💔MM: Spouse moved out in the US

Please leave some encouragement for this bride who filled out an MEQ "Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire." Before commenting, please remember to:

    1. Speak to your Husband, your Maker, to know what He wants to say to this brokenhearted bride.
    2. Keep it SHORT.
    3. Encourage sharing 1-2 Promises.
    4. Bridge to the course He used to lead you along your Restoration Journey.
    5. After 3 MM Comments and the comments are CLOSED for this session, please continue to encourage by confirming what the ministers are saying by replying beneath their MM Comments.
      “Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1
    6. When YOU are the final 3 Cord of comments supporting o/o/o/ this bride, please CLOSE this session and paste this at the end: "Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED."

Please Note: We ask that you reply to this post ONLY if you are an IOU Student working towards qualifying for your Marriage Minister Certificate.

Next to your name, we must see your IOU Level, for example:


I am:
United States
What language do you speak?
I'm here:
Seeking restoration for my marriage.
What is your current marital status? Please be sure to choose the one that BEST describes your situation.
Separated: I am married, but my spouse does not live with me.
Have you read the book "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage?"
How did you find our ministry?
From a testimony on YouTube
Now, please tell us about your situation and why you have come to us for help and what has your spouse/partner said are the main issues or problems he has with you and your relationship?
Spouse moved out 4 months ago and said he loves me but not in love with me. He feels as though I didn’t make him a priority, I didn’t respect his authority in the home, and he didn’t feel loved by me. I have come to your site for healing and restoration of my soul and marriage and spouse’s soul.
Please use the space below to simply speak to God, in your own words, pouring your heart out to Him.
Heavenly Father,
I ask that you would reveal to me all the ways I have failed in my marriage and show me how you have called me to live and love and serve. Please forgive me for all the ways I sinned against you and caused hurt to you and my husband. Please soften my husband’s heart towards you and then towards me and may you restore us both unto you and then unto one another and may you restore our marriage to honor you the way you have designed it to be. I love you Lord.
In order for us to minister more effectively to you, please check what concerns apply to you:
Thankfully I have no other concerns other than my relationship at this time.
Finally, please choose how you would like us to conduct your Marriage Evaluation from the choices below.
Posting your questionnaire Privately to an assigned IOU Marriage Ministry Student. Sample

4 thoughts on “💔MM: Spouse moved out in the US”

  1. I’m sorry you’re going through a tough time. I understand what it’s like to live without my EH. I’ve felt the heartbreak you are feeling. My husband also said the exact same to me “I love you but I’m not in love with you” We are now restored.

    God’s love has helped me through all my challenges. When we focus on Him, the things around us that might bother us, like unkindness or mistreatment, seem to have less of an impact. God’s love will provide for all our needs.

    First please read “How God Can and Will Restore” book (click here for chapter 1) which helped answer some of the questions as to why this is happening. I want to encourage you to not only read the book but please move on to our many courses found here at Hope At Last https://hopeatlast.com/c1/ and be sure to journal the lessons.

    My husband was gone for months and living with the OW. God can restore your marriage, even if you’re the only one pursuing restoration and he hates divorce. Just give all your concerns to Him. Embrace Him the Lord as your husband during the waiting period of restoration, acknowledging that “For your husband is your Maker…” (Isaiah 54:5).

  2. Dear precious bride I am so sorry for the hurt you are going through, just know nothing is impossible with our Darling Lord, not even your situation – “For nothing will be impossible with God.” L1:37 https://biblehub.com/luke/1-37.htm

    I agree with Hope, please start with Course 1 ( https://hopeatlast.com/c1/ ) and at the end of each lesson please fill in the journal, where you get the chance to pour out your heart to our Darling Lord and also share what you have learned.

    I really want to encourage you to please put all your focus on our Darling Lord, let go ( https://hopeatlast.com/c2/d15-the-freedom-of-letting-go/ ) which means you let go into the hands of our Darling Lord and trust Him, because He knows what He is doing.

    I look forward to the testimonies that you will come and share precious bride.

  3. Dear Bride, what you are going through is devastating, I know, I’ve been there and heard exactly the same words.

    I agree with what Hope and Janine shared. Use this time to focus on your relationship with the Lord, let go (https://hopeatlast.com/c2/d15-the-freedom-of-letting-go/) and let God do what only He can do. He can turn hearts and restore our lives and relationships.

    ‘The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the L ord ; He turns it wherever He pleases. ‘ Proverbs 21:1

    The Lord loves you more than you can ever know or understand, He wants to be there for you during this season, He wants to be your First Love (https://hopeatlast.com/c3/day-2-chapter-2-first-love/).

    ‘The L ord appeared to him long ago, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you out with kindness. “I will build you again and you will be rebuilt, Virgin of Israel! You will take up your tambourines again, And go out to the dances of the revelers. ‘
    Jeremiah 31:3-4

  4. “Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED.”

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