God uses all things for our good

Puerto Rico

When you let each and every lesson be absorbed by every fiber of your being and you apply each and every principle stand back and watch through your spiritual eyes for you will sense every shift that happens around you . Sometimes big sometimes small not always as you thought or as fast as you have hoped ...but there will always be a move . The more you let go of yourself the more the Lord pours into you and the more Christ like you become until you die all together to self and all that is left is Jesus and his ways and his thoughts . You will never be the same and those around you will see you in a different way for the Lord shall renew you through him even you will look and when you see your reflection you wont recognize yourself. It' s not easy and no it is not pain free but I do promise you one thing it's worth everything you' ve endured for you will be refined as the purest gold .God Bless and fill you with courage to take that first step which is the hardest....letting go and letting God who will sttaighten every crooked thing within you .Amen

I had no hope was hanging on by the last fiber of thread that was about to brake .My ears were being tickled by the Word and the escape clause was being shoved down my throat...by the church .Also had been taught in "standing and not letting go " and though twice my prayers had been answered the changes and errors I had committeed had not been dealt with nor his heart changed...but yes God answers prayer So I was discouraged and let to believe that he was to far gone for God to able to do anything .Was so blind that the scripture which says " for with man this is impossible but through God all things are possible was being twisted and used to tell me see move on . But God He moves in ways that no one perceives and guides you exactly were He wants you to be .Was led by a sister in Christ here for prayer and guidance and yes I received prayer but overall guidance and filled with knowledge and wisdom and the certainty that God uses all things for our good .Amen

You haven't gotten here by coincidence .The Lord has brought you here .Stop don't look at the circumstances that surround you let God show you the truth so that it may set you free. Don' t lean on your own understanding let go and let God . Yes he wants to restore your marriage , yes he wants to take away the painnand over all he wants to heal your broken heart . But seek him the author and finisher of our lives ...Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added on to you.Let the Lord become a beacon in your life ...You will never turn back or regret a moment from this day forward .Let Him bless you let Him surround You ....let Him become your All ...Amen !


I have a young friend at my Bible Study that I sit with, pray with, and now have recommended "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage". It is a pleasure to recommend a ministry that supports keeping a marriage together when so many just want to throw away what God has said we should do...love, commit, forgive, and be selfless.

I believe we had only been separated for a month and a half when I found this ministry. My husband had already left, had attempted to "reconcile" for a week, left again, and ran for the OW's home.

Dear Sister, This journey you are beginning is just that...a beginning. Through this time you are about to invest, you will learn so many things about yourself that the Lord will teach you. Let your heart be open, give it all to Him. One thing that I told myself every day is that "He will never leave me, He will never forsake me", and it was true! Praise His name. Be blessed.


If you have tried everything you can think of to "save" your marriage. If you are tired and weary and feel like you can't go on or don't want to go on. There is an answer. It is not an easy path but in the end will be the most rewarding.

I first heard about Erin's ministry in 2007 when I took a course "Without a word" at my church. GOD used something that I never thought would happen to me to get my attention. My husband told my four young boys and I that he did not love me anymore and he was leaving. He never mentioned another woman, just that he was not happy and was leaving. I was so broken, could not believe this was happening to me. I was a "good person"....right?? He packed up his car with all of his clothes but never left the house. My husband worked 12 hour night shifts, instead of coming home, he would stay out. On his nights off, he would not come home. I remember being so upset that I felt like my whole world was falling apart. But thank God that he had been preparing me for what was about to happen. Months before I had starting losing weight and was in the best shape of my life. In retrospect, if I had still been overweight, my confidence level would have been zero. I started applying principles I was learning at the "without a word" class but now know that even though I was serving the Lord, My husband was my idol. Thought I was doing the right thing but in reality, I put my husband before GOD. All these years later, GOD is still working on me. GOD has promised a total transformation of my husband (Saul to a Paul). I continue to hold on to my promise. All these years later, my husband is still home. PTL! There were some years that I prayed GOD would take him away, bring him back changed. But I know now, that this wasn't for him......this was GOD getting my attention. GOD continues to change me and transform me into the GODLY woman he wants me to be. It's funny....years ago, I heard a testimony from a woman who had waited 18 years for her situation to turn around. I prayed, Lord, Please expedite my situation. 18 years is too long. Little did I know that GOD had a sense of humor. I am going on 14 years 🙂 Praise GOD! I know once GOD turns my husbands heart that I will not remember all the "sad, bad times". Would be like it never happened!

I pray that GOD will multiply this amount and provide encouragement to women who are less fortunate that I. Thank you for the opportunity to give!