He will guide you through your Journey


I recommend "How God can and Will Restore Your Marriage" to everyone!. Its a life changing experience and eye opening , Thank you Lord!

I was very proud, contentious, bitter, rebellious, selfish, etc before I found these resources. I thought this whole situation with my marriage was my husbands fault and that I was nothing to be blamed about. I was so wrong! thank you God for opening my eyes! thank you God for your mercy and grace! I understand now that God wanted me to have a relationship with Him, even though I was a Christian I and I "thought" I had I relationship with God, I did not. Now I can see why. I was ignorant of His word and I though I had nothing to change, I thought I changed it all. Wells, I was wrong! I thank God for showing me the way that lead to life and the way to see my marriage restored. I now don't see my husbands sins anymore but only mine, its funny how my situation turned around. God also showed me all the things I was doing wrong, and I thank him for that.

Dear Friend, my desire is for you to come to the restoration that God is willing to offer you. I believe that there is NOTHING impossible for God. His love and mercy are amazing, and I wish that you fight the good fight and search for God to give you Joy daily and the strength to win this battle! with God you are more than victorious! Love Daniela.


I wholeheartedly recommend this book to any woman, even if there is no crises going on in her life. In fact, I would recommend A Wise Woman also, especially for young women just starting out.

I was drinking heavily,as was my husband. I had lost my job, and my husband grew increasingly distant, and I discovered he had secretly opened a Facebook page, and was friends with a bunch of women,including his ex mother in law. I caught him on an online porn site, and then he locked his phone so I couldn't see what he was doing. I decided to go online and have an affair myself, and was in communication with different men,one of which I met twice. I had made an agreement that when my oldest daughter started nursing school, i would go and help with the baby,they live 1800 miles away. I thought it would also be a perfect opportunity,to quit drinking and make a fresh start. I didn't plan on going back. Two weeks later my husband tod me he didnt want to be with me anymore,and was going to move out of our home. I realized then that i didnt want our 18 year marriage to end,but it seemed too late.

I know all too well the pain and heartache you are going through. I know how abandoned and alone you feel, but you are not alone! God loves you and is waiting for you to seek him, for he will comfort you. He will guide you through your journey,all you have to do is ask.

South Africa

Oh I would definitely recommend this course to other women. I would tell them that this course leads us in the right direction to understand what God says about separation and divorce, and would make myself available to encourage and pray with women who are going through what what I have been going through.

The truth is, I was such a bossy, demanding, ungrateful and contentious wife. I belittled my husband and shamed him many times. When I first found out about the affair in early February 2011, I became so angry, bitter and jealous. I stalked the OW on FB and thought that if I tried to look like her then he would leave her. On valentines day, I made a fondue for us, but with ulterior motives. After eating I forced him to write in a book what he expected from me and I wrote in my book what I expected from him. He didn't want to do it, but I being who I was, got my own way. I slashed him to pieces with what I WANTED. He wrote things down that I never even took notice of. The things he wrote were the very things that I have learnt in this course thus far! Can you wonder why God removed him from me for this season. I have destroyed the paper on which my demands were written, and prayed for forgiveness. However, I have kept his requests, in my book of scriptures that I carry with me, and I know that as God continues to work His miracle in me, that I will become that Proverbs 31 wife and my husband will praise me.

Father God, even although I have not made a donation, I pray for the many women who will be blessed with this ministry. I pray Lord that they will all turn to You with all of their being and trust Your Word which is and always will be Yes and Amen. Father I pray this scripture over them in Jesus name: 1 Chronicles 4: 10 “Oh, that You would bless them indeed, and enlarge their territory, that Your hand would be with them, and that You would keep them from evil, that they may not cause pain!” So God granted them what they requested.