“Older women ... teaching what is good,
that they may encourage the young women
to love their husbands, to love their children,
to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind,
being subject to their own husbands,
that the word of God may not be dishonored."
Titus 2:3-5

"The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands."
★★★★★ Chapter 17 "Women, Encourage the Younger Women" Filled with Precious & Pleasant Riches by Journaling
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For sure Atarah, every day more and more I see how there is absolutely nothing I can do to change my circumstances. All I can do is enjoy what He has decided to give to me today. Not just tolerating my circumstances, but really embracing and enjoying it. Of course we do this from time to time, but doing it everyday, hahahahaha, not so easy. This is where our Husband comes in, because He can certainly do the impossible in our life. Thank you for sharing, this lesson is so appropriate thinking of what He is doing in IOU.
Yes, when I checked what lessons I had left to do I definitely felt led to share on this WW lesson because of IOU 🙂 thats so true hahaha! only He can change our circumstances as we meditate on His promises and tell Him all the desires of our hearts.
Love the fact each our struggles is an open letter for others!! And it is true we have ana amzing opportunity to change other ladies lives!! You by showing them the beauties of being His bride!!
Now my house is full of teens due to Bethia, and I have the opportunity to talk to them about their Heavenly father, their purity and their identity in the Lord´s eyes!!!!
Yes that scripture is so true Isabella… just speaking to someone we all know does not always work… but when we live out our lives according to His word our lives can be that letter read by other women 🙂 I just love how you are sharing with all Bethia’s friends!!