Podcast 🎙️ Baby with the Other Woman 💔 Part 1

In this podcast I cover a NOT-SO-EASY topic!! 💔 When your earthly husband as Keziah shares or former husband as in the case with Janine has a baby with the OW. How do you handle a crisis of this proportion? 💔 This magnitude? It is a crushing blow to the heart... 💔 And even MORE so than dealing with Adultery. Come and listen to these two very brave brides as they share their hearts, experiences and journey to healing on this subject ❤️

C2 Day 24  "Part 1: The Other Victim"

As the ladies shared in the podcast which you will hear them share about right at the end in Part 4, it is up to you to seek God, these two brides have been traveling along their journey with the Lord studying many of the resources we offer on HopeAtLast and LoveAtLast. So be sure to seek Him and get started on one of our many courses and journal because this has brought so much healing for all of us!

Come back for Part 2 next week Saturday!

Register to comment below and share your praise. We LOVE to hear!

5 thoughts on “Podcast 🎙️ Baby with the Other Woman 💔 Part 1”

  1. Thank you for doing this podcast with us dear Atarah. Yes it’s not an easy subject but a so much needed one and shows us we must rather have a quiet and gentle spirit and be very careful with our words.
    Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

    1. So so true Janine!! we discussed a LOT about the tongue and how important it is to watch our words and to be careful of the things we say.

  2. I can just say Wow!! Praise the Lord for both of your journeys!!! There is power in our tongue!! I am so happy you are opening up to this topic because it will help a lot of ladies that do not know how to react and do not know the Lord!

  3. Thank you ladies for sharing!! I have a similar situation as Keziah. It is very comforting to know of other women who have gone through a similar situation and how we can handle it through the love that our HH provides us.

  4. I was just able to listen to this 1st podcast on my way to work this morning. Wow. What a journey. Thanks for sharing you two. Praise to our Beloved that all is apart of his plan.

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