Read Kopano’s RESTORED Marriage Testimony,
"It Was Me"

This testimony was taken from one of our many
Word of Their Testimonies books
to help YOU
overcome any doubts or fears in
God's Ability and Desire to
Restore YOUR Marriage!

Be Encouraged 

Video Series 1/1

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Be Encouraged 

Video Series 1/2

PLEASE paste in this password (BELOW)
to access the Be Encouraged Classic video:
Then click the PLAY button.
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Then come back and take a moment to submit YOUR video review!

Don't perish for a lack of knowledge. If you skim over the instructions, without reading them carefully (this goes for all our lessons), then you will find yourself lost, frustrated and falling into the same pattern that led to your marriage crumbling. Seek God to show you what is wrong. Do NOT contact us. This is an opportunity to allow the Lord to guide you and to prove to Him you will be seeking Him and no one else.

Please note: Video 6 part 2 is the last video in this video series. 

Most frequently asked Q&A

"Be Encouraged" eVideos

Our Be Encouraged eVideos are sold in our online bookstore for $30. These eVideos are another GIFT to you from our PARTNERS.

Our PARTNERS personally know HOW IMPORTANT these have been to them and so many other women who eventually sent in their Restored Marriage Testimonies!!  Click here to read the Reviews!

These videos are vital to your Restoration Journey to give you the Courage you need. The word "Encouraged" actually means "to give Courage."

However, some women write to use saying they are unable to watch them. They may have a slow Internet, they may not be allowed access at their work or not be able to watch them from their phone where they access their emails, our site and/or our lessons.

If you are unable to watch the videos due to a slow Internet, it means you are going to witness first had this principle found in Philippians 4:19 that says, "And my God will supply ALL your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." GOD wants to fulfill this and every need you have! Why hasn't He fulfilled that promise before?

Because it also says in Luke 11:9-10 “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened."

So if you try to watch the videos and it doesn't work for you, then you need to STOP and ask GOD to show you where and how HE WANTS you to watch them. Don't try to figure it out, but do exactly what the verses, which are promises and principles to live by, say.

Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do NOT lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

Though we want you to be able to watch and Be Encouraged by these videos that have helped restore so many marriages, but even more importantly is to give you the KEYS to be able to UNLOCK each and every problem that comes your way—from SIMPLE question or concern— to a CRISIS. Learn the key principles now by reading the verses above over and over again, and also writing them onto 3x5 index cards or save them on your phone but be sure to READ them every day.

Then LIVE by them. Begin with this first assignment of finding out how He will lead you to be able to WATCH the videos!

If you are able to simply watch the videos, please don't miss this all important KEY and use the same principle to unlock another dilemma you face today or this week. Then begin using it each and every time you need help to do or find something.

Over the years of teaching this principle to our clients who have had issues with watching videos, we have found the Lord led them to go to their local libraries,  finding a friend or family member or coworker who already knew about about their marriage situation who let them use their computer or WiFi at their house. Some found a friend or family member or coworker who didn't know about their situation and they used another principle, and just mentioned  “a course” they were going through and were able to remain discreet.

Another KEY principle is found in Proverbs 11:22 "As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout so is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion." So don't go around telling everyone about your situation in order to watch the videos that will ultimately make your Restoration Journey much more difficult and may lead to you giving up altogether.

8 thoughts on “Day 6 Be Encouraged eVideo 1”

  1. SOS…hoy me llegó la demanda de divorcio estoy muy asustada y siento que no tengo salida, he pedido a Dios una respuesta a mi situación, pero el divorcio sigue su curso.
    No tengo abogado, pero me aconsejan consultar a uno…yo no buscaré un abogado. Pero ya no sé que hacer…tengo tanto dolor.

    SOS… Today I got the divorce lawsuit I am very scared and I feel that I have no way out, I have asked God for an answer to my situation, but the divorce continues its course.
    I don’t have a lawyer, but they advise me to consult one… I will not seek a lawyer. But I don’t know what to do anymore… I am in so much pain.

  2. My dear Norma, I know exactly how you feel right now, I can still remember the day I received the divorce papers, it was devastating, and fear gripped me. Fear of my future and fear of my children’s future and what it will do to them. Since then, I faced a custody case where I initially felt exactly this way. But I would like to encourage you to work through the course because that is what helped me through these trails that felt so overwhelming. Only the first chapter brought me peace already.

    I want to share with you this passage from the first chapter and some verses to meditate on:
    “For each one of you who has been hit with divorce, this book is written just for you. God had you in mind from the very moment that I began typing, and He has you on His mind still. If you take nothing else away from this book, please be sure to take this: He is not angry with you, He is not disappointed in you, and He does not think you are a failure. If this is the way you are feeling, or the way someone has spoken to you—it’s not from God. I promise.”

    He has great and amazing plans for you:
    “‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare [wellbeing, happiness, goodness, and safety] and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope’” (Jer. 29:11).
    “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for” (Jer. 29:11 Message Bible).

    The Lord is with you right now and He wants to hold you and comfort you. He wants to comfort you, get alone with Him and cry out to Him, wash yourself in His word and be still in His presence and love for you:
    “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me” (Psalm 23:4).

  3. I just attempted to read the testimony ” It was me” and it takes me to a page that says it’s no longer available. But, this info on this video is so good! I love how God gives us wisdom to walk out His ways in our own personal situation. What an incredible thing this wisdom he freely lavishes on us!!!

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