Lord wants to change your life


This course is not for the feint of heart. If you're looking for a quick fix, this is not for you. However, if you are wanting to figure out how to deal with the pain and grief, if you want to learn how to change your life, if you want to grow in your walk with God, if you want to find hope and encouragement for a journey that could take months or even years, THIS course will get you there!

WOTT offers so many testimonies of restored marriages. No one's story will be just like yours, but I promise you will find some very similar. The book offers hope, encouragement, affirmations and insight to the journey you are on.

I found this resource shortly after my divorce was final early this year. We had been separated for 5 years. The first 3&1/2 years, were mainly talks about reconciling. The last year and a half, there was a known OW. We still talk almost daily through text or on the phone. He still tells me he loves me, but just can't see us together. A little over a year ago, I fell as low as I could go. Severe depression and suicidal thoughts were a constant. God came to me in a dream (actually, 3 in one week) and told me that my marriage would be restored. My life changed drastically and my walk with Him grows every day. I found RYM while searching for ways to become the wife God intended me to be.


Just read it and be open to what the Lord wants to change in your life.

Each and every testimony has spoken to my heart and encouraged me that God can do for me what he has done for the Ladies who have a restored Mairrage testimony praise God.

I was in a desperate place when I found this ministry. I had joined a bunch of fb mairrage support groups not knowing which would fit me best. A few months later my husband announced that he wanted a divorce but he never took any action do I assumed he changed his mind one week later he exploded and said he wanted a divorce but this time was different he yold me I had two weeks and he would cut me off financially. I began seeking the Lord fervently at that point I was broken and looking for answers. I made the mistake of telling my mother what was going on but by the grace of God my family did not try to intervene. I tried to look for mairrage advice on my fb groups and received the worst advice. I even contemplated leaving my son and my husband because I felt so underapprecetated and could not understand why I was being treated this way. At last I asked for prayer on made one flesh fb group and someone kindly left a link for me to start courses. I thought I was the best wife ever. Hahaha. Boy was I wrong! God used this ministry to show me that I was a contentious woman as well as manipulative and disobedient disrespectful. I realized that I had been the cause of my husband's desire to leave me. Thankfully the Lord was gracious and my husband did not cut me off financially he spent weeks sleeping on the couch and ignoring me. When he didn't ignore me he was insulting me but through this ministry I learned to be quiet and agree. My husband tested my new temperament so many times but I agreed when he said negative things towards me. Gradually my husband warmed back up to me and began being kind and even started sleeping in our bedroom agian. He is gradually starting to trust me agian. I know this is only the beginning and I still have more to learn about being a Godly wife and still need to study these principles lest I fall back to my old contentious mind set. Now whenever I see other women struggling in thier marriage I love to direct them towards this website and pray that God will transform thier lives as he did mine.

I dont have any money to give at this time.


I would definitely recommend the book. I have learned so much from it.

The testimonies are amazing. They will give you so much hope. Just seeing what God can and will do is great.

My husband has filed a divorce and it is almost done. The final decree has been drafted. He can be nice at times, but that usually doesn't last long. He continues to say we are not getting back together without our situation being brought up.

Always know how great our God is. God does want to restore marriages. Yes your marriage. Stay the course. Remain obedient to God and you will win without a word.