💔MM: fought over household obligations in the US

Please leave some encouragement for this bride who filled out an MEQ "Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire." Before commenting, please remember to:

    1. Speak to your Husband, your Maker, to know what He wants to say to this brokenhearted bride.
    2. Keep it SHORT.
    3. Encourage sharing 1-2 Promises.
    4. Bridge to the course He used to lead you along your Restoration Journey.
    5. After 3 MM Comments and the comments are CLOSED for this session, please continue to encourage by confirming what the ministers are saying by replying beneath their MM Comments.
      “Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1
    6. When YOU are the final 3 Cord of comments supporting o/o/o/ this bride, please CLOSE this session and paste this at the end: "Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED."

Please Note: We ask that you reply to this post ONLY if you are an IOU Student working towards qualifying for your Marriage Minister Certificate.

Next to your name, we must see your IOU Level, for example:


United States
What language do you speak?
I'm here:
Seeking restoration for my marriage.
What is your current marital status? Please be sure to choose the one that BEST describes your situation.
Separated: I am married, but my husband does not live with me.
Have you read the book "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage?"
How did you find our ministry?
Sent the link through TikTok
Now, please tell us about your situation and why you have come to us for help and what has your husband/partner said are the main issues or problems he has with you and your relationship?
My husband left 4/6/24, and took my stepchildren with him. We fought over household obligations. We made things about ourselves instead of each other.

Our main issues were:
- Fighting over household obligations
- Our individual selfishness

His problems with me:
- Gripping over housework and cooking
- Involving others in our marital problems

However, I found out that he was involving his ex-wife in our marital problems

Please use the space below to simply speak to God, in your own words, pouring your heart out to Him.
Heavenly Father,
I know you see everything I am going through. I know that you can see everything that my husband, my stepchildren and his ex wife are doing. Please remove the ex-wife and all other women. Please remove my husband from all dating sites. If he is being deceptive expose him! Protect him, myself, and the kids from all witchcraft. Give him a heart of flesh, take his heart of stone. Lay it on his heart to want to communicate with me. Give him a huge Godly encounter. Protect him from suicidal tendencies, and thoughts. Put a hedge of protection around him, myself, and the kids. Silence everyone who says that he needs to divorce me. Silence all negativity surrounding our marriage.
In order for us to minister more effectively to you, please check what concerns apply to you:
Thankfully I have no other concerns other than my relationship at this time.
Finally, please choose how you would like us to conduct your Marriage Evaluation from the choices below.
Posting your questionnaire Privately to an assigned IOU Marriage Ministry Student.

6 thoughts on “💔MM: fought over household obligations in the US”

  1. Dear Bride, thank you for sharing your heart here. During my early moments of this journey, the Lord enlightened me to the fact that I was and am still the one who needs to be worked on. When I engaged in the endless of “blame” games, I did not see my own faults in contributing to the downfall. “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Matthew 7:3
    Please consider journaling the following lesson –
    Since you have not yet read the restoration book (https://hopeatlast.com/bookstore-kiosk/), I invite you to start with the book reading and then moving onto the free lesson available on RMI.
    Lastly, I would like the share this verse –
    “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives..” 1 Peter 3:1-2

  2. Dear precious bride I am so sorry for the hurt you are going through, just know our Darling Lord has plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. – https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jeremiah%2029%3A11&version=NIV

    Because you mentioned that you are separated, I want to encourage you to please do this lesson – https://hopeatlast.com/c2/d8-separated/ and to also please journal, because there you get the chance to pour out your heart to our Darling Lord, which is very important.

    Please do course 1 – https://hopeatlast.com/c1/ encouraged you to do, because all the lessons in that course is so important, like Won Without A Word ( https://hopeatlast.com/c1/d10-chapter-8-won-without-a-word/ ) and I also want to encourage you to please fill out the journal at the end of each lesson.

    Precious bride because you mentioned you are suicidal, so I want to encourage you to please build on a intimate relationship with our Darling Lord, use His Word as a medicine (He changed my life through His word – https://encouragingwomen.org/alive-with-a-purpose/ )

    1. My husband is suicidal, not me. However him being suicidal still affects me, and my stepchildren

  3. Dear Bride, I am so sorry to hear about your crisis, it is heartbreaking and devastating I know, I’ve been there.

    Like Janine shared, I would like to encourage you to use this time to focus on your relationship with the Lord. What is most important right now is to get healing from all past hurts that might be affecting your relationships. I can also highly recommend the following course: “He Healed Me” (https://loveatlast.org/hhm/).

    “I thank God . . . as I constantly remember you in my prayers night and day,
    longing to see you, even as I recall your tears,so that I may be filled with joy.” 2 Timothy 1:3–4

    “They will possess a double portion in their land . . .*I will* faithfully give them their recompense” Isaiah 61:7

  4. “Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED.”

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