
Valentina, how did your restoration actually begin?

My journey began in 2012 and it was all of a sudden. I found the RMI a few months after my husband left home. I was devastated, I had gotten to the bottom of the well. But now I know it was necessary for me to have a broken heart so that the good seed could be planted in my life. Since then, my mind has been renewed daily by God, through the resources of the RMI and daily encouragement.

How did God change your situation Valentina as you sought Him wholeheartedly?

I was totally impatient, anxious, independent, proud, vain, lying to my husband and not submissive to him. I did not respect my mother or any authorities God placed in my life. I lived for the world and God was not first in my heart. I believed in God, but I was so far away from Him!

First God showed me all the wrong paths I had taken in my life, all wrong decisions I had made. Then He began to teach me many importants things. I learned the importance of submission. I learned to have a gentle and quiet spirit, not to gossip and to exhibit self-control. I began to win others without words and to leave everything in God’s hand, trusting He would answer me at just the right time.

I began to ask for His guidance in all decisions I had to make. I waited patiently. I began to pray and intercede for other people. I began to forgive and pray for those who hurt me.  He helped me to not be unhappy and hurt when people gossip about my situation, because I knew in my heart my God is greater, nothing is impossible with God and He is always by my side. I learned to be humble, patient and trustworthy. God became first in my life and I fell madly in love with Him, my Lord and Savior. Now I see Him as my God, my Savior, my Lovely Husband! He is everything to me!!!

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Valentina, did the Lord teach you during this trial?

Principle 1: Do not get lost - the ONLY way we can get to our destination, our restoration, is by holding our HH’s hand. How important it is to have the Lord, our God, as first in our lives and this will only happen if we invest in our relationship with Him. I made a commitment to God during my journey: I would wake up early and read His word and meditate on the verses that He used to touch my heart. I fasted on TV and spent more time with Him, my Beloved. And every time I thought of my husband or my marriage, I read the verses that He gave me that day.

Principle 2: Lighten your luggage - You need to Let go. This principle is the most difficult and also one of the most important. We should practice it EVERY DAY too. Placing everything into the hands of God, not just our husband and our marriage, but EVERYTHING. I left everything in His hands. Anything that came to my mind to worry or make me anxious, I immediately surrendered to His hands and asked Him to help me let go and trust Him. I repeated that God has great things for my family and that I and my family will serve the Lord.

This journey was used by God to change me and mold me according to His will. And He has done a great job on me, but there is still so much to do. So I'm going to focus on the verses that show me how to behave and trust Him to guide me to be the woman He wants me to be.

Principle 3: Freedom will set you free. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things which we do not see." - Hebrews 11: 1. How wonderful is to read the word of God and to have our mind renewed by His truth. It's Liberating!!!

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through Valentina?

At the beginning of my journey I acted on my own understanding, being disobedient to God, and got to the bottom of the well. But God is merciful and that's when He reached out and took care of me, giving me strength and teaching me His truths. After a year and a half, when my relationship with the Lord was more mature and deeper, problems at work began to spring up, but the more they appeared, the more I clung to the Lord and it was when I found myself completely in love with Him and felt my heart burst again with joy and love.

Valentina, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?  

When I was able to understand the principle of "letting go" and put everything into God's hands. I began to trust Him completely, I lived in peace, without worrying when, how and if my marriage would be restored. I also went to work for this ministry, doing things for God and with Him to help other women.

In September of 2013, I wrote a Praise Report that I never sent on purpose, because it was a report of praise — thanking Him for all the changes God was making in my life and believing that I would soon be writing my Restored Marriage Testimony. I did this because He had guided me to write the praise report but not to send it. At the end of the PR I even wrote the title of my testimony: RESTORED EVEN AFTER THE HUSBAND MOVED TO ANOTHER COUNTRY. 🙂 God is wonderful

Tell us HOW it happened Valentina? Did your husband just walk in the front door? Valentina, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?

After the new year, my husband contacted me. We always talked on the internet because he was living in the USA. After we talked, he complained that he was in US for seven months and I had never visited him. I said if he wanted me to go for a visit I would do it. He then said he had already called me to come but I had declined. That’s when I realized that I had been disobedient to him (the first time he invited me) and had been disobedient to God too.

So I asked God's forgiveness for not being submissive. Then I told my husband that I would go to US to visit him, since I would be on an extended vacation from work. He told me to come, but to come only as a friend. I spent the month of January preparing for the trip, fasting for favor and asking God for guidance. I arrived in the USA on February 1 and this was the same day that my marriage was restored by God— when my husband told me that he wanted to stay with me, but he did not want me to make any sacrifice for him. That’s when I said that I loved him and that I would gladly leave my job to stay with him, supporting him in whatever he needed, because he was my husband. I told him all this always praying silently, asking God for guidance and trusting in His promises.

Would you recommend any of our resource in particular that helped you Valentina?  

I recommend all the courses available, and not just do it once, but do as many times as the Lord directs you to do. I did each of them more than twice and every time I did, the Holy Spirit convicted me about new things. How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage also A Wise Woman. All of the By the Word of Their Testimonies, and going through online courses.

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women Valentina?  

Yes, always! I am already part of the ministry team.

Either way Valentina, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

Wake up early and spend time with your Heavenly Husband. Speak to the Lord about everything. Spend more time with Him throughout the day, especially meditating on His Word. Fast regularly. Stop watching television for a while, especially romantic movies since they are a stumbling block to restoration. Listen to praise music and read the Word of God. Praise Him even (principally) in difficult times. Pray for other people but stop praying asking for restoration. Let go. Take the RMI courses and read the books over and over again, until the principles are set firmly in your heart.

Valentina in Brazil

On February 5, 2018 the Lord, Valentina’s HH, called...

Our sweet bride Valentina is

No longer with us, but is now with her HH.
“Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!

For the wedding of the Lamb has come,

and His bride has made herself ready.”

Revelation 19:7

When Valentina first came to restore her marriage, she began by volunteering and was soon our Portuguese RESTORED Marriage Minister. For many years Valentina helped make the Portuguese ministry what it is today.

Valentina specialized in being a successful professional woman, an architect, was raised Catholic, and had a husband who believed we "deserve" better as the reason for him asking for separation when he first left her in 2012.

Once restored, Valentina took an extended sabbatical soon after He called several others to take her place. When we called her back, we believe she returned so we could help make her ready for her wedding day with Him. We are so thankful we got to know and love Valentina for all these years. She will remain an inspiration and be missed by us all.

Read Valentina’s first restored marriage testimony “The Changes God is Making”

Who was twice our Portuguese / Português Minister


This testimony and many more are 

By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 5): He will Give You the Desires of Your Heart

CLICK HERE to get your own copy to mark and read how others, like you, made it through their Restoration Journey and experienced a RESTORED MARRIAGE.

“The Changes God is Making”

—First Testimony

My marriage was restored! I know I should be writing a testimony right now (in fact months ago, because it was restored in February), but first I want to share with you this PR I wrote last year but didn't send because I knew God wanted me to wait. Before I go on, please let me ask for forgiveness; I want you, my friends, and God to forgive me because this PR was written so late. Please, Erin, forgive me and thanks for everything you and these wonderful ladies have been sharing with me. Thanks God!!!

So, the PR I wrote on September 2013 was: “I want to give God all the glory and praise His name always! He is so faithful and is a lovely God!” “It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn Your decrees.” Psalm 119:71 (NIV). I thought last year was the worst in my life, but after finding RMI God showed me that He was using my tribulation to draw me closer to Him and teach me His word.

I was so wrong about my life. I was not the wife God created me to be. I was contentious, I did not submit myself to my husband, parents and boss, I was not discrete and talked too much, I was not kind and gentle and I thought I was smart and beautiful enough to be envied and desired. And, I think the worst sin I committed was that God was not my First Love. My husband was my first love and my idol. “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.” Revelation 2:4 (NIV). But when I began reading all the books from RMI and the Bible and watched the “Be Encouraged” videos, God began His great work in my life. He’s been renewing my mind and changing me every day. I could see my sins and my dirty heart. I could repent everything and ask for forgiveness to my husband. And now I’m gentle and respect everybody at work. I honor my parents and try to be submissive to my husband and my boss. I know there is some work to be done in me yet, but He did great changes in me and I’m so thankful and happy. I’m not anxious anymore nor judging others.

I’ve been learning so much with RMI and God’s word!! The principles that I learned and will be always fixed on my heart are:

1. I don’t need to be anxious about tomorrow and that He will give me everything I need,

2. The Lord is my Husband so I don’t need to be afraid or ashamed anymore,

3. God directs men’s heart whenever He wants,

4. Don’t lean on my own understanding,

5. Let go of everything and let God work,

6. I live by faith and not by signs,

7. This is a war against the enemy and not against my husband.

When I began to live these principles and many other’s God put in my heart, He kindly began to change my situation. First my husband forgave me and did not hate me anymore; second he became my friend again and became kind and gentle; and then He gave me peace and love to go on this journey, trusting He controls everything and He works everything to be good.

One more important change He made was to make me love Him so much that He became my FIRST LOVE. And I’m so happy now because I could really understand that this journey is the most important journey in my life because He drew me closer to Him and prepared me to comfort others with the same love He comforts me. It made me free when I realized that everything I was living was for the purpose to help others. Praise The Lord!!

For many times during this journey, God directed my husband’s heart to me. But it was only when I really understood this verse that everything really changed: “Therefore this is what the Lord says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve Me; if you utter worthy, not worthless words, you will be My spokesman. Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.” Jeremiah 15:19. It was hard to live this principle. I had to repent and ask for God help me many times. And He helped me all the time!

I learned to pray and fast fervently and to declare the victory, giving Him the praise and the glory for even the things He was still working on. For example, one night my husband, who was living in USA, sent me a message telling me every time he spoke to me he felt the desire to ask me for forgiveness and he didn’t know what he was doing anymore. I began praising My Lord and Savior thanking Him for the changes He was working on my husband. And then I began to read Ezekiel 34:11-16, thanking God because He was rescuing my husband and soon he would be back to our home.

I’m SURE SOON I will share with you my RESTORED MARRIAGE TESTIMONY. I even know the title He wants to give to my testimony: “RESTORED, Even After He Moved to Another Country.”

And I hope it will encourage you to go on, trusting Him and giving Him everything. Praise Him always!

Thanks and blessings!

This testimony and many more are 

By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 3): Nothing is Impossible With God

CLICK HERE to get your own copy to mark and read how others, like you, made it through their Restoration Journey and experienced a RESTORED MARRIAGE.

Restaurado mesmo depois do marido ter se mudado para outro país.

Deus é maravilhoso!

Minha jornada começou em 2012 e foi de repente. Encontrei o RMI poucos meses depois do meu marido sair de casa. Fiquei devastada, cheguei ao fundo do poço. Mas agora sei que é preciso, muitas vezes, chegarmos ao fundo do poço para termos coração quebrantado e a boa semente de Deus ser plantada em nossas vidas. Desde então, minha mente tem sido renovada (e continua sendo) diariamente por Deus, através dos recursos do RMI e dos encorajamentos diários.

Eu era totalmente sem paciência, ansiosa, independente, orgulhosa, vaidosa, mentia para meu marido e não era submissa. Não respeitava minha mãe nem as autoridades colocadas em minha vida. Vivia para o mundo e Deus não ocupava o Seu lugar devido em meu coração.

Deus foi me ensinando e me mostrando os caminhos errados que eu tinha tomado. Aprendi a importância da submissão. Aprendi a ter um espírito manso e pacífico, não me envolver em fofocas e a ter auto domínio. Passei a ganhar sem palavras e entregar tudo nas mãos de Deus, confiando que Ele no tempo certo me responderia. Todas as decisões que eu precisava tomar, eu fazia pedindo orientação Dele. E esperava, pacientemente. Passei a orar e interceder por outras pessoas. Passei a perdoar e orar por aqueles que me faziam mal e com o tempo não me incomodava mais com as mentiras e fofocas, pois sabia que meu Deus é maior e o Deus do impossível. Aprendi a ter humildade, paciência e confiança. Deus passou a ser o primeiro em minha vida e me apaixonei perdidamente por Ele, meu Senhor e Salvador.

Principios que aprendi e apliquei durante minha jornada:

Princípio 1: Não se perca - o ÚNICO modo que conseguimos chegar ao nosso destino, nossa restauração, é segurando a mão DELE. Como é importante termos o Senhor nosso Deus como o primeiro em nossa vida e isso só irá acontecer se investirmos em nosso relacionamento com Ele. Fiz um compromisso com Deus durante a minha jornada: acordava cedo e lia a Sua palavra e meditava nos versos que Ele tocava em meu coração. Fazia jejum de TV e passava mais tempo com Ele, meu Amado. E toda a vez que eu pensava em meu marido ou no meu casamento, lia os versos que Ele me dava naquele dia.

Princípio 2: Bagagem leve - Deixar ir. Esse princípio é o mais difícil e também um dos mais importantes. Devemos praticá-lo TODOS OS DIAS também. Entregando tudo nas mãos de Deus, não só marido e casamento, mas TUDO. Passei a deixar tudo nas mãos Dele. Qualquer coisa que viesse a minha mente para me preocupar ou me deixar ansiosa, imediatamente entregava nas mãos Dele e pedia que Seu Santo Espírito me ajudesse a deixar ir e confiar Nele. Repetia que Deus tem grandes coisas para a minha família e que eu e minha família serviremos ao Senhor.

Essa jornada é para que Deus me mude e molde conforme a vontade Dele. E Ele tem feito um grande trabalho em mim, mas ainda há muito o que fazer. Então vou me concentrar nos versos que me mostram como devo me comportar e vou confiar que o Espírito Santo me guie para ser a mulher que Deus quer que eu seja.

Princípio 3: A liberdade libertará você. “Ora, a fé é a certeza daquilo que esperamos e a prova das coisas que não vemos.”—Hebreus 11:1. Como é maravilhoso ler a palavra de Deus e ter a mente renovada pela Sua verdade. É Libertador!!!

No início da minha jornada agi com o meu entendimento, sendo desobediente a Deus e acabei chegando no fundo do poço. Mas Deus é misericordioso e foi quando Ele estendeu sua mão e cuidou de mim, me dando força e me ensinando. Depois de um ano e meio, quando meu relacionamento com o Senhor estava mais maduro, os problemas no trabalho começaram a pipocar, mas quanto mais eles apareciam, mais eu me agarrava no Senhor e foi quando me vi completamente apaixonada por Ele e senti meu coração bater novamente de alegria e amor.

O ponto de virada de minha restauração foi quando consegui entender o "deixar ir" e entreguei tudo nas mãos de Deus. Passei a confiar completamente Nele, vivia em paz, sem me preocupar quando, como e se meu casamento seria restaurado. Quando passei a trabalhar para o ministério, fazendo as coisas para Deus e com Ele.

Em setembro de 2013 escrevi um Relatório de Louvor que nunca enviei propositalmente, pois era um relatório de louvor agradecendo por todas as mudanças que Deus estava fazendo em minha vida e afirmando que logo eu estaria escrevendo meu Testemunho de Casamento Restaurado. Fiz isso orientada pelo Espírito Santo, escrevi e guardei. No final do RL eu até escrevi qual seria o título do meu testemunho. Deus é maravilhoso!

Depois da virada do ano meu marido entrou em contato comigo. Nós sempre nos falávamos pela internet pois ele estava morando nos EUA. Depois de conversarmos, ele reclamou que já ia fazer sete meses que ele estava nos EUA e eu não tinha ido visitar ele. Eu disse que se ele quisesse eu iria. Ele então falou que já tinha me chamado para ir mas eu tinha me recusado. Então foi quando percebi que eu tinha sido desobediente a ele (na época que ele me convidou a primeira vez) e tinha sido desobediente a Deus. Repreendi no mesmo instante e pedi perdão a Deus pois não tinha sido submissa. Então disse ao meu marido que eu poderia ir visitá-lo, pois estaria de férias prolongadas no trabalho. Ele disse para eu ir, mas ir como amiga. Passei o mês de janeiro preparando a viagem e jejuando e pedindo orientação a Deus. Cheguei nos EUA no dia 1 de fevereiro e no mesmo dia meu casamento foi restaurado por Deus, quando meu marido me disse que queria ficar comigo, mas não queria fazer com que eu me sacrificasse por ele, e então eu disse que eu o amava e que largaria meu emprego para ficar com ele, apoiando ele no que fosse preciso, pois ele era meu marido. Fiz tudo isso, sempre orando silenciosamente, pedindo orientação a Deus e confiando em Suas promessas.

Recomendo fazer todos os cursos disponíveis, e não apenas fazer uma vez, mas fazer quantas vezes o Senhor te orientar a fazer. Teve curso que fiz mais de duas vezes e cada vez que fazia, o Espírito Santo me convencia de coisas novas.

Amadas, acordem mais cedo e orem, conversem com o Senhor. Passem mais tempo com Ele, meditando em sua palavra. Façam jejum regularmente. Parem de ver televisão por um tempo, principalmente filmes românticos. Escutem louvor e leiam a Palavra de Deus. Louvem mesmo em tempos difíceis. Orem por outras pessoas e parem de orar pelo seu marido. Deixe ir. Façam os cursos do RMI e leiam os livros repetidas vezes, até que os princípios estejam cravados em seu coração.

~ Valentina no Rio de Janeiro

Now, stop to relax, grab your coffee or cold beverage, and talk to your Husband, your Maker, and ask Him questions. Listen to what He's telling you in your heart. Then when He leads you—pour your heart into your journal, writing down what you've learned in your 💔 30-Day Journal to Heal ❤️‍🩹.

2 thoughts on ““RESTORED Even After the Husband Moved to Another Country””

  1. De todos los testimonios este me toco tanto porque es como que yo fuera… me pasaron cosas similares. Aunque nuestra novia ya no esta con nosotros Dios la uso y su memoria quedara para nosotras y otras amadas novias que estan en busqueda del verdadero amor (nuestro esposo celestial)

    Of all the testimonies, this one touched me so much because it is like I was… similar things happened to me. Although our bride is no longer with us, God used her and her memory will remain for us and other beloved brides who are in search of true love (our heavenly husband).

  2. Die Erfahrungsberichte tun gut. Sie sprechen aus dem Herzen und viele Dinge, die man ließt, ist man gerade selbst am durchleben. Und sie machen unglaublich Mut ! Den Weg, den Gott für uns vorgesehen hat, weiterzugehen.

    The reports are good. They speak from the heart and many of the things you read about are something you are currently experiencing yourself. And they are incredibly encouraging! To continue on the path God has intended for us.

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