Each testimony had one thing I could relate to


I would recommend How God Can and Will Restore Your Marraige. Hello my name is Kim and I have a book that I would like you to have as a gift. It has changed my life and I would like you to have it.

I would say hello my name is Kim and I have a book here that has alot of testimonies and I would like to give you this book as a gift from me to you.

My marriage was like I don't even know how to describe it. We were like roommates we talked, laughed, like 2 friends but no intimacy no kiss no I love you. My eh has someone else and it was no secret. I know now I wasn't submissive, I was contentious, loud and love to have it my way. My eh said he cares for me as a sister and he loves me as a sister.

I want to tell you Jesus is the true lover of our lives that love you we were looking for in that guy when we were in high school you know the head of the football team yes it's Jesus he's the only one that can give us that high school head over heels love. Marry him and he will make you feel so beautiful you just want to sing, dance and daydream all day. I'm encouraging you to focus on him make HH your all put him first in your heart and soon you will be so happy, so at peace and so blessed. I love you.

never married

I would definitely recommend how God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage book. -Guys you start this course extremely broken and wanting desperately your marriage to be restored. -Then as you progress with the courses you slowly realize that: 1. You even don't need your husband as bad as you thought. 2. That It's you who needs a lot of changing to do more than even your husband. 3. That what you have been longing for all this while has been your HH and not your husband which is just the game changer

I would recommend RMT because it gives you hope and strength not to give up when you get weary and when sometimes things get or are hard. -It will help you to trust more on God coz if he did it for them then he will also do it for us no matter how hopeless our situations are.

When I came to RMI I was living (still living with him) my partner but was doing all the wrong things. -Due to my clinginess and controlling behavior which he complained a lot about, it was like he was really trying to get his freedom which he needs as a man. Since he wasn't getting it, it forced him to device ways like: not being honest, being unfaithful which I now know that it was as a result of me being unfaithful to my HH, and a lot of things that I found out due to my snooping. -When I discovered this things I confronted him by sending him but when he came home later that evening I didn't talk to him about the situation anymore and I have never brought it up thanks to RMI. -I never treated him with respect he deserves and with kindness. Hence forced him to treat me the same way. -Our relationship was not founded on the rock and we were living in sin ( being intimate) since we are not legally married . -We still live together because we have kids with him but I'm applying the principles I have learned e.g. intimacy when not legally married, gentle and quite spirit, winning without a word, kindness, letting go and many more -

I want to encourage you to apply every principle you will read in this book. -Many of us come to RMI thinking that it's our husbands who needs to change and desperately wanting our marriages to be restored. -Then Boom! As you read through the courses we all realize that it's us who need a lot of changing because the Lord starts revealing to us who we really were and probably not the godly woman he created us to be. -We come desperately wanting our marriages restored because we think we cannot live without our spouses then when we start knowing the Lord intimately, and we slowly realize that it is not our husbands , but the Lord is who we really need. -I want to encourage you that we all came to RMI broken with no hope to live but our good Lord has healed us and taken all the pain away and thought us to see our husbands/partners as he sees them. -He will also heal you , restore all that the devil has and had stolen from you. -It will surely be better than you imagined.

United States

Yes I will and I do that as often as I can infact I just sent it to another lady I just spoke with on phone telling her God is at work and I believe she will read and be impacted also

I will recommend it though I am yet to read it myself but will do so soonest

My marriage was hopeless before I came in contact with this ministry but everything is turning around more and I know God will perfect what he has started

Thus is a gift given with so much joy in my heart

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