“Then the Lord God said,
‘It is not good for the man to be alone;
I will make him a helper suitable for him.’ ”
Genesis 2:18

"The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands."
Chapter 9 "Helper Suitable" Establish Understanding by Journaling
My sweet Atarah!!! I love this Podcast, I was reminded on so many principles that I forgot!!! Yes, we really need to go back and refresh these primciples!!
I am so happy that now I know how to behave as a wife and as a mom, and I am enjoying the fruits of my obedience!!
My husband and my children behave so differently, because I am following His principles!!
And is relaxing!!!
Let the man be the man!!
And we can just sit and enjoy being brides!!
Thank you for this amazing lesson!!!💖
So so true Isabella! Thanks Isabella its always good for me to renew my mind with these principles especially having an eh at home.