We are remembered by our Actions…

Today l would like to share a Praise that you will read in places… sounds like a story..

So on Wednesday my family went to the funeral of Dale my EH’s granny and my children’s great granny!!

My dad’s parents died so l never knew them, my mum’s dad died when l was 5 and it is only my granny on my mum’s side that is still living.. l never really developed a close relationship with my granny nor did my kids.. so when l met Dales parents and grandparents they were a blessing in my life because they cared and loved me and our kids 💖

So as l said it was Dales granny’s funeral… and what surprised me was the tributes shared by many Pastors and ordinary people of the impact she had on their lives.. She was a Pastors wife.. Dales grandfather gave his life to the Lord when was a gangster… and for all their lives they worked in ministry and planted a church.

They gave their hearts to the Lord due to missionaries that came here to evangelize in the Indian community here in South Africa..

There is a HUGE Indian community here in South Africa. South Africa has the largest populaion of Indians outside India…

They came from India to South Africa to work in the sugar cane fields here in Kwazulu Natal where it is very hot & humid and has the perfect conditions for growing sugar cane.

Thru their ministry they had many converting to Christianity 🙏 what really surprised me is what was shared.. Much of what was shared was the care and the interest and the love she poured on many of these people.. from what l understood there was no complicated formula… it was just listening… showing care and love and being there… praying… because it sounds like there were times when some of the people were going through crisis and they would just be there to pray, comfort and encourage…

What also surprised me was the word used to describe her… gentle… was used to describe her… 🤔 it made me realise that by being the gentle loving woman she was she made a HUGE impact on so many people’s lives!!!

My praise is that these principles that we are learning from Wise Woman changes us and when we become Wise Women we leave a legacy behind… We are remembered for how we loved others and treated others.. We are remembered by our actions… how we show love and care, kindness to others..

I am thankful that she is now resting in peace with the One she loves but l learned so much from the stories shared about her and what a Wise Woman she was 💖

3 thoughts on “We are remembered by our Actions…”

  1. Condolences for your loss Atarah, but reading the impact she had on so many lives was such a blessing!!! It reminded me when my aunt passed away and we were at her funeral. The love she showed to so many people and she did it quietly. She did not make a fuss about it. Most of the things we only found out after she passed away, because she never shared them with anyone, because she was storing up treasures for herself in heaven. I remembered going to my Husband and saying I want to be like that and your praise about Dale’s grandma just reminded me of that again. ❤️

  2. So sorry to hear about about your loss Atarah. But reading what a impact she had by being gentle and just listening, showing love and care and praying, that is wonderful and such a beautiful legacy that she leaves behind. Just being an epistle for Him and His love for all of us can touch so many lives. And that is what leaves a lasting legacy.

  3. Hello Atarah, my condolences on your loss. it’s always sad when you see someone go to the better waiting place when you’ve received so much love from them. It’s nice to read what a great example this encouraging woman has been. So you see, the principles we learn from A Wise Woman book were already there, but He used Erin to write them down so that many women can leave such a legacy. The humble will inherit the earth.

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