
I’m not sure how I came upon this lesson/post this morning (Well actually, I do know who lead me to find it) or if I’m sharing to personal information for a praise but this is what I read today…


When a man (or woman) is bound to sin, he or she is now referred to as an "addict." If your husband uses or sells drugs, the truth is that the cords of his sin have him bound. "His own iniquities will capture the wicked, and he will be held with the cords of his sin"—Proverbs 5:22. Whether you or your husband has a food, buying, or sexual addiction it is bondage to sin! Plain and simple. And simple because the solution is SIMPLE!

My EH and his family has all been held by this sin. I’ve been praying for the Lord to heal my husband of this “addiction” sin of for many years. A few days ago he told me to open the cabinet door where I found a note coaching to himself to go get help from an in-stay facility. I know that the Lord can change him in an instant but that just confirmed my faith that my Lord is putting it on the mind of my EH. Praise the Lord that my EH will one day be free from this sin and become the spiritual leader of our home. I can’t wait for my oldest son (whom knows what’s happening now) to see God transform and renew his dad.

“I wait patiently for God to save me; I depend on him alone. He alone protects and saves me; he is my defender, and I shall never be defeated. How much longer will all of you attack someone who is no stronger than a broken-down fence? You only want to bring him down from his place of honor; you take pleasure in lies. You speak words of blessing, but in your heart you curse him. I depend on God alone; I put my hope in him. He alone protects and saves me; he is my defender, and I shall never be defeated. My salvation and honor depend on God; he is my strong protector; he is my shelter. Trust in God at all times, my people. Tell him all your troubles, for he is our refuge”
Psalm 62:1-…

9 thoughts on “Bound”

  1. Dear Hope—thank you for your post—it’s amazing and I just have to AGREEEEE that this will happen too—not just for your sake or for your EH but especially for your son’s sake!!

    I’m not sure of your son’s age, but this is the story/allegory I told to my children, who’ve kept all of them away from drugs and so many other sins that teens (even preteens now) fall prey to…
    It wasn’t until after I’d been married a long time that I discovered my EH and children’s father had been heavily into drugs (probably in his teen years). So we can BELIEVE this will not touch your son or come near to your house. AND if it has already—GOD will use it for GOOD and your son will begin ministering due to him coming THROUGH this valley.
    My Husband led me to 🌱 SS14 Brother John that’s inspirational and who I always think of when we all are told of the impossibility and strong lifelong ties of drugs.

    1. I will go check those links out. My oldest son is 19 and knows that his father has these issues now. My other 2 son (17 and 8) thankfully do not. It almost seems impossible that my EH could become the spiritual leader let alone off of drugs but as we know, with God everything is possible!


  2. Dear HopeDarling, thank you for coming to share and please forgive me for not coming in to post it sooner, I did see it but I just could not remember where it was the lesson to share with you. I should have asked someone. Perhaps our HH had a better plan and is using it for good having Erin come in and share what she has with you 🙂 I have a brother that has been involved with drugs from a very young age, you see my parents got divorced when I was 18 and my three younger brothers were much younger… Reading the testimony she shared 🌱 SS14 Brother John has given me soooo much HOPE for my own brother!

    1. No problem Atarah. Thanks you so much. I did go read it. It gives me even more encouragement that His Will be done and for some reason this has to be happening for good. 💕

  3. Thank you for sharing Hope, I lived through my parent’s addiction to alcohol since the age of about 8yrs. Before that we had a beautiful and happy family, going to church, going on family outings and vacations. Then something happened, but until today I do not know what happened, that changed everything. Long story short, the Lord used it for good in me in my brother who both saw the destruction it causes and by the grace of God neither of us ever turned to alcohol to try and solve anything. And today, after both of us went through some major trails which could have easily led to us to also seeking comfort in alcohol, we both serve the Lord. Me through this ministry and my bother by playing guitar in his church band. So I just want to share this to encourage you that the addiction will not touch your son if you keep on praying and believing and teaching him in the way he should go. We didn’t have anybody to teach us or pray for us, but we had a Heavenly Father who protected us and wanted more for us so He used it for good in our lives.

    1. Thanks you for that encouraging comment. It’s so nice to hear that both of you didn’t turn to alcohol and BOTH know the Lord! It’s gives me even more hope that all three of my boys will be drug free even though it has destroyed that side of there family with so many deaths. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Thank you for sharing HopeDarling, Erin, Atarah and Adina.
    It is so easy to think you are alone in a situation, till you hear other people’s stories of their lives. My EH and kids father is an addict and I praise God for saving and keeping my kids away from it. Living with a drug addict is not at all a easy life and I praise God that he is rather living with us, because me and my kids live in peace and away from all the hurt that comes with addiction.
    I give God all the glory because my sons have such a beautiful relationship and my youngest son looks up to his brother who is already working and both are such reliable sons and brothers to each other. And I give God all the glory that my sons treat me with so much respect and love.

    1. You’re right it is very easy to feel alone in certain situations. Thank you for sharing your story. I was once restored in 2003 and back slid after many years because I let this “addiction” issue make me bitter and full of hate. After telling my EH to leave in April of 2022, thinking I was done and couldn’t handle the drug use anymore, the Lord softened my heart one day (it literally went from anger to complete love in a moment) told me to apologize and put that love for Him and my EH back in my heart.
      I didn’t even know if RMI would still have a website or anything after years but still searched and found encouraging woman, hope at last, love at last 🙂

  5. Hello Hope, thank you for sharing the page “Addictions” . I have no experience with addictions in my immediate environment. But I think the page is definitely worth reading again carefully and understanding even better to accept why the many conversations I’ve had with various people have not led to the healing of my heart. And the healing of the hearts of my children.

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