If God is with.. who is against.


Yes, I would definitely recommend this book to any woman that is going through marriage trials be it divorce or separation. I am so glad someone gave this book to me. I have learned so much from it and everything is backed up by God's Word.

Yes, I would recommend this book too. Some days are very discouraging in my stand but it helps to know that some people have been through the same thing I have and even some have been through worse times than myself. In the end we all desire a closer walk with God and marriage restoration.

When I found you, my husband had walked out on me and our son for another female that he had become involved with while attending school. He blamed me for everything and told me although he loved me, he was not in love with me. I was totally crushed. I begged and pleaded and to no avail, he still left. He had told me many times what I would not listen to (issues we had)....because I was a contentious wife.


I would highly recommend the "Restore Your Marriage" book to any woman who is experiencing a marriage crisis. This book is full of scripture and truth that we often don't hear, especially from the world, media, etc. How are we going to know the truth unless we search it out in the scripture and in relationship with Jesus? This book is an extremely valuable resource for any woman, especially if you desire to see your marriage restored!

If you are looking for encouragement in your stand or are wondering whether God really can restore your marriage, "By the Word of Their Testimony" will be a HUGE encouragement to you! God can do it! He CAN restore your marriage, no matter how hopeless it may seem.

When I found you, my husband had been gone for 5 months, with little to no communication.

Please do not give up! I know the journey can feel long and hard, but the reward will be so worth it! Don't give up!

Mexico City

Same as above i always recomend this book to all women gling through a bad marraiage oe just starting . but mainly i recommened to that wife who dosent see hope who feel like everything is over ..its possible and theirnis hope.

Omg this testimonies sooo keeped me going ..no matter what just when i though their was no hope .. Omg the teatimonies would encourege me and bring me back to life.. I so encourge every women o read this lituature.

Like most others i was toren apart a litteraly i was an emotional reck i could not belive this was happeing to me .. I would cry out foy my husband and actually the unfairness that was going on . my hubby and i wore divided by life circumstances. For apprx 3 years when i had enough and retuned to him he rejected me and blamed me for everything all the sudden he did not want abosolutley nothing to do with me he did not even want me to touch him. No huge nothing as i would attened to get close he would jump. Away .. He said he no longer loved me ..that was soo hard...but i could not stand the thought to have my girls grow up without dad ..even though it was not so hard they really had not leved with him .. I was leaving in his house for 3 months after those 3 horrible months of reejction bad attitudes i decided to move 1 hra away where he lived i figuired if it was meant to be he would join us anywhere. Confrontations did not chnage until i asked for forguvenes. But i think untill i turned everything over to god. As i read the book i followed it and applyed. The principles . i stoped chasing him . ..i asked for forginess and i simply turned ot over to god. He dose come on the weekends he makes more of effort to be envolved and the attitudea has drastically changed ... We have not had one fight for months now...all though we are nor restored . i am tranquil. I am happy i have faith and am learning to leave woth grace where as before o was litteraly going crazy. Thank tp this bool am at peace.. My trust Is in god.

My hope is that this material will give you the encourgennt and tranquilitybyou need. Not only that but that you are able to apply to the best of your ability. If god is with..who is against.


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