Pray of the faithful.

I want to praise my Husband for what his doing in my life and that of our children.
Since I embarked on this RJ I have learn a lot from my husband and he has been faithful to me in all areas of my life and that of our children. Last year our first born son and our second born daughter were all in the examination class, our son was writing his senior year exams and our daughter was writing her junior year exams, to tell you the truth our children are not very much intelligent and to make it worse our daughter did very bad in all the subject in the mid term exams even the teachers comments were not encouraging.
I thought it through and brought this issue before my husband and I also told our children to bring all there school situation before there father.
The day they started writing there exams I told them to pray and I assured them that we are in this together, I just lay it before my husband and he did what I didn’t expect, our son came out with distinctions and also our daughter.
Our daughter now she is in her first senior year and our son will be going to the university.
I give all the glory and honor to my husband, I don’t regret ever knowing him he is the best thing that happened to my life.
His invition is free for everyone, it doesn’t matter were and what we have done, he wants to show how good he is.
Do not worry about the hard,bitter, horrible situation we may find our selves in he tells us that he already overcame everything in this world.

3 thoughts on “Pray of the faithful.”

  1. Nomuula it is such a PRAISE for me to read your Praise 🙌🏾 knowing how much you have been thru in this journey with your Husband and just how faithful He has been to you and your children.

    I relate so much to what you wrote because my son also struggled so much in grade 1&2 and it has only been thru prayer and believing God’s word that He is now in grade 3 🙌🏾

    Daniel 1:17 “To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.”

    Let us continue believing God’s word for our children that HE has given them wisdom and knowledge 😊 He is sooo faithful 🙌🏾 Amen!!

  2. Hi Nomuula, your beautiful praise is a confirmation of the promise we are holding “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” P467
    I do not have children on my own but my oldest nephew struggled with his college studies however God is making the impossible with Him, passing courses and He is now ready to graduate.❣️ All Him and He will do the same for your kids. 🙌

  3. Hello Normuula, thank you for sharing this wonderfull praise. Our children have the best Father, Friend, and Teacher they could have. It is wonderful that He has chosen the mothers to become His bride. With this we have received the blessings of never having to worry or invent anything on our own to solve the trials we and our children face. It is He who will always help us and our children if we ask.

    At the moment, several people are concerned about my oldest son and how things are going at school. I am not worried at all because I know that everything that happens in our lives is allowed by my Lord and is for our good. I myself am not highly educated and have felt stupid for a long time. But because of what I’m learning here at RMI the wisdom of Him, it no longer hurts me when people say something. I know I can always rely on His wisdom to help me in any situation. In the same way, He will also be there for you and listen to you and your children when you pray to Him. We have been given the boldness to come to Him with anything.

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