find their HH!! and share in the joy of being taken care of and loved unconditionally and understood by Him 🙂

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