💔MM: Husband took my daughter in SA

Please leave some encouragement for this bride who filled out an MEQ "Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire." Before commenting, please remember to:

    1. Speak to your Husband, your Maker, to know what He wants to say to this brokenhearted bride.
    2. Keep it SHORT.
    3. Encourage sharing 1-2 Promises.
    4. Bridge to the course He used to lead you along your Restoration Journey.
    5. After 3 MM Comments and the comments are CLOSED for this session, please continue to encourage by confirming what the ministers are saying by replying beneath their MM Comments.
      “Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1
    6. When YOU are the final 3 Cord of comments supporting o/o/o/ this bride, please CLOSE this session and paste this at the end: "Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED."

Please Note: We ask that you reply to this post ONLY if you are an IOU Student working towards qualifying for your Marriage Minister Certificate.

Next to your name, we must see your IOU Level, for example:


Suid Afrika
Watter taal praat jy?
Ek is hier:
Opsoek na herstel vir my huwelik.
Wat is jou huidige huwelik status? Maak asseblief seker dat jy die een kies wat jou situasie DIE BESTE beskryf. *
Getroud en my man woon by my.
Het jy die boek "Hoe God Jou Huwelik Kan en Sal Herstel" gelees?
Hoe het jy ons bediening gevind?
Vertel ons nou asseblief van jou situasie en hoekom jy na ons toe gekom het vir hulp en wat het jou man/maat gesê is die hoofkwessies of probleme wat hy met jou en julle verhouding het?
My man ht my oudste dogter gevat en saak teen my gaan maak oordat ek haar pak gegee ht sy is 15.......hy is nie haar biologiese pa nie.
En ek was op gesluit vir 4 Dae en toe moet x op Ander address Gaan bly want ek mag nie in kontak met haar wees nie. Ek woon tans op di oomblik by my tannie.....dit is nou al amper 4maande wat ons nie Meer saam bly nie.
Gebruik asseblief die spasie hieronder om eenvoudig met God te praat, in jou eie woorde, en jou hart uit te stort na Hom.
My Vader.
Ek kom vanmiddag na u my God kom tree in my huwelik en in my dogter se gedagte my Vader. Laat u wil geskiet my Vader in Jesus name amen
Vir ons om meer effektief aan jou te bedien, kyk asseblief watter bekommernisse op jou van toepassing is:
Gelukkig het ek geen ander bekommernisse, behalwe my verhouding op hierdie tydstip nie.
Ten slotte, kies asseblief hoe jy wil hê ons moet jou Huweliksevaluering doen uit die keuses hieronder.
Plaas jou vraelys privaat aan 'n toegewysde IOU Huweliksbediening-student. “Voorbeeld"
South Africa
What language do you speak?
I am here:
Seeking recovery for my marriage.
What is your current marital status? Please be sure to select the one that BEST describes your situation. *
Married and my husband lives with me.
Have you read the book "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage"?
How did you find our ministry?
Now please tell us about your situation and why you came to us for help and what did your husband/partner say are the main issues or problems he has with you and your relationship?
My husband has taken my eldest daughter and is going to file a case against me because I gave her a suit when she is 15.......he is not her biological father.
And I was closed for 4 days and then x had to stay at another address Gan because I was not allowed to be in contact with her. I'm currently living with my aunty.....it's been almost 4 months now that we don't live together anymore.
Please use the space below to simply talk to God, in your own words, and pour out your heart to Him.
My Father
I come to you this afternoon my God come to intervene in my marriage and in my daughter's mind my Father. Let your will be done my Father in Jesus name amen
For us to serve you more effectively, please check which concerns apply to you:
Fortunately, I have no other worries except my relationship at this time.
Finally, please select how you would like us to conduct your Marriage Assessment from the choices below.
Submit your questionnaire privately to an assigned IOU Marriage Ministry student. "Example"

4 thoughts on “💔MM: Husband took my daughter in SA”

  1. Liefste bruid, ek is so jammer om te hoor waardeur jy gaan, dit is ongelooflik moeilik om deur huweliksprobleme te gaan, en wanneer kinders betrek word, is dit dubbel so erg.

    Ek wil jou verseker dat jy ‘n Wonderbare Raadsman het wat vir jou sal baklei, jy hoef net stil te wees.

    ‘Die Here self sal vir julle veg. Julle moet net stil bly.” ‘
    Eksodus 14:14

    ‘ Want ‘n kind is vir ons gebore, ‘n seun is aan ons gegee. Die heerskappy is op sy skouer. Hy word genoem: Wonderbare Raadgewer, Magtige God, Ewige Vader, Vredevors. ‘
    Jesaja 9:5

    Ek wil jou aanmoedig om met Kursus 1 te begin aangesien jy nog nie die Hoe God Jou Huwelik Kan en Sal Herstel gelees het nie.
    Ek wil ook die volgende les met jou deel:
    “Jou Wonderbare Raadsman” https://uiteindelikhoop.com/kursus/k3/fda/h14/

    Vertrou op die Here en fokus op jou verhouding met Hom gedurende hierdie moeilike tyd.


    Dearest bride, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through, it is incredibly difficult to go through marital problems, and when children are involved it is twice as bad.

    I want to assure you that you have a Wonderful Counselor who will fight for you, you just need to be quiet.

    ‘The Lord himself will fight for you. You just have to keep quiet.” ‘
    Exodus 14:14

    ‘ For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. The rule is on his shoulder. He is called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. ‘
    Isaiah 9:5

    I would encourage you to start with Course 1 since you have not yet read How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage.
    I also want to share the following lesson with you:
    “Your Wonderful Counselor” https://uiteindelikhoop.com/kursus/k3/fda/h14/

    Trust in the Lord and focus on your relationship with Him during this difficult time.

  2. Kosbare bruid van Suid-Afrika ek is so jammer oor die seer waardeur jy gaan, weet net dit het ons kosbare Here nie onkant gevang nie en niks is vir Hom onmoontlik nie. “Niks is vir God onmoontlik nie” L1:37 https://www.bible.com/bible/6/luk.1.37

    Ek wil jou aanmoedig om asseblief totaal en al oor te gee aan ons kosbare Here, dat Hy alles vir jou uitsorteer en terwyl Hy dit doen wil ek jou aanmoedig om te werk aan jou persoonlike verhouding met Hom en al jou fokus op die Here te plaas. Lees asseblief ons Krisishoekie, want ek weet hoe seer alles nou tans voel – https://uiteindelikhoop.com/krisis-hoekie/

    Ek wil jou aanmoedig soos Adina om asseblief Kursus 1 te doen asook om te joernaal na elke lees, want daar sal jy die geleentheid kry om jou hart teenoor ons kosbare Here te stort en wil jou ook aanmoedig om hierdie les te doen omdat jy genoem het dat julle uitmekaar is en jy tans op ‘n ander plek bly: https://uiteindelikhoop.com/kursus/k2/d8-2/

    Besoek asseblief ook daagliks ons Afrikaanse Blog, ‘n plek waar ons mekaar se hande omhoog hou – https://uiteindelikhoop.com/blog/
    Precious bride of South Africa I am so sorry for the pain you are going through, just know that our precious Lord did not catch him off guard and nothing is impossible for Him. “Nothing is impossible for God” L1:37 https://www.bible.com/bible/6/luk.1.37

    I want to encourage you to please completely surrender to our precious Lord, that He will sort everything out for you and while He is doing this I want to encourage you to work on your personal relationship with Him and put all your focus on the Lord. Please read our Crisis Corner, because I know how painful everything feels right now – https://hopeatlast.com/crisis-corner/

    I want to encourage you like Adina to please do Course 1 as well as journal after each reading because there you will have the opportunity to pour out your heart to our precious Lord and also want to encourage you to do this lesson because you mentioned that you have broken up and you currently live in another place: https://hopeatlast.com/c2/d8-separated/

    Please also visit our Afrikaans Blog daily, a place where we hold each other’s hands up – https://uiteindelikhoop.com/blog/

  3. Liefste bruid,
    Ek is so jammer te hoor van jou seer.
    Ek wil jou aanmoedig om te begin met Kursus 1 Hoe God Jou Huwelik Kan en Sal Herstel, soos Adina ook gedoen het.
    Gee alles oor aan Hom, al jou seer, al jou bekommernisse en alles wat op jou hart lê.
    “Maar soek eers sy koninkryk en sy geregtigheid, en al hierdie dinge sal vir julle bygevoeg word” (Matt. 6:33).
    Lees en bid Psalm 51 hardop: “Was my deeglik van my ongeregtigheid en reinig my van my sonde. Want ek ken my oortredinge, en my sonde is altyd voor my. Teen U, U alleen, het ek gesondig en gedoen wat verkeerd is in u oë. Skep vir my ‘n rein hart, o God, en gee opnuut in my binneste ‘n vaste gees. Moenie u Heilige Gees van my wegneem nie. Gee my die vreugde van u verlossing terug, en ondersteun my met ‘n gewillige gees. Dan sal Ek oortreders U weë leer, en sondaars sal hulle tot U bekeer. Die offers van God is ‘n gebroke gees; ’n gebroke en berouvolle hart, o God, sal U nie verag nie.”

  4. “Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED.”

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