Donna North Carolina separated I would recommend this book. It will help you with understanding Biblical principles to be come…
Diana Philippines separated I remember desperately crying like there’s no tomorrow, begging the Lord to change my circumstance, to give…
Jenny Colombia Married Ya he recomendado este libeo a varias mujeres puesto que en la actulidad este atacando los matrimonios…
Milagros New York Separated I have spoken about the book and the ministry. It is a must for all women.…
Amy Australia Separated Thank you for these resources. They helped me see my faults, sin and mistakes and avenues to…
Chryselda Lucy, Canada Husband is remarried If I knew more about his words, If I was more aware of building…
Erica Illinois Married I would highly recommend the “Restore Your Marriage” book to any woman who is experiencing a marriage…
Carolina Canada Separated How Go Can and Will Restore Your Marriage is the most powerful book I have ever read.…
Angela PA Separated It gives hope in a desperate situation. I was able to understand the why’s of the mess…
Dawn Florida Separated I cant express in words how the book How God can and will restore your marriage has…