3 FREE 30-Day Marriage Restoration Journey Courses
If you're serious about restoration, you'll need more spiritual strength, which is why we set up a SFP "Spiritual Feeding Program"—spiritual nourishment that will heal and strength you for your journey—each full of His Word, His promises to you!
Psalm 107:20—
"He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from ALL their destructions."
Isaiah 55:11 NKJV—"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
We've laid out a full course menu that will carrying you through your Restoration Journey the quickest and so you can actually enjoying your journey!
Come here, each and every morning to read our Daily Encourager. Once you SUBSCRIBE to our Encourager you can read an encouraging praise report or Restored Marriage Testimony every morning—then head to your Restoration Journey Course by clicking the Restoration Journey picture—or choose from several from the menu— Morning Devotional, Psalms & Proverbs, learn how to Read through Your Bible in only months or go to listen to Your ♥ Love Song. Simply click on each picture and/or link along the right column of the Encourager to feast on spiritual nourishment that will heal and strength you for your journey.
Washing You with the Water of His Word
The more of HIS Word you read, listen to and focus on, the more your pain will be washed away.
Ephesians 5:26-27—
"So that He might sanctify [beautify] her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy [set apart] and blameless.”
The few who pour their whole hearts into this process, setting aside time every day (because they are serious about restoration), find themselves restored even before they've completed each of their courses. Why not you?
As Isadora says in her restored marriage testimony "I can't lie, as Erin and everyone kept telling me, it was easier when my EH "earthly husband" was not here than it is now that I'm restored. It’s much more difficult to make time for my Heavenly Husband, it’s not like when I was alone with just me and Him." Her restoration happened in the middle of taking Course 3, which is vital in order to be prepared for your husband's return.
Simply begin with Course 1 "Renew" for 30-days, then onto Course 2 "Rebuild" for 30-days, and then Course 3 "Restore" until you submit your Restored Marriage Testimony and can say...
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7).
★★★★★ Jennifer in Tennessee
“What a Difference In My Life”
Praise God that my life is turning around! When I started the first course, my marriage and my life were falling apart. I held it all together pretty well on the outside, but on the inside I was a total mess. After finding the RMI site, I saw what really needed to be healed and repaired was ME! When I started working on me, got deeper in the Word, I saw so many areas I needed to seek forgiveness and work on. Oh, what a glorious day when He opened my eyes and I turned it all over to Him. My changes have made a difference in every area of my life, my marriage included. My children are happier, I'm happier and I see changes in my relationship with my husband. Of course everyone is saying your marriage is hopeless and there is nothing you can do. But—they’re wrong! I never thought a few months ago that I could say I was content where I am.

Hope for Me?
If your marriage is in trouble,
If everyone is telling you it's hopeless,
Even if it has already ended in divorce
There really IS HOPE for YOUR marriage!!
Women who have experienced the impossible—a restored marriage that everyone said was completely & utterly HOPELESS—are who helped Erin design these courses to help YOU on YOUR Restoration Journey.
Using the same resources (our books and videos) along with newly written lessons, our RRR courses were designed to help each and every woman experience the impossible—a RESTORED Marriage!! And then, become Encouraging Women themselves—by ministering to OTHER women.
But FIRST you will need Renewed Hope!!!
Step 1, Course 1 Renewed Hope—
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage
In Course 1, over the course of 30 days, each morning begin by visiting our Encourager TO be Spiritually Fed. Beginning even before you open your computer, you can sing a love song to Him, and then move onto a Daily Devotional, Encourager Praise Reports, and maybe read a few Psalms and Proverbs, which so many restored marriages say helps to lay the foundation. Finally move onto reading just ONE chapter of this best selling book, ending with journaling to Him.
Also, to combat any negative thoughts or comments from "well-meaning friends, coworkers or family members" after not only gaining newfound truth that will begin changing your life, but as proof— in each lesson we have an exciting Restored Marriage Testimony to continue building your faith in God's ability and desire to Restore YOUR Marriage!
Whether you're able to get spiritually fed during your morning, or if it's throughout the day, or just when you get home later in the evening—it's vitally important for you to get spiritual nutrients by feeding on the full course. Be sure you never skip the final step in your journey, which is to journal what you've learned, thought, and felt about all day. Journalling this to Him will prepare you for after you're restored.
"Journaling my Restoration Journey is something the Lord led me to do at the very beginning, way back in 1989, which has proved to solidify not only the direction the Lord is leading me each day, but also as a way for me to discover and experience greater intimacy with the Lord, which led to my restoration and has kept me close to Him all these years later."
~ Erin, RMI Founder
"Doing a lesson was so different from just reading the RYM book. Journaling after each lesson really made me look deep within myself and evaluate my life and my relationship with the Lord. When I bought the RYM book, I had no intention of applying for any of the courses. But after I read the RYM book a dozen times, I wanted more. I needed more. I had no idea just how much I would come to love doing my lesson forms. The Lord has surprised me by revealing things to me I have never thought of before. I learned so many things about myself, my Lord, Our relationship and so much more. Ladies, if you haven't applied for the course, please start applying! Doing this course has brought me even closer to the Lord than I imagined and I love it! Lord! I praise Your Holy Name! Thank You!
~Joy RESTORED in California
"One day as I began reading through my lesson, I felt so down and so discouraged that I started slumbering through my lesson. But then I got to a portion where you confess your sins in the form. Oh sisters that made a huge difference in my life. I woke up this morning feeling fresh, light and truly forgiven. In fact, I felt so much of His love flowing in my life, I am so much at peace with myself and I have a new life!! Today I feel that I am a new bride with a HH that loves me above all things. It is time to stop condemning but instead run to Him! Even if we are deep down in the pit, crawl to the Lord because He will reach for our hand and lift us up. Thank You Lord, I stand in awe of You forever.
~ Patty RESTORED in South Africa
By the Word of Their Testimony
Beginning with our first book that we FILLED with RESTORED marriages that came from women, just like you, who applied the principles from our best seller RYM, we've added excellent RMTs to your course, which you will also journal about to remind yourself that your testimony will be added to the next volume our next Word of Their Testimony book.
By reading first-hand accounts from women just like you, who applied the principles you'll be learning, in their hopeless and seemingly impossible marriages—you'll witness the results— Restoration! And as you read above, feeling and experiencing His love that will set you free from your pain and despair!!
Each day you'll be reinforcing the truths from Scripture to help you gain strength and momentum along your Restoration Journey so you can finish the course. Soon you, too, will say, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith"—2 Timothy 4:7.
Because..."we desperately want each of you to show the same effort to make your hope sure until the end. This is so you won’t be lazy but follow the example of the ones who inherit the promises through faith and patience" —Hebrews 6:11-12
And if that were not enough to build your faith, we've also added our best selling "Be Encouraged" Classic eVideos so you can hear see and hear Erin share what God brought her through!!
Once you have HOPE and can believe GOD is able and wants to RESTORE your Marriage then you're ready to move to Course 2 "Rebuild" with more truth.
Step 2, Course 2 Rebuilding Your Life—
Romans 12:2 says: "Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is—what is good and pleasing and mature."
Course 2 is where you will continue by Rebuilding your life —to help you get out of crisis & stay out.
By renewing your mind and rebuilding your life based on what God says rather than what you see or hear from others, the natural result is you moving from Crisis to Calm.
Our Rebuilding Course is a life-changing 30-Day Restoration Journey that includes short, powerful and exciting lessons that address the most common mistakes that prevent restoration from happening.
And to keep you encouraged and motivated, along with your lessons, we begin each lesson with MORE Restored Marriages Testimonies!!
Here is a list of just a few of the online lessons you'll be studying:

Establishing Strong & Lasting Relationships

God's Makeover

Wearing Your Wedding Rings

Dealing with Adultery

Secrets to Securing Your Success
Step 3, Course 3 Restore—
This course was designed to prepare women to be ready for restoration and their husbands' return—by focusing on helping other women.
Jesus said, "Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the Rock” —Matthew 7:24
Our "Restore" course begins with learning why it's important to rebuild your life on the Rock—after you've renewed your mind. By first reading through, then working through A Wise Woman, while journaling, you will see the Lord begin to get you ready for restoration.
"By WISDOM a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches” —Proverbs 24:3–4
Taken from our BEST SELLER A Wise Woman—By a FOOL Who Built on Sinking Sand, we've created a series of 4 POWERFUL Courses:
Here is a LIST of ALL the RESTORE COURSES that were built on the very popular workbook A Wise Woman, and the principle we are basing the four sessions of lessons on are:
"By Wisdom a house is built, and by Understanding it is established; and by Knowledge the rooms are filled with all Precious and Pleasant Riches”—Proverbs 24:3–4
Course 3 consists of 4 components:
- Studying A Wise Woman chapters specific to the married woman.
- Finding your Abundant Life in order to prepare for the hardship of your newly restored relationship.
- Getting your home ready "Making the Most of Your Time" for your future ministry and/or your husband's return by working through Workers@Home.
- Preparing for Your ONM "Online Network Ministry" as a Minister, Evangelist or Prayer Warrior.
An Abundant Life
"The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.” John 10:10 Restoration doesn't end your journey, instead He allowed this crisis in your life to show you how He wants you to live as His bride!
• Restoration Fellowship •
Finding Love at Last by becoming His bride—will heal you from the pain your feeling—but you will be able to FEEL and experience joy—joy that you never dreamed was possible!
“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” Ephesians 3:20 The Message