I no longer feel alone and looking for direction


This book was the changing point in my life, I no longer feel alone and looking for direction, it gave me a great foundation to build on and will help me in everything I do in life, not just my marriage!

These testimonies are real, you can feel the emotion in them from these wonderful ladies, I cried through them, some I laughed through and at the end I rejoiced for these fine ladies and what they endured. These testimonies gave me strength to keep pushing through on days I didn't feel like I could. I will continue to go back to them time and time again!

I have been living without my EH for almost 3 years, 9 months of that time he was out of the country and the divorce was final 18 months ago. I was still trying to guilt him into coming home and trying again 60 days ago, but I now don't even start conversations with him. These past 60 days I have apologized for my contentious behavior while we were married, made sure he knew he is able to do what he wants as I don't have control over him and had one very pleasant 30 minute conversation with him just about life. It is a start and I will continue to show him the new me each time he wants to talk to me!

Dear Sister in Christ, Please take the blessing of these books and vidoes that are being offered to you and open up your heart and mind for the renewing of your mind & teachings directly from God like you have never had before. These resources along with lots of prayer will guide you through this difficult time of your life and make you a women you never knew you could be! I came broken & confused but now feel God's presence in everything I do and have shed so much mental weight that I didn't even realize I was carrying. You worth more than rubies and deserve this opportunity in your life to find who your are in God's eyes.


"How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage" has brought life into my dead life. I did not only learn the principles about marriage but I found life in our Lord. Although the transition in my life is gradual but definitely there is a transition which would not have happened without that very pages in the book. To women, this book gets you to a journey you will not think of going back to your old ways. This brings hope and wisdom as you travel the road less traveled. This book helps me restore my life in our Lord and in faith, my marriage.

Although I haven't read the WOTT but just the several testimonies found in the course (which are also written in the book), I am also encouraged that my marriage would also be restored in God's time especially when I read the testimonies of marriages that impossible to restore in man's ways. God has shown in so many marriages that He can do all the impossible things possible.

My marriage is still the same as before. No changes and it even seemed more bleak and sometimes it caused me desperation, fear and hopelessness. But, my life and belief has never been the same now. I read my bible already and have God in my mind and always learning to be intimate with God which is gives you joy, understanding and calmness.

Dear Lovely Lady, I am happy that I'll be able to share something for you in travelling this journey so that you will also be able to learn what I learned and experience what I experienced. I'm excited about your journey and your new life. Be blessed!


I have been on and off following these lessons, And I always return, because of all the things that I have try, this book is what I feel the closer to read and understand scripture.

Sometimes my situation looks so dark, that I have been guilty to think that this is happening only to me. But with all the testimonies I can see that all of us have had dark situations, but the ones that obey and follow Christ have taste victory in Him. That's why the testimonies are so important in my journey.

My situation have not change, but I have change. When I found this site, I could not believe, being I so perfect and humble, my EH could have left me, how horrible person he was, how much of a sinner, without feelings. Reading all the material pretty soon change all that, I saw the log in my eye, I was a contentious woman, I was passive aggressive, I did so many things wrong, that I could not pray to God saying I was innocent. Because I would be lying. So after repenting to Jesus I started to learn to really be humble, and to admit all my shortcomings, and to take responsibility of my actions.

I wish I have known when I started this ministry, that the more I prayed, the worse things went. The closer I was getting to God, the more I repent and ask for forgiveness the darker everything became; and every time I ran away from God. I wish I could go back and tell me, so I am telling you, that yes you are doing fine, but things will get so bad, that you would want to quit and stop trusting God. Please don't, quitting doesn't help, things do not get better. Stay in the path that this ladies walked before, ran towards Jesus, cry to Him, and He will walk with You through the valley of the shadow of death.