💔MM: I had to leave the house in SLV

Please leave some encouragement for this bride who filled out an MEQ "Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire." Before commenting, please remember to:

    1. Speak to your Husband, your Maker, to know what He wants to say to this brokenhearted bride.
    2. Keep it SHORT.
    3. Encourage sharing 1-2 Promises.
    4. Bridge to the course He used to lead you along your Restoration Journey.
    5. After 3 MM Comments and the comments are CLOSED for this session, please continue to encourage by confirming what the ministers are saying by replying beneath their MM Comments.
      “Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1
    6. When YOU are the final 3 Cord of comments supporting o/o/o/ this bride, please CLOSE this session and paste this at the end: "Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED."

Please Note: We ask that you reply to this post ONLY if you are an IOU Student working towards qualifying for your Marriage Minister Certificate.

Next to your name, we must see your IOU Level, for example:


I am here:
What language do you speak?
I'm here to be
she found restoration for my marriage.
What is your current marital status? Please be sure to choose the option that BEST describes your situation so that we can correctly diagnose you and prescribe the best course for you.
You have read "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage"
How did you find our service?
via FB, St. Rita's account, when asking to save my marriage, a lady gave me a recommendation to try you
Now tell us about your situation and why you came to us for help and what your husband/partner said are the main issues or problems he has with you and your relationship?
I'm divorced. We had a toxic marriage, my husband was unfaithful to me, spent a lot of time away from home, and I was left alone with two children, which led to many arguments and violence. The in-laws moved into the house, they invested in the reconstruction, saying that I had to leave the house, they packed me and my daughter, the son stayed with them. If I invite my husband to meet. will come. We have an intimate relationship, when he already feels remorse and does not want to continue meeting because it has no perspective.
Please use the space below to simply speak to God in your own words and pour out your heart to Him.
God, come into our marriage and restore it, nothing is impossible for you. Give me the love with which I would be able to love my loved ones and not hurt them. I am asking for the grace to be freed from the in-laws. Lord, touch the heart of my husband and transform him into a heart made of flesh, so that he may feel God's love and mercy. I am asking for the grace of the conversion of my husband. He who can forgive knows how to love. Bless our family, our marriage, so that together with my husband, we can raise our teenage children with faith and love and be an example to them.
To help us serve you more effectively, please review your concerns
Finally, choose from the options below how you want us to conduct your marriage assessment.
Questionnaire Release Privately assigned to IOU Marriage Ministry student. Sample
Jaz sem:
Aký jazyk ovládate?
Som tu, aby som
našla obnovu pre moje manželstvo.
Aký je tvoj súčasný manželský stav? Prosíme, určite vyber možnosť, ktorá NAJLEPŠIE opisuje tvoju situáciu, aby sme ťa mohli správne diagnostikovať a predpísať ti ten najlepší kurz.
Prečítal si "Ako Boh Môže a Obnoví Tvoje Manželstvo"
Ako ste našli našu službu?
cez FB, účet Sv Rity, pri prosbe za záchranu manželstva mi jedna pani dala odporúčanie skúsiť Vás
Teraz nám povedzte o svojej situácii a o tom, prečo ste k nám prišli o pomoc a čo povedal váš manžel/partner, sú hlavné problémy alebo problémy, ktoré má s vami a vaším vzťahom?
Som rozvedená. Mali sme toxické manželstvo, manžel mi bol neverný, trávil veľa času mimo domu a ja som ostávala s dvomi deťmi sama, čo viedlo k mnohým hádkám až násilnostiam. Svokrovci sa nasťahovali do domu, zainvestovali do prestavby s tým že musím odísť z domu zbalili mňa aj dcéru syn ostal s nimi. Ak pozvem manžela aby sme sa stretli. príde. Máme intímny vzťah, kedy už pociťuje výčitky svedomia a n nechce sa naďalej stretávať pretože to nemá perspektívu.
Prosím, použite priestor nižšie na to, aby ste jednoducho hovorili s Bohom svojimi vlastnými slovami a vylievajte mu svoje srdce.
Bože vstúp do nášho manželstva a obnov ho, pre teba nič nie je nemožné. Daj mi lásku ktorou by som dokázala milovať mojich blízkych a nezraňovať ich .Prosím za milosť oslobodenia sa od svokrovcov. Pane dotkni sa srdca môjho manžela a pretvor ho na srdce z mäsa, nech pocíti Božiu lásku a milosrdenstvo. Prosím za milosť obrátenia manžela. Ten kto dokáže odpúšťať vie milovať. Požehnaj našu rodinu, naše manželstvo, aby sme dokázali spolu s manželom s vierou a láskou vychovať naše teenagerske deti a boli im príkladom.
Aby sme vám mohli slúžiť efektívnejšie, skontrolujte, aké obavy sa vás týkajú
Nakoniec si z nižšie uvedených možností vyberte, ako chcete, aby sme vykonali vaše hodnotenie manželstva.
Zverejnenie dotazníka Súkromne pridelenému študentovi ministerstva manželstva IOU. Ukážka

4 thoughts on “💔MM: I had to leave the house in SLV”

  1. Dear Bride, I feel the pain you have from your broken marriage, I have experienced this intense pain too. I am so grateful that you found this ministry. It is an answer to your prayer for restoration of your marriage! Since He brought me into this ministry, so much has changed in my life. I enjoy the abundant life because He is my Heavenly Husband, which gives me strength to go through the trials.

    You indicate that your ex-husband no longer sees any prospects for your relationship. God sees that, He has a special plan for your life.

    For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11

    I’m not sure if you have read the book: ‘How God can and will restore your marriage’. I want to encourage you to read this book and pour out your heart to Him in the journals after each chapter.

    Reading the Psalms and Proverbs has helped me gain new strength every day to continue on this journey. There are so many promises in the Psalms and so many important principles in the Proverbs. It will bring you closer to Him! https://encouragingwomen.org/psalms-proverbs/

    The diary ‘My Beloved’ is also a diary that you should read daily.

    Most of all, be thankful that He brought you to us, you will learn how to love others who hurt you because you know He loves you too with a perfect love, Many blessings!

    Trust in the LORD, and do good; So shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the LORD; And he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; Trust also in him; And he shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:3-5

  2. Dear bride, the Lord has seen your tears and sorrow. He has heard your prayer and answered your heart’s desires to restore your marriage. He loves you so much that His protection has brought you to this ministry. He wants to heal the wounds you have suffered due to the many crisis situations in your marriage. You no longer have to despair or feel depressed.

    “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” Psalm 34:19-20

    I would also encourage you to read the book “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” and continue reading until you find the intimate relationship with your Lord. He longs to be gracious to you. One with you as His bride .

    When you have read the book, start here https://hopeatlast.com/rjb/where-do-i-begin/ and with course 1. Pour your heart out in each diary at the end of each chapter. This will help you get the change you need for a new marriage.

    “Nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

    I will look forward to the many praise reports you will submit.

    Much love

  3. Dear bride, so sorry to hear what you are going through, it is so incredibly difficult I know.

    I agree with what Hanna and Kristine shared, but I also want to add the following lessons:

    And also Atarah’s testimony: https://hopeatlast.com/c1/d26-sowing-reaping/better-for-me-then-than-now/.
    Please read through the lessons prayerfully and ask Him to show you what He wants to show you.

    I want to leave the following verses with you:

    Matthew 19:26 – “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”

    Jeremiah 32:27 – “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?”

  4. “Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED.”

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