He indeed goes ahead of us.

I am currently working through course 2 ‘Securing your success’ and in the lesson Crisis Corner I have just read the following Paragraph…

“I found that when I was faithful to stay close to the Lord that He always PREPARED me for what HE KNEW was about to happen. It happens even now more than two decades later. I am never shocked by anything that happens. I am surprised, yes, but immediately He will remind me of what He told me or showed me AHEAD of time.”

This rings so true! I had an incident a couple of days ago that made me smile at my Beloved Heavenly Husband who is always looking out for me. That morning I felt led to listen to audio Bible book of Hosea whilst doing my chores. I paused when it came to Hosea 2v18 that said :

On that day I will make a covenant    with all the wild animals and the birds of the skyand the animals that scurry along the ground  so they will not harm you.I will remove all weapons of war from the land, all swords and bows,so you can live unafraid    in peace and safety.

I paused it at that verse and opened the Bible to also look up different translations of that verse and concluded that God is saying in my relationship with Him, He has warned animals not to hurt me His beloved.I grew up in a country where dogs were primarily for security and there was a general fear of dogs that were not your own. I grew up hearing stories of people around being bitten by dogs.

Today though, I live in a country that keeps them primarily as pets and generally, they shouldn’t bite the average person they come across. However despite this, the fear of dogs has been deep-rooted from childhood, God is still helping me in this area. Anyway so I had never read Hosea before and had not planned to until that impression on my heart in the morning.

Later in the day I walked out down the street from my house when a neighbor’s dog ran toward me from nowhere. My heart skipped a beat thinking please just run past me. But no, the dog stopped next to me and started circling around my legs. I immediately rememered the pretty much only scripture I had read that morning. I then calmed and said to myself there is no way a dog will bite me, My Heavenly Husband You have made a covenant with the beasts of the field so they cannot harm me. It is not possible for a dog to bite me. Not whilst You are alive. There is no need for me to fear. I relaxed. The dog eventually left and I walked back to my house.

I was so happy and impressed how God knows the details of my life, right down to the dog that will come up to me, creating a situation that threatens to cause me fear, and He prepares me how to handle it using His Word. He knows me that much? He is that interested in the details of my life? To send comfort in advance. wow.Now, I know high chances are that the dog was not going to bite me (who knows) but I believe God preparation of me was in order to take my fear away in the midst of the situation. His Word brought me peace, calm and assurance in this minor ‘storm’.  I pray for us all, for the grace to trust Him even in the bigger storms too.

I praise Him for this!!! He is an amazing God.

4 thoughts on “He indeed goes ahead of us.”

  1. Hephzibah I’m so glad that He spoke to you in this way preparing you because He definitely knew beforehand that you would be facing one of your fears and not only preparing you but healing you of this fear ☺️ that is soooo wonderful He is so amazing 🙌 A lot of the time we say we cant hear from Him or He doesn’t speak to us well a lot of the time He speaks to us from His word His promises to us 💖

  2. Thank you so much my dear!! He indeed always prepares us! In my case, He gives me a verse that really speaks to me like you shared here!! It is so amazing to know that we are never alone anymore!! He will get us ready for the storm!!

  3. Thank you, yes He does always prepares us, and I’ve experienced it many times. But it is amazing how He knew you would be in a situation where you had to face a deep routed fear, and you where able to overcome through His word.

  4. So exciting when he prepares us and we don’t have to be fearful.

    “The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you. He will not leave you or forget you. Don’t be afraid. Don’t worry.” D31:8

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