May this book bring you encouragement and hope


I have read books and I have listen to messages but nothing has moved me and created changes in me as this book” How God can and will restore your marriage. The principals highlighted in this book has changed me and brought awareness to me of the many mistakes that contributed to my husband leaving and me dealing with situations on a whole. I would recommend this book to anyone, I have recommended this book to over 6 people and I’m happy to say that they enjoying it and the changes that it brings about . My mindset, my attitude, forgiveness, love, and the list goes on.

This book is a powerful book that is changing lives by just reading and being hopeful. It has influenced my thinking and attitude towards myself, my husband, my children and my relationship with my HH. I had a mentality that talking about your situation to others would help but I have seen that my help comes from the Lord. This book will shake you up and turn you around if you along it too. I can’t get enough of this book. I strongly recommend this book.

When I found RYM I found hope, I found love and I received knowledge. I was living my life in constant pain and hurt and I was fighting fire with fire. My husband actions dictated whether or not I would have a nice day or not. I was so focused on what my husband was doing that I didn’t realize my own doings. My marriage is not restored as yet but I know that God is working. I have seen changes in myself that has convicted my husband and I know that there are more beautiful changes coming.Gods timing is everything and as I continue my journey in course 2 I am expecting bigger and brighter results. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

I was lost but now I’m found, I was weak but now I’m strong, I was the tail but thank God I am the head. May this book bring you as much encouragement and hope as it did me and may you use this book to help other women in need. God is still on the throne. Be of good cheer. He is already standing at the gap waiting...... there are roads that will lead you to another but this same road will find you home despite the bumps along the way.


I absolutely recommend the RYM book to every woman who is or isn’t married and especially to woman going through a difficult season in their marriage. I will be purchasing the WW books next so I cannot recommend it just yet but from what I have been reading in testimonies it looks like an amazing read.

I would definitely recommend it if you need encouragement and hope to keep fighting for your marriage!

My marriage situation was ABSOLUTELY hopeless, and although I don’t want to give too much detail while God is working, the point is PRAISE and GLORY to GOD!! GOD IS WORKING!! I cannot wait to share more details with you all!!!

I wish I could donate more to help you beautiful ladies, but I would like to encourage you during this difficult time. Trust in the Lord! That is step one, the sooner you can trust in Him the easier the pain gets, He brings healing to you heart! Next is to let God get to work on your marriage so “let go and let God!” And as you are learning to do those two things apply the principles that you learn from RYM and the lessons to your life. GOD’S GOT THIS, YOU GOT THIS!!


Just read it and be open to what the Lord wants to change in your life.

Each and every testimony has spoken to my heart and encouraged me that God can do for me what he has done for the Ladies who have a restored Mairrage testimony praise God.

I was in a desperate place when I found this ministry. I had joined a bunch of fb marriage support groups not knowing which would fit me best. A few months later my husband announced that he wanted a divorce but he never took any action do I assumed he changed his mind one week later he exploded and said he wanted a divorce but this time was different he yold me I had two weeks and he would cut me off financially. I began seeking the Lord fervently at that point I was broken and looking for answers. I made the mistake of telling my mother what was going on but by the grace of God my family did not try to intervene. I tried to look for mairrage advice on my fb groups and received the worst advice. I even contemplated leaving my son and my husband because I felt so underapprecetated and could not understand why I was being treated this way. At last I asked for prayer on made one flesh fb group and someone kindly left a link for me to start courses. I thought I was the best wife ever. Hahaha. Boy was I wrong! God used this ministry to show me that I was a contentious woman as well as manipulative and disobedient disrespectful. I realized that I had been the cause of my husband's desire to leave me. Thankfully the Lord was gracious and my husband did not cut me off financially he spent weeks sleeping on the couch and ignoring me. When he didn't ignore me he was insulting me but through this ministry I learned to be quiet and agree. My husband tested my new temperament so many times but I agreed when he said negative things towards me. Gradually my husband warmed back up to me and began being kind and even started sleeping in our bedroom agian. He is gradually starting to trust me agian. I know this is only the beginning and I still have more to learn about being a Godly wife and still need to study these principles lest I fall back to my old contentious mind set. Now whenever I see other women struggling in thier marriage I love to direct them towards this website and pray that God will transform thier lives as he did mine.

I dont have any money to give at this time.

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