God has brought you here


This course is such an eye opener yet so encouraging. It answers so many questions that we have as standers and it's almost like having someone to talk to at all times. I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking help.

The testimonies are so powerful. Though I didn't read any that were similar to mine, I still used them to remain encouraged. I read them and saw ways that I could apply them.

When I found this site I had finished reading "How God can and Will Restore Your Marriage" in Spanish. I found the book online and since I know Spanish I gave it a try and so many of my questions were answered. At the time my husband and I were seperated (still are), divorce paperwork had been filed by him (still is) and we had very little communication.

I hope that you find yourself well and know that you are in the right place. God has brought you here and He will bless you. Remain encouraged and have faith.


I have not purchased the book yet but i will review the course which is based on the book. I highly recommended the book because it helped me understand God words more and purpose for my marriage and life and familu. It renewed my mind and opened my eyes to what kind of wife I am that lead to the problem in my marriage. Through the course i learned to be much quiet and zip my lips even when I want to email call or message my husband and confront him. In this course you will be much closer to God and depend on God in everything.

I do not have the book too for i do not have the credit card to purchase it. But from the testimony from the course, it helped me to boost my faith that nothing is really impossible with God, nothing nothing and nothing. In the eyea of the world you can be a fool but for God you are a wise person following and believing only His words and counsel. No human being can ever separate what God has joined together ,Matthew 19:6.

Until now actually our communication is still not good. I am always calling and begging my husband, asking him questions, and all that crazy stuff. Getting so upset with the things he does and he does not. My husband works on ship and he is scheduled for vacation this November, i am asking for prayers that things will be much better and that I will remain quiet and gentle and loving and not retaliate. May God surprise me and make me forgive everything and make me a different wife than i used to be. I already have let go of my fb but my messenger is still online but the problem is i still check my husband through my daughter's fb.But God is good it is lessened now. I am also not so much of the begging person now slowly I am letting God take over. Thank you for this ministry and of course to God who lead me here when i just want to quit even praying for my husband.

help you through all your challenges.


This book will change your life and give you Gods perspective on marriage.

The testimonies have been lifesavers when I have felt weary and like giving up.

I was close to restoration I thought then my husband moved away once he got a new job and took our puppies with him...I saw more of our stuff get divided and thrown away. Obviosly God had more work to do in me and He isn't done yet.

Stay close to God, hold on to Him tightly...He is your only hope, dont give up no matter what.

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