wLL77 “Bitter or Better”

I would like to share the link to my comment https://loveatlast.org/wll-77-bitter-or-better/#comment-459 and in my podcast I share my first hand testimony on the subject of bitterness.. I know that this is an emotion that many of us have to deal with in our RJ's. So please come and listen to my testimony and then be sure to go and listen to Erin's Podcast.

Please comment and journal as He leads!

wLL77 YouTube Podcast “Bitter or Better

12 thoughts on “wLL77 “Bitter or Better””

  1. Thank you for sharing this lesson and Podcast. Bitterness is certainly something that can and will remain deeply ingrained if you don’t give it to your HM. I still have moments every now and then on two specific topics that I can still feel sad about. But now that I know He will always listen to me I can tell Him and let my tears flow with Him. I have never been able to read this lesson and wish I could find the text somewhere to read it over and over again.

    1. Yes Kristine tears 😭 flowing are signs of Him healing ❤️‍🩹 our hearts. My sister and I spoke about this yesterday, because she, like me, never felt comfortable crying, especially not in front of anyone. But she acknowledge that she understood it was a sign of her healing ❤️‍🩹 that she very much wants to do.

      1. I’m so glad you both mentioned crying… before l gave my heart to the Lord l also couldn’t cry.. my heart was very hard.. now my heart is so tender l cry easily at anything that touches me.. l know it’s definitely a sign of how much my heart has healed.

  2. I can truly say that most women come and are still bitter about situations that have happened in there lives including me. I can share one bitter experience I have had in my growing up was with my earthly father he abandoned me when I was three months old and I did not know the reason why but I kept on wondering why he did that, when I was ten years he died and I didn’t feel any bad emotions.
    The explosion came in when I was at my elder sister furnuel and meeting my aunt for the first time the young sister to my dad, it brought so many bad emotions in my heart and she started showing me his pictures and it was my first time seeing him. I knew I needed to bring it before my husband cause the pain in my heart was big and I started asking myself why he did this to me and thank God it was at the earliest days when I started my RJ and I knew I needed to bring it before my husband and asked him to help me heal and letting go.
    Most situations that have happened in my life I am learning to being them before my husband and I believe he is the only one that can heal and restore our hearts
    Like Erin has quoted Jeremiah our heart are treacherous who may know it. We become full of why me but not asking how he wants to use us in every situation.
    Lord help us to look to you in all the situation that bring pain in our lives.

    1. What’s amazing Nomuula is that our husband knows the reason why your father did this. But has his bride we need to ask our Heavenly Father why. Without a doubt it was for our GOOD. So asking your HF what the good that he wants to come from it is most certainly would lead to a deeper healing, and most likely ministering opportunities. We hear so much about children suffering through their adult years due to being abandoned by a parent so what better way for them to discover their HF in order to heal.
      My husband lead me to grab this link https://homegrownministries.com/hp/ww4hp/ because a while back Kristine, you, healed from reading one of the chapters. Do you remember which one? Do you remember what you were healed from?
      In a way, it doesn’t entirely matter because your Husband is clearly traveling with you on your journey, Nomuula and it’s beautiful to witness. 🤗💗

      1. Hello Erin, the chapter that i ones have read is this one https://homegrownministries.com/hp/ww4hp/otr-c1/
        after reading it i understood why my mother literally let go of me at a young age. Years ago in a conversation between her and me, it became clear to me that she had to do this from the Lord. I’ve never been an easy kid. Very busy, rebellious, transverse with a big mouth. Knew everything better and didn’t let anyone tell me anything. My mother couldn’t take it anymore. Then she handed me over to the Lord. I myself have always had an empty feeling, I was missing something. And despite doing many things, such as being active or working, I was never satisfied. I carried this quarrelsome, rebellious behavior into my marriage. but as I read this chapter it became clear to me that I was not relating properly to My First Love. I was propagating a religion. This chapter also made me understand why I fought so much for a place in society. My insecurity and feeling unloved has left a big mark on my life. But now that I’m building a relationship with Him who made and loves me, no matter what I’ll do, and how many mistakes I’ll make. I don’t worry about what people say or think about me anymore. I no longer live to please people and I no longer feel desperate when people disagree with me, because that could give me a deep sense of rejection for days. I am well made and will never again have to live without my Beloved who will love me no more.

      2. Thank you Erin for the link I need to eat it as early as possible. Am learning to understand so many things that our husband allows us to go through in this life and each and every day am been grateful for so many things that go on in my life inasmuch it hard, looking to him for help and healing is the best way ever.

  3. Thank you for sharing Atarah, when I came to this ministry I really didn’t want to turn into a bitter ex-wife :). But the journey was not easy and I have learned that forgiveness is not a one time thing like I thought previously. I had to learn, and must still do it when some memories come back, that we must forgive daily or every time a memory comes back that threatens to bring back old memories or feelings. And in that moments I have to lay everything at His feet again and give it to Him and forgive again. And forgiveness is such a important part of not becoming bitter and to become better and thrive.

    1. That’s so true Adina and its so easy to have those flashbacks and feelings surfacing all over again.. what l can say is that it gets better over time as He heals our hearts.

      1. One of the most amazing things my Husband did for me regarding painful childhood memories, is that He is replacing them with beautiful childhood memories, because there were 7-8 yrs of amazing memories which was buried from before the destruction started. And when I do think of the bad memories, He always gives me compassion and love for my parents with those memories. Regardless of everything that happened, when I now think back of my parents, I only feel love and respect for them, there is no more bitterness towards them, He removed it completely. Until today I am so thankful for the very short time He gave me and my mother to bond before she suddenly passed away… it was only a few months, but it meant the world to me to have my mother back for that time.

        And the same with other memories, although it doesn’t happen often anymore, I ask Him to give me compassion and understanding so I can forgive whoever needs to be forgiven, and to heal the wounds created by that specific memory.

  4. You’re so right, Atarah, that heading from bitterness is FORGIVENESS and healing by washing the open wounds by the Water 💦 of the Word.
    Interesting you too are remembering painful events in your childhood but how GOD used it for GOOD to motivate you to being better.
    This was a wonderful first podcast Atarah and I’m eager to read all the other comments.

    Now, after reading, and commenting on the comments from your podcast, and the original wLL (not to mention that I am helping my sister with this issue, and also most recently of a beloved 🥰 MTM). Who knew there were so many open wounds and hearts that needed extensive healing? GOD KNEW and I am excited to see what He has ahead. I believe he’s given me a glimpse into a future podcast, however, I’ve ceased from “planning my ways” and simply wait for him to quote, direct my paths” https://biblehub.com/proverbs/16-9.htm

    1. GOD sure knew and I’m so grateful for the healing that’s taking place in so many women’s lives, we most certainly need more of this so I’m excited to see where He directs your steps!

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