Like you the start of my journey was brutal, l will never forget how l felt when l heard about my eh earthly husbands infidelity…
It was definitely what the Lord used to get my attention… He uses our brokenness to get our attention.
“Loved one and friend You have put far from me, And my acquaintances into darkness.”
“For the Lord has called you like a wife deserted and grieved in spirit, like a wife of youth when she is cast off, says your God.”
When l got a hold of this truth in His word it gave me so much comfort. I came to know and l want you to know that l also came here because of my broken heart but then l learned the truth.. It really had nothing to do with my broken marriage but everything to do with me and my relationship with the Lord. You see l didn’t have to worry about my marriage because the Lord who became my HH Heavenly Husband was taking care of that anyway… I could Let Go & Let God. Repeating this over & over helped me a lot to get over the pain. Then l started working through the courses and this helped to distract me and help me focus on the Lord and then l was able to fully Let Go.
The other thing l wanted to share about is that we regularly get asked about prayer partners. When l started out l never had a Prayer partner. It was a good thing because it was just me and the Lord so l learned to run to Him and tell Him everything. He is the only one who can do anything about your situation anyway
It was only after l had healed that He brought numerous women into my life because He wanted me to encourage them. And He wants you to do the same. This i why we call it a RJ Restoration Journey.. Because it is a journey with lots to learn along the way. Here are some lessons regarding what l have shared.
Dear Atarah, I remember reading the restoration book for the first time and felt “eye-opening”. All that time I thought I was so right. Learning the truth was not easy and having to embrace it is another story. It took a bit but I came around. Maybe that’s the turning point for me to get right with the Lord. And I have not looked back ever since even though it’s not that long ago.
I took me a while to be able to do this with my marriage. It was such a freeing feeling when I finally learned to Let Go and Let God. It’s something we need to do not only for our marriage restoration journey but every aspect.