Read Kopano’s RESTORED Marriage Testimony,
"ANY Marriage can be Saved!!"

This testimony was taken from one of our many
Word of Their Testimonies books
to help YOU
overcome any doubts or fears in
God's Ability and Desire to
Restore YOUR Marriage!

Be Encouraged CLASSIC 

Video Series 1/1

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If you are ready to make a commitment to GOD to finish the course, by CLICKING HERE you've agreed, and are ready to document this first step of your Restoration Journey in your "My Daily Journal" form. Take your time, sit down, grab your coffee or tea, and pour your heart into your Journal.

4 thoughts on “Day 6 Be Encouraged CLASSIC 1/1”

  1. My second time through this course and I know my Beloved has helped me let go of my husband so much already. The more I know HIM the more I am able to naturally let go of my EH. I also know that when I ask Him to show me ways I’m still holding on to my EH my Beloved is sure to show me in the most wonderful way. So I am excited to learn and to let that go too.
    My EH has actually recently told me that he sees how much I’ve changed and that he knows it’s genuine, so it’s amazing to SEE My beloveds work within me in that way. Though I already knew because the peace that surpasses all understanding is just wow! Letting go is the most wonderful place to be! Also, learning to take all my feelings to HIM removes the desire to want to share with my EH. I used to share everything with my EH we were best friends. I now see that I was wrong in seeing my EH as a BFF. As a man, he desires more honor more respect more mystery in a gentle and quiet woman and I can only praise God because He is making me into a beautiful woman and why should I fear anything? I can now laugh at the future because I know God sits on His throne and laughs at those who make their plans 😂🖤🙌 I am so glad that I chose to make the 3×5 cards with scriptures, it has helped so much. Learning scripture has been SO important. Giving into my flesh and not being in the Word or prayer would be a huge mistake and I don’t want to go backwards.

    1. Liebe Rasa, mir geht es genauso. Er gibt mir solch einen inneren Frieden. Selbst bei den schwierigsten Nachrichten. Er ist immer um mich und kümmert sich um mich. Er schläft nie und ist nie gelangweilt bei dem was und wie ich es erzähle. Er macht mich glücklich 💕.

      Dear Rasa, I feel the same way. He gives me such inner peace. Even with the most difficult news. He is always around me and takes care of me. He never sleeps and is never bored with what and how I tell it. It makes me happy 💕.

  2. Dear Erin

    I really need your help.

    My husband had a history of small and big emotional/physical affairs throughout our 10 years. He still tells me today he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong being alone with any woman in a car, for a meal or movie or going out one to one, treating them, as long as they don’t sleep together.

    ….Sensitive information no posted…

    I want to learn
    1) how to get past checking on him when his words doesn’t make sense to me at all?
    2) I might have a blind spot but the bible says to confront a brother and turn them from sin and why should I not do so? He is rejecting accountability to church people.
    3) how to not get on the fence and fantasize about divorce to wake him up when he just keeps continuing his sin?

    1. Dear Liz, thank you for your comment. We don’t have all the answers, but we know who does, the Lord.
      Our suggestion to you would be to complete our Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire:

      Then start doing our FREE Courses

      Doing these courses will give you the answers you are looking for.
      The road you are on is not an easy one dearest Liz, countless women before you have been there and came out living the abundant life.
      Our courses will give you the roadmap, but you have to be willing to do the work, and constantly Seek God about everything you do.

      We are excited to see you do your courses and do your journals and see how your life changes.

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