🎓 RMIOU Marriage Minister 💔

Ministry of Reconciliation

“All of this comes from God, who has reconciled us to himself and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. We are His ambassadors…”

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Sing this Love ❤️ Song "Roads," during this phase of your journey with your Husband, your Maker who has called you to travel with Him. Wake up, bookmark a devotional, take His hand, and say, “He Leads Me."

C1 Day 1 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 1, "My Beloved"
~ Paloma "Holding Me During Every Moment I Fell" in Book 6

C1 Day 3 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 3, "Have Faith"
~ Paula "Daddy!!!" in Book 2

C1 Day 4 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 4, "Various Trials"
Barb ”Take My Hand" in Book 4


Spiritually feed your soul. READ one section of Psalms & Proverbsand you'll read through them ALL EACH Month!


C1 Day 8 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 6, "Contentious Woman"
~ Valerie
"Today My Husband is a Dedicated Father" in Book 5

C1 Day 10 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 8, "Won Without a Word"
~ Meggy Ann
"It's Not About Your Marriage" in Book 5

C1 Day 11 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 9, "Gentle and Quiet Spirit"
~ Miranda
"WIN Without Words" in Book 7
*Includes "Tough Love" Praise Report

C1 Day 12 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 10, "He Turns the Heart"
~ Ariana
"He Wants Us to Have it All" in Book 7

WEEK 2 Weekend Assignments: PLEASE 🙏🏼 be sure to submit each of your 💔 30-Day Journal to Heal ❤️‍🩹 journals and use your BNN "Brand New Name" So we can invite you to JOIN like-minded women in one of our many 😎 Fellowship Zoom Fellowship Meetings.


Be released from your PRISON of fear and worry by Submitting a Praise Report.

Consider reading Prison to Praise to learn and use the principle of “praise in all things” that brings results that can only be explained as miraculous, and read the ★★★★★ reviews from our Ministry Team Members and Alumni.

I’m No Longer Interested in Marriage Restoration or I’m really not Interested in Restoring my Marriage anymore. 

It could be because you're weary (my yoke, battling, let go), or you're so terribly hurt, or you simply enjoy your life as His bride so much you don't want it to change. Regardless, we ask that you not go, because this is the heart you should have. It’s part of His perfect plan.

It means that you are fully able to finally, fully let go (as you can read in the testimonials at the bottom) mean you’re on the verge of a breakthrough. Or, more often, you’ve shifted from Restoration Journey to Abundant Life Journey when your life is about to feel like you’re living a dream, living in paradise. READ MORE>>>


C1 Day 16 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 12, "Seeking God"
~ Rita
"Restored Twice" in Book 3

C1 Day 17 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 13, "Wonderful Counselor"
~ Valerie "Married To My Son's Father" in Book 5

C1 Day 18 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 14, "First to Throw a Stone"
~ Joy "It Was Me" in Book 2

WEEK 3 Weekend Assignments: PLEASE 🙏🏼 be sure to submit each of your 💔 30-Day Journal to Heal ❤️‍🩹 journals and use your BNN "Brand New Name" So we can invite you to JOIN like-minded women in one of our many 😎 Fellowship Zoom Fellowship Meetings.


It's time to start your day with DAILY DEVOTIONALS


C1 Day 22 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 16, "The Keys of Heaven"
~ Antonia "He Gave Me a Hug and Left" in Book 5

C1 Day 23 Read and Listen ☊ to Chapter 17 "Stand in the Gap"
~ Shay "Our Lives Became Calm" in Book 7

C1 Day 26 Read about Melanie and Listen ☊ to Sowing & Reaping
~ Atarah “Better for Me Then, than Now”
in Book 3  

C1 Day 27 Read and Listen ☊ to Your ePartner using your BNN
~ Gail "Made My Restoration Solid” in Book 5

C1 Day 29 Become a Partner

WEEK 4 Weekend Assignments: PLEASE 🙏🏼 be sure to submit each of your 💔 30-Day Journal to Heal ❤️‍🩹 journals and use your BNN "Brand New Name" So we can invite you to JOIN like-minded women in one of our many 😎 Fellowship Zoom Fellowship Meetings.

ENJOY reading a fantastic encouraging book on our Recommended Reading list—a book our entire Ministry Team recommends—Hind's Feet on High Places

Hind's Feet on High Places is fantastic to gain encouragement when your Restoration Journey feels like it's taking too the sample now.

C1 Day 30 REST. Today take time to REST and REFLECT on what you've learned BEFORE you move onto the next course.

The Lord is my Shepherd,
I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul;
He guides me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.

—Psalm 23: 1-3
Psalms & Proverbs

Tomorrow you will begin the next course in your Restoration Journey!

A Wise Woman Rebuilds

Renew • Rebuild• Restore

"The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands."

Together Let's Rebuild!

When it comes to relationships —MOST of us have no idea what GOD says—nor do pastors, Christian counselors, or Bible Study teachers. No one but GOD knows how to navigate through the difficult and challenging relationships in every woman's life. A Wise Woman rebuilds on the Rock and His Word!

Renew Your Mind • Rebuild Your Life • Restore Your Family

2 thoughts on “Course 1 💔 How GOD Restores”

  1. Le doy gracias mi amado por encontrar este gran ministerio y por darme la oportunidad de leer y escuchar varias veces y ver y escuchar los vídeos de este primer curso del libro Como DIOS Puede y va a restaurar tú matrimonio.
    Es una bendición porque aunque el libro y los principios va destinado a restaurar una relación entre esposo y esposa terrenal, también y lo más importante restaurar nuestra vida con nuestro señor Jesús 🙌🙏💯🙌

    I thank you, my beloved, for finding this great ministry and for giving me the opportunity to read and listen several times and watch and listen to the videos of this first course of the book How GOD Can and Will Restore Your Marriage.
    It is a blessing because although the book and principles are meant to restore an earthly relationship between husband and wife, it is also, and most importantly, to restore our life with our Lord Jesus 🙌🙏💯🙌

  2. Reposar en los brazos de nuestro gran dulce Señor, es ingreible, desde el inicio de este viaje, me ha tomado de su mano y permitió que soltara lo que me lastimaba de mis brazos y herida, sucia, llena de lodo, me lavo, me limpio, me sano, me cambio las ropas y me abrazo. Cada día, me hace tomar pequeños pero grandes actos de fe, cada vez que le pregunto,El me responde atravez de su palabra, testimonios, reflexiones. Reflexione sobre la paciencia y me dijo que ella se perfecciona, le rogué por un amor diferente hacia mi esposo uno que solo viene de Él y me llevo a más pruebas que me han hecho pasar por el fuego y ser formada como a oro, he pedido un milagro en nuestras vidas y saben a Él le gustan las cosas imposibles porque contra el milagro el enemigo levanto 3 cosas pero mi Amado celestial me a mostrado 4 a favor. Cada vez que testifico vienen ataques qué mi Padre celestial me esconde bajo la sombras de sus alas, hoy me es más fácil platicar con mi dulce creador y reposar bajo su protección. Porque te abates o alma mía. Espera en el Señor y confía solo en Él. El salmos 23 ha sido uno de los que más mi Señor a traído a mi mente, unge mi cabeza con aceite y aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte no te ere mal alguno. Desde que tome la decisión que solo Él me guíe, me ha llevado a compartir lo hermoso que es que Él como a esposa abandonada o como a esposo abandonado El nos restaure la intimidad con nuestro dulce Señor.

    Gloria, honra y alabanza al que vive y Reyna por lo siglos. Amén ☺️

    Resting in the arms of our great sweet Lord, it is incredible, since the beginning of this journey, he has taken me by his hand and allowed me to release what hurt me from my arms and wound, dirty, full of mud, I wash myself, I clean, I heal, I change my clothes and I hug myself. Every day, he makes me take small but big acts of faith, every time I ask him, he answers me through his word, testimonies, reflections. I reflected on patience and he told me that it is perfected, I prayed for a different love towards my husband, one that only comes from Him and it led me to more tests that have made me go through the fire and be formed like gold, I have asked a miracle in our lives and you know He likes impossible things because against the miracle the enemy raised 3 things but my heavenly Beloved has shown me 4 in favor. Every time I testify, attacks come that my heavenly Father hides from me under the shadows of his wings. Today it is easier for me to talk with my sweet creator and rest under his protection. Because you are dejected, my soul. Wait in the Lord and trust only in Him. Psalm 23 has been one of the ones that my Lord has brought to my mind the most, anoint my head with oil and even if I walk in the valley of the shadow of death I will not harm you. Since I made the decision that only He guides me, it has led me to share how beautiful it is that He, like an abandoned wife or like an abandoned husband, restores our intimacy with our sweet Lord.

    Glory, honor and praise to him who lives and Queen forever. Amen ☺️

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