How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage: From Someone Who’s Been There Paperback or eBook
★★★★★ Book Reviews
Securing Your Success
MOST pastors, Christian counselors, family, friends, and media have no clue how to LIVE through a difficult marriage, separation, face divorce, and do this graciously as a Believer! GOD knows and He's called us who've traveled this difficult journey in each of your RELATIONSHIPS to help you along these journeys in life.
Begin by opening your heart to Him, by listening to a Love Song.
After you've read each lesson (below), as soon as you are ready to make the Personal commitment to the LORD, stop to relax, grab your coffee or cold beverage, and pour your heart into your journal, writing down what you've learned that day in each Daily Journal form.
A journal is YOUR book, a diary of your Restoration Journey, and may very well be what solidifies your husband's commitment to you when he returns to read all GOD has brought you through!
Please Note: Very often the enemy will steal what you've written to wear you out, especially before you've learned about the protection of tithing to your storehouse. So to make sure, because we are to not to be ignorant of the enemy's schemes, to be sure to write and pour out your heart into an email, first, send it to yourself (as a backup), and THEN paste what you've written into the forms.
To set the mood, we'd like you to stop to listen to a song. The song we'd suggest for this part of your journey is "Because You Loved Me." It will help you remember this is a journey the Lord has called you to travel along and understand that no matter what difficulties you encounter HE will bring you through, leading you home. So wake up early, set out early, and allow Him to lead you.
We'd encourage you to download this MP3 file of a song that you can sing each morning to keep you moving forward. If you'd like to see the Lyrics.
CLICK HERE with why we encourage you to begin your day with singing.
Join the Victory!
Restoration Journeys are not a spectator sport!
Don't just watch.
Journal by pouring your heart out
and into your Lesson Forms every DAY!
“So will My Word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It will not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.“
Do just ONE LESSON a day so that (like medicine or antibiotics) each of His Promises and Principles has time to do what He intended and it needs to do:
- Too many lessons at one time not only does NO good—but can actually cause you to miss the benefits.
- Waiting too far in between also is harmful because it allows for the ways of the world to enter back into your mind and heart.
“Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no Physician there? Why then has not the health of the daughter of my people been restored?” Jeremiah 8:22. There is a healing balm in the Word of God; there is a Physician, so why is the spiritual health of God’s people failed to be healed? God says, “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” Hosea. 4:6
C2 Day 1 Securing Your Success 1
"Phones, Texting and Voicemail"
Spiritual Milestone #3 Fasting Facebook along your Restoration Journey
Facing Divorce
Weekend Assignment: Fill out a Weekly Restoration Journey Check in form and a WEEKLY Praise Report. 🙂 Praise Report Guidelines
Join the Victory!
Restoration Journeys are not a spectator sport!
Don't just watch.
Journal by pouring your heart out
and into your Lesson Forms every DAY!
C2 DAY 8
Today please choose just YOUR current Marital Status only.
Divorce Filed
Facing Divorce Course
Bonus Lessons
Weekend Assignment: Fill out a Weekly Restoration Journey Check in form and a WEEKLY Praise Report. 🙂 Praise Report Guidelines
During WEEK 3
the halfway point 🙂
Join the Victory!
Don't just watch.
Restoration Journeys are not a spectator sport!
Fill out your Lesson Forms every DAY—
pour your heart out.
Weekend Assignment: Fill out a Weekly Restoration Journey Check in form and a WEEKLY Praise Report. 🙂 Praise Report Guidelines
with just one week to go
Join the Victory!
Restoration Journeys are not a spectator sport!
Don't just watch.
Journal by pouring your heart out
and into your Lesson Forms every DAY!
C2 Day 28 Partner "Thank You Note"
We hope to use to your note to Encourage other women in our Encourager—and also an opportunity for you to pass along your "Word of Encouragement" to the women who will be coming behind you taking this course
Day 29, Ministry Commitment, Spending my Sundays with Him
Finding the Abundant Life Course
If you've finished FAL, please go to the next course LAL.
C2 Day 30: Fill out a Weekly Restoration Journey Check in form and then...
Congratulations!! You've made it to the final foundational course in your Restoration!
Course 3: RWC "Rebuilding Wisdom"
~ Arlene
This WW is the best book I ever read in my whole life, and I have read a lot of your other books. It has so just so much wisdom, God bless Erin for such wonderful book!!!
~ Migdakia
This Journey for these past 30 days that changed my life!!! My ears had been tickled with opinions and word that was twisted but as I walk through tis RJ and am being guided and taught the crooked has begun to straighten... I was so discouraged and led to believe that my marriage was too far gone for God to able to do anything. I'd taken both courses 1 and 2 before this one, and I was led by a sister in Christ to come keep going—this WW Course has been filling me with knowledge and wisdom and a much, much deeper relationship with the LORD that's changed my life forever. Amen!!!
Maybe you're still not restored because you're still focusing on yourself.
Are you ready to stop focusing on yourself and begin focusing on OTHERS?
Take a moment to see how God wants to use what you've been through! CLICK HERE