Thank you!

This book "how God can and Will Restore Your Marriage" is the missing link and blessed "KEY" that will open hearts that hardened, that will transform a woman of toughness, into gentle, soft molding clay, that will dig so deep within her soul that she is forced to change her self into a radiant wife of our Lord. Every married woman and every young woman preparing for wedlock, NEEDS to utilize, keep, and treasure as their handbook, guide and referral to our loving Savior who will successfully bring victory and absolute True love to their soul mate in Heaven and on earth.

Prior to getting my hands, eye, and ears on all this material; my marriage situation was dead. It had been suffocated by a wife who was contentious, rebellious and without God. This book lights a fire under our feet! My thanksgiving is deep and profound.

Dearest child of our Lord, By bringing yourself unto our Lord and submitting to Him and to your husband in a time that you may feel or think as I once did that all hope is lost; please KNOW in those tiny places in your heart of hearts that is still opened and pure, that you WILL have a restored marriage, a restored faith, and a restored heart for God is faithful to ALL His words and His love for us. Be blessed and read along like the rest of us how God performs miracles........... With Love and the Lord beside me guiding my words; dip deep and answer His calling to you. No more fear. Only Love.


The RYM book is a must! I read mine daily and ensured that I either made prayer cards with the verses that encouraged and convicted me or highlighted them in my bible. The principles are life changing, as is the God who will meet you in a new way as you progress on this journey. The RYM book allowed me to see the various areas that I had failed in and enabled me to seek God and then apply the principles to my life. I recommend this book to every woman, irrespective of whether you are having marital problems. If only I'd known these principles and we're applying them to my life, my marriage would not have suffered at all.

When I found RMI my marriage was completely dead and so was I (spiritually). Whilst I am still separated from my husband, I have changed. My marriage may still look dead in the physical, but I am standing on my God and his promises, he can and WILL restore my marriage.

Friend, I just want you to know that God is right by your side always. Cling to him and I promise you, he'll never let you go. All the principles you'll learn along this journey are straight from God, so stand on them with the assurance that our God never fails. Keep yourself fully hydrated in his word. If there are days when you feel overwhelmed, reach out to God first and foremost and he'll meet you and supply the strength that you need to keep going. Don't give up and remember this is a spiritual battle, so we need to fight in the spirit. Also, I want you to know that I'm praying for you and your family...and that's a promise I will keep.

United Kingdom

This book has changed my life. It has changed how I look at God and myself. It also helped me forgive my FH by showing me my own sins.

In June 2012 my life was rapidly falling apart. I was seeing changes in my marriage and my EH. I was becoming more and more controlling and bitter. I felt like my world was spinning out of control. Then in July 2012, my world came crashing down. I was angry, bitter and falling apart. I was looking for anything or anyone to help save my marriage. I sought out friends and family. I even looked to my EH family. Yes, I did slander my EH name. I did speak with resentment and anger. I wanted the "world" to know how hurt I was because of "his sins." I moved out and spoke divorce. I even went to the extreme and sought out a real estate agent to sell our home. I then ask for $ to divorce him. I didn't realize I was causing the "hate wall" to get higher and higher. I was driving him further and further away. Then in November 2012, God got a hold of my heart. It led me to another ministry. The divorce did go through with me pleading the whole way to stop it. Then in March 2013, I was led hear to this ministry. I honestly cannot remember how other than by the Grace of God!! This ministry has changed my journey. It has shown me many of my sins through the courses especially the first course "How God can and will restore your marriage." The other ministry where they're standing I no longer look to because "they were not based on His word" and were showing me my EH sins more. I am thankful for this ministry in leading me towards Christ. It has been a long road but I know I am right where He wants me to be.

Don't give up. This journey is about you and the Lord. He only wants what is best for you. He didn't say it would be easy but wait to see what He has planned. Depend on Him only. He is so loving and faithful. He will never leave or forsake you.
