Is your marriage in trouble?
Is everyone telling you it's hopeless?
Has it already ended in divorce?
Is there really HOPE for my marriage?


"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5

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Your Restoration Journey


You've looked for help, you've read books, talked to counselors, your friends, your pastor, and everything just got worse. So you decided you might just find some marriage help online.

Believe it or not, it's not by chance, nor is it by coincidence that you have found our website— God has heard your cry for help, and He has personally led you to our ministry that began by helping to RESTORE marriages that appeared hopeless!

This IS your Divine Appointment.

Your life is about to change—forever!!

Restore Ministries International began in 1992 by helping marriages that everyone said were hopeless, and He (God) RESTORED them. We know & understand what you are going through since many of our ministers HAVE experienced a RESTORED marriage—the rest are still on their Restoration Journeys—applying the same principles!

God restores even when there is adultery, or an adulterous marriage (where one or both partners have been unfaithful), which seems to be the one situation, most agree are the most hopeless GOD is able. We know, after filling an entire series of restored marriage testimonies, that God can restore any marriage—YES, even yours! And, thankfully, God doesn't stop (or begin) there. GOD is more than able to restore each and every area of your life as you trust Him to do it!

"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?" Jeremiah 32:27

No doubt you have been told by just about everyone that you should give up and move on and just find someone else—don't. Instead, agree with us and the Psalmist who said:

"Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! NOTHING (not one thing) is too difficult for You!" Jeremiah 32:17 


Amazingly RESTORED Marriages that GOD Restored!

"And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even to death"— Revelation 12:11

By the Word of Their Testimony

Restoration and Husband's Salvation in Alabama

About three months ago I found out my spouse was cheating on me and I foolishly said: "Get out!!" I didn't know what to do, and then a friend bought me your Restore Your Marriage book. I read it in one night, and it changed me so much!!!!

It's when I took your Course 1 that I realized that God had called me on this journey to change things in me He could bring my spouse home. That began my transformation from who I was to who my spouse and God deserved me to be.

Only one month later, my spouse came to spend the weekend with the kids and me. At the end of the weekend, there was such a difference in both of us and that's what led to us reconciling!!!

Our marriage and our life have been great ever since then, and now we're studying A Wise Man and A Wise Woman in your free Couple's Course in order to help other couples but mainly get us both focusing on the Lord rather than on each other and talking about our previous problems!

God will hear your prayers and has His perfect timing for everything -- just obey and let God take over!!!

~ Joe and Mary Lou in Idaho, RESTORED


Better for Me Now

I suspected and believed I was close to restoration as soon as I started reading your RYM Book and especially as I started doing the free courses. Being a “Stander,” I suffered a lot of setbacks and frustrations where things seemed to be going well, but then something would happen and I would fall to pieces every time. You see my husband and I got along very well—even when he was living with the OW "other woman," we would chat and were quite close. But the missing link was the principles I learned through the free courses, which kick-started my Restoration Journey to completion!! I would recommend everything that RMI has to offer: the books, the videos, the Daily Encourager and most of all the Bible.

~ Atarah


It Happened for a Reason — God had a Plan!!

My spouse had moved out and was living with a coworker saying “I not happy and feel unwanted in our 20+ years of marriage”! After approximately six weeks of separation and moving toward divorce, I realized that divorce did not have to be the answer. I decided to “fight the good fight.” I was doing it alone with my prayers. Then a pastor friend across the country referred me to your website. I immediately ordered the “Restore Your Marriage” book and read it within a couple of days. Then I filled out your Marriage Encouragement and was offered your free courses.

That's when I knew that God would restore our marriage; it was only a matter of days before I began to see changes in myself and would stop to think about what I had done to change. I realized it was not me — it was God working in awesome ways! The changes came after I began to realize the things I had done wrong, prayed for God to change me, and prayed for our marriage. I had to turn it all over to God and trust Him completely. 

Just as mentioned in the RYM book and Course 1, I was tested when we talked. I felt this happen on several occasions where something hurtful would be said to see if I would react. I did not react as I would have in the past, which proved that I was a new person. 

It was December 28 when my spouse showed up at the resort where I was with my family. I did not expect it, and my spouse didn’t know until 30 minutes before leaving our hometown for the resort that we would be RESTORED! 

All I can say is to be sure to turn it all over to God. I found that so many things happened just as you said they would in the RYM book. I followed what it said to do in all your courses, read the Scriptures, and prayed, and that is what got me through. At the end of 90 days, God restored my marriage! Trust that the same will happen to you.

“If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.” All of this happened for a reason. God had a plan, and now my spouse and I are so much happier. We are living for God; we have a great marriage, and it just gets better every day! Thank you, Lord, for this ministry. It is so awesome how you have helped so many marriages, ours included! God is wonderful, and what a gift He has given all of you to give to so many!

~ Lydia and Tom in New Mexico, RESTORED


Restored — To Him Be All the Glory!

After praying and fasting for six years, I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me through the Internet to some ministry that would help me. The Holy Spirit guided me to Restore Ministries! I couldn't wait to order the recommended packet, all the videotapes and join your fellowship with my first course! As soon as I received the books, I read and reread them. It has truly been a tremendous blessing in my life, as well as the lives of others! 

After applying the principles in your books as well as the hedge of thorns, within three weeks my spouse came home!! All I can say is, DON'T GIVE UP! I believe that what helped me the most was to be obedient to God's Word in everything. That's what did it! 

God bless you! God's blessings to this ministry!

~ Kyle and Marsha in North Dakota, RESTORED


Miracle Restoration Deep in the Heart(s) of Texas!

I discovered your ministry when I was looking for answers, stumbling upon the website. It served to confirm to me what the Lord was beckoning me to do . . . Do not divorce, let go, and believe in your marriage. Your courses filled in the blanks! Thank you! 

God changed me before changing my situation. I first learned how to become humble and to keep my mouth shut. I learned to lean on the Lord and the Lord only! I also learned about the power of fasting. I instantly began to think about maybe praying again, but would He listen? Then without hesitation, I got down on my knees and rededicated my life to the Lord, asking God to change me.

As I prayed, I made the decision to stay in our marriage and work it out, but I asked the Lord to please give me "feelings" for my spouse again or else I didn't see how it would work. I also prayed that He would change my spouse and bring my spouse back to the Lord. 

In the following weeks, while doing your free courses, my hunger for the Lord grew insatiably. I began reading the Bible and finished it for the first time in my life. I surrendered my finances and began tithing as the Bible instructs, to my storehouse. In less than a month, my feelings for my spouse had returned and I loved and was "in love" with my spouse! It was miraculous since I hadn't felt that way for my spouse since we first dated. I was just waiting and praying for the Lord to do the same with my spouse. 

A few months later, not only did our marriage take a turn for the worse, but I finally found out that there had been adultery—that had been going on for a while. I was stunned, shocked, empty, lonely, crushed, and my heart and self-worth were shattered. 

Praise God, while it was excruciatingly painful, I came out refined, pure, and consecrated! The whole storm was over a year and a half. Keep in mind though your test, in actuality, is a lifetime. 

In the beginning, I had Christian counselors advise me to divorce my spouse…can you believe it? Boy, do they need your books so they can learn that only God is able to restore an impossible situation!! He called something that was dead back to life!! It has been almost two years since my spouse came home permanently. It definitely took at least a full year to heal and overcome the damage done, but it is worth a new marriage in Christ and breaking the divorce curse that has been rampant in both our families. Neither of us could be happier in our marriage. 

My spouse tells me daily “I love you and I miss you when I am at work!” I praise God for all that He taught me during my trial and now what seemed a curse was truly a masterpiece of a blessing from the Lord. He makes all things new!! 

~ Kery and John in Texas, RESTORED


Restored after going THROUGH the Fire!

What an amazing journey! My marriage has been restored for over 15 YEARS. My journey all started when for the second time my husband and I were attempting to get a divorce. I was fed up and was determined to continue my walk with God with or without my husband. I was convinced that the problem was only my husband and I was the "good" wife,  and I was fed up with my husband's infidelity. I tried it all, but everything failed. My attempts to "save" the marriage turned into a never-ending circle. I felt trapped and finally had lost all hope. I praise the Lord for Erin and her ministry. The way the Lord revealed Himself to me after first coming here was amazing! God is so merciful that through the pain, I was set free!

Not only was my full testimony used to help encourage others when it became a chapter of the Word of Their Testimony book 2, but God called me to join the RMI Ministry Team—becoming the branch director of the Spanish Español ministry with our own website, our own blog that reaches Spanish speaking women around the world. Only GOD could do that!

~ Lota in Florida our Spanish Minister


Impossibly Restored (by God Alone) and More!

After three years with Restore Ministries as a Fellowship member, my husband not only came home to our children and —but he also was saved and was baptized and now is growing by leaps and bounds in his faith!! We are both renewed and restored, thanks to God!

The Lord had a lot of work to do on me so that I could learn how to love and how to be the right wife for my husband; I had to get rid of all the hate, resentment and pain, first, as did my husband. We are both in love with the Lord and with each other now and want to have our own marriage ministry. So I've begun training with

Throughout my trials, the principles from God's Word and RMI resources taught me perseverance, to never give up, endurance, to KNOW that the Lord hears our prayers and that He personally wants to lead us along our Restoration Journey so we can develop a close personal relationship with Him so He remains first in our lives.

The resources I would recommend are Erin's books, The Holy Bible and taking advantage of the free courses!

Even when we do not realize it, God has heard our prayers and continues to work on our hearts. He is a faithful God Who keeps His promises to us when we are faithful. He is so worthy of our praise and to go beyond worshipping—by developing a truly personal relationship with Him!

There is no way our marriage could have been restored had God not done it. We had been married 21 years when my husband left. He was angry, disillusioned, depressed and full of animosity. At the time, he said he was "done," but thankfully, the Lord had other plans. Thank you, Lord! 

Michael and Diane in California, RESTORED



My Restoration Journey all started when I realized that my husband was building a parallel life. I saw that his friends were single men, and there were always celebrations and “reasons” to go out and arrive late and drunk. After I found this Ministry (in Portuguese), I began to apply the principles I learned in each lesson, and one day I suddenly heard a noise in the lock of the front door and my husband came into the house! My children ran to him screaming "Daddy!!!!"  I recommend doing the free online courses and to read the daily Encourager blog – so you know how to start the day, I couldn’t live without them.

Paula in Rio, our Portuguese Minister


Can GOD Really Restore MY Marriage?

Yes! There is no doubt that God has heard your cry for help in your marriage struggles and defeats. That’s why He predestined this Divine Appointment to give you the help and hope that you so desperately need right now!

We know and understand what you are going through since so many of us have already experienced a RESTORED marriage and now are living the Abundant Life that our Beloved died to give us!

"I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find a pasture to rest. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly"—John 10:9-11

Each of us who have experienced a restored marriage will tell you the very same thing—that no matter what anyone else has told you, YOUR marriage is NOT hopeless! We have proof even beyond our own marriages—more than 7 books of restored marriage testimonies and new Restored Marriage Testimonies posted each Saturday from hundreds we receive—is PROOF that God is able to restore any marriage—especially yours!

You read it once before the LORD Himself says, "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?" (Jeremiah 32:27). Will you believe what your spouse has said, that it's hopeless? Or a friend or a counselor told you? Or will you believe that GOD said?!?!

Why debate facts, we have proof that God restores our hopeless marriages! Do you really think that your situation and marriage are too difficult for GOD to change, improve or restore? It’s not! We were told the very same things and they were wrong!!

However, if you choose to follow the same advice, the same foolish methods, then you're going to end up exactly the same way. 

Instead, “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it"—Matthew 7:13-14

Now that you've found the Narrow Gate, will you go through it and gain the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that you (and just about everyone) lack? Are you willing to let go of the lies and myths and Renew Your Mind with what God says about marriage AND how HE can RESTORE it?

Our goal is simply to "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths"—2 Timothy 4:2-4

God said your marriage crisis happened because "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you...Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children"—Hosea 4:6

Do it for your children, do it for your spouse, do it for others who will be watching. Humble yourself, become a student of His Word, and watch your life change almost immediately!!

Allow us to spiritually feed and nurture your spirit with the truth.

You've been starved and deprived of the true spiritual nourishment you need to make this journey. You've also been kept distant from the One who created you for fellowship and Who wants to lead you along and through the valley of the shadow of death.

One more thing you need to understand right now: if you have not only been told that your marriage is hopeless but that without your spouse's help your marriage cannot be restored, then you need to build your faith in God's desire and ability to restore even the most hopeless marriages. By reading the testimonies of seemingly hopeless marriages that now have been restored and noticing that just about EVERY Testimony was restored when just ONE spouse wanted restoration, is proof. There is only One you need help from and we will show you how—leading you by example.

Over the course of more than 25 years of ministry, we’ve watched as God puts the desire for restoration into the heart of just ONE in each relationship, and often it's the one who is not been caught in sin. "His own iniquities will capture the wicked, and he will be held with the cords of his sin"—Proverbs 5:22

Yet, if just ONE of you has the ❤️ heart for restoration and will trust GOD for restoration, then RESTORATION is going to happen—He, not we, guarantees it will. ‘Truly I say to you, if you have faith, and do not doubt, you shall not only do what was done . . . but even if you say to this mountain, “Be taken up and cast into the sea,” it shall happen’” Matthew 21:21.

Determine today to add your testimony to one of our upcoming—By the Word of Their Testimony books. Share your testimony of how your marriage was once deemed "hopeless" but GOD made the impossible—possible for you. That's when you will also join us and shout . . .

"Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is [was] too difficult for You"! (Jeremiah 32:17).

Our free online courses are designed to write your testimony as you journal your thoughts and prayers and hopes and dreams for your future. 

“Now glory be to God, who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.” Ephesians 3:20 TLB

All our courses are entirely free, courses for women and courses for men— courses that will teach and train you to rely on HIM alone—look to Him, speak to Him, listen to Him. follow Him as He leads you. What we each painfully learned is that no one but God knows exactly what you personally are going through and how to guide you through. Learn how.

YOUR Wonderful Counselor

"His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace"— Isaiah 9:6.

We began offering our resources (books, videos, ebooks, and courses) to encourage women (and later men) to avoid the same destructive path that leads to destruction. Counselors are not only expensive, but they also don't work, and, what's worse, based on emails we get and what many of us personally have painfully experienced for ourselves is—counselors can be who ultimately and completely destroy marriages—because shaming your spouse and revealing personal secrets that shouldn't be discussed with anyone! And it's what counselors encourage you to do. “Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise . . .” Proverb 17:28.

Instead, we encourage everyone in a marriage crisis to use our endless resources to find and establish HOPE, which is better than any counselor or support group. Through our resources, we will introduce you to the BEST and most POWERFUL Counselor. A Counselor who is available every minute of every day, who actually knows the future AND also what is going on inside your spouse's heart and mind! If that were not enough to convince you to choose the narrow road, listening to your spouse tell a counselor all your faults with great detail is extremely painful and words that you'll remember all your life. Counseling doesn't work—it further destroys any hope of restoration. 

It wasn't until all of us found the Wonderful and Mighty Counselor that we also found the Prince of Peace. By being introduced and taught to work with the Mighty Counselor, we each found peace for our tormented souls and that is when each of our lives began to turn around! Finding peace is the very first step to EVERY restoration, finding the One who can calm the storm in your troubled life is what every single person on earth needs.


Where Do I Begin?

How can I possibly handle the pain & confusion that I am experiencing?

From the author of our RYM book and founder of RMI:

Many people marvel that I was able to make it through so many intense trials in my life—and not just make it through—but go through each joyfully.

I must admit, in myself, I could not have made it through my first huge crisis when I discovered my husband's adultery and disappearing for months, only to divorce me. Along with all that pain and fear that went with it, I also had to endure well-meaning people telling me what I should do, which made my situation much worse.

Had it not been for my intimate relationship with my Savior, who I found for the first time was really there for me, I know I would never have made it through.

Are you looking for a "peace" that surpasses ALL understanding?

When my husband left me for the other woman, I was already a Christian. But I never really made Him LORD of my life. If this is where you are or if you have never had a personal relationship with the Lord, this is a perfect time to take this life-changing step to a life filled and overflowing with peace.

What is more important than your marriage problems (or any other relationship or situation that is causing you pain right now), is improving your spiritual state—which will change EVERY area of your life.

Most who have been cheated on or abandoned, go through their crisis alone and frightened, not know what to do. What you really need is Someone who knows the future and can change the course of your life—and Who will NEVER ever leave you or forsake you—NEVER, EVER!

AND not only will He change you AND comfort you, but He can also actually turn the heart of your spouse or your older children or anyone else involved. He promises to comfort you when there is no one around, no one who understands, and He will take you and hide you under His wings. He will fill you with the love that you only dreamed existed, which (in time) is what you will use to love your spouse. He can also heal your broken or hurting body and bless your finances. God is able to do the impossible in EVERYTHING, as long as we give Him our hearts and simply ask Him for help.

"For nothing will be impossible with God" —Luke 1:37

Each of us who have experienced restored marriages will tell you honestly that every time we went through some of the worst experiences of our lives (crises that would ultimately destroy most), we each had a peace that surpassed all understanding! And the more of God you have, the more you will shine and ultimately benefit from the kind of crises that break most people.

What's exciting is that when people find out what you have gone through (especially right in the midst of the crisis) they will not believe how you have such a calm spirit and joyful countenance—and when necessary forgiveness!

Once you’ve really experienced HIS forgiveness, you will find that He will help you FORGIVE everyone who has hurt or offended you! Forgiveness will lift your burdens and heal your tormented soul.

Maybe there have been times that you have thought about praying, but you just didn't know how. Believe it or not, the best prayer is just talking to God. He doesn’t really want formal and flowery prayers. He simply LOVES having a heartfelt conversation with you.




• Just tell God in your own words that you need Him—right now to help you. AND if you don't really know if God even exists, then ask God to make Himself real to you.

• Right now, give the LORD your life—a life that is messed up. A life full of pain and confusion, and ask Him to make everything NEW! Give Him your heart, and then begin to experience His LOVE that is so real and full of compassion that you will find JOY at last—something no one can ever take away from you! 

"Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God'" —John 3:7

If you did stop and gave your messed up life to the Lord, then from this moment on your future will soon begin to look NEW—you'll look NEW—like you are BORN all over again!

You have no earthly idea how much God loves you, and how the LORD has LONGED for this moment—to have you as HIS own.

"Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him"— Isaiah 30:18

Isn’t it amazing how our lives are so busy and filled with people and things that keep us from realizing the LORD has been waiting right there waiting to help us? This is the ONE and only reason why God allowed this crisis (and every crisis) into our lives. It often takes a crisis for us to come to the place where we begin to really need Him and are willing to give up trying and finally give it all to Him.

NOW, each and EVERY time you find yourself in need of help, of love, of direction when making each and every decision—talk to the LORD about it. No one else.

"Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it" —Psalm 37:5

If you stop and give your problems (big and small) to the Lord, I promise that He will come to your aid and rescue or guide you through it. You will no longer need to lean onto your own understanding or make a plan. From now on you can simply give it to HIM so He can prove to you just how much He loves you and cares for you by leading or even carrying you through every crisis!

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight" —Proverbs 3:5–6

Not knowing what to do when a crisis hits, not knowing that HE is who you need to run to, is what will cause you to doubt that God truly loves you and wants to guide you AND will cause you to go back to or remain in crisis.

—Take HIS Hand—
Let HIM Lead You 

Even though you are desperate for someone, a "real" person to help you, there is ONLY ONE WAY and One Person who can lead you out of the "valley of the shadow of death."

There is only One who understands exactly what is going on, on both sides, and is able to turn the hearts of everyone involved. 

We who have experienced a restored marriage know without any shadow of a doubt that you do NOT need anyone but the Lord to lead you through and out of your crisis. 

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me"—Psalm 23:4 KJV 

It's time to LET GO of everything and everyone AND take the Lord's hand, allowing Him to guide you personally.

Allow Him to speak to you and learn to speak only to Him.

Take hold of His hand and travel through Renewing Your Mind with what He says, Rebuilding your life with His blueprints, and watch as HE Restores everything!!

Unlike the common notion that "counseling" is the solution, we do NOT offer what has proven NOT to work. Counseling and Christian psychology actually shoved my marriage from crisis to complete destruction. Like the hundreds of men and women who found their way to us, counseling didn't help them either—but ultimately and completely destroyed what little was left of their marriages.

We do not offer the wrong kind of help or support. We offer what WORKS!!!

Now that you have made this life-changing decision, we LONG to encourage you through the rest of your RESTORATION journey by offering you MORE of God's Word. To learn the principles for a Restored Marriage. To allow you to gain wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

Mark 16:15 "And Jesus said to them, 'Go into all the world and share the gospel [the GOOD NEWS] to all creation.'"

Isaiah 52:7 "How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

Restoration Journey

FREE Courses

Our NEW online courses for women and for men represent an evolution in self-study materials for women and men in a marriage crisis—without the cost, damage, and embarrassment of sharing personal details with a counselor.

Within the private environment of our courses, we provide you with a wealth of Biblical resources for the couple in crisis—and better yet, our courses are proven to work better when just ONE (either the husband OR the wife) uses it.

Let’s face it, statistics prove that it’s usually just ONE who wants out of the marriage while the other is trying to hang on. Courts side with the one who wants out, adopting a “no-fault” divorce policy that simply means the spouse who wants to make their marriage work has lost his/her rights.

Our free courses allow YOU to study our materials at YOUR own pace, and during your spare time. We do, however, encourage you to make a commitment to get up early and begin your day studying that path towards restoration— before doing anything else—since RESTORATION of a dead or dying marriage is a very difficult and narrow road.

Matthew 7:13-14—“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it."

We are Here to Help

If you are ready to begin your Restoration Journey along the same path that He led us on—trusting GOD to Restore your Marriage or any other relationship in your life, begin here: