Step 1: Begin moving your Sinking Sand Foundation by quickly reading through our Children's books. You will be amazed by the healing you'll experience and the solid Rock foundation you can reestablish to build your new life on!
"she smiles, laughs, and rejoices at the future."
“They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.”
Step 2: Restore Your Relationships—AND discover true Love At Last.
In this life-changing book, you'll discover many of the same principles and promises from the book GOD Will Restore. Trust GOD to restore your relationships with your parents, grown children, in-laws or former in-laws, and many other relationships He's already restoring in your life.
And rather than offering you a book and coupon, this book is a wonderful course that allows you to journal your way through, writing your thoughts and feelings down to talk to Him.
Step 3: Fellowship with like-minded Women. Join our Online Restoration Fellowship—just for WOMEN like you!
Dearest, once you truly become His bride, you will not only be healed from the pain, but you will begin to FEEL and experience joy!