Day 7
"Be Encouraged" eVideo 2

but first two Restored Marriage Testimonies


Praise the Lord! My Husband is Home!

The Lord brought my husband home suddenly and without any hint of restoration after a seven-month separation, several adulterous relationships, and many trials and tribulations. He asked to come home during a family vacation we took this Easter.

On Good Friday, at 1 a.m. in the morning, my husband called crying and told me that he missed the children and ME, and that his heart was being drawn back home. He said he loved us and would spend the rest of his life making it up to us! The next day he gave his notice at the apartment and began moving his things back home!

As Erin warned us, only a week later, the intense period of trials began because the enemy (yes, it is a spiritual battle) began to hit us from every side. A heavy enemy attack took place when my husband began to have second thoughts, saying that he had moved home too soon, that he still had a longing for the OW. He actually said, "It is time for the two of us to move on and have the best life that we can have. I am going to try and make a go at it with the OW and if I fall on my face, I fall on my face."

I knew it was not his idea to return back home, but God's. So I stepped back and left God to finish what He began. After all, doesn't your book say How GOD Can and Will Restore? It doesn't say how we can restore it, right?

Instead I focused even more on helping others and never breathed a word of what my husband was saying. Why do that when it was just a pack of lies? And as I didn't try to stop my husband's new plans, I watched the Lord unveil His plans after all. Not a week later He brought my husband back home broken and full of repentance. And no matter what the skeptics say, I believe through faith and due to all the promises of the Lord already fulfilled, that He (not I) will keep him here and growing in his relationship with the Lord! The way I look at it, He is simply adding to my already awesome testimony—Praise God!

Missy in California, RESTORED


God Mends the Brokenhearted!!

My marriage has been restored now for a year and four months. Please forgive me for not writing sooner. And that's not all, we now have a four-month-old baby girl, to add to our three boys we had before our restoration!! God has surely blessed us far beyond what I could have ever imagined!! I have found that I STILL need to abide by God's principles in your books for a healthy marriage because as you said, it is still work to be married when so much wants to destroy marriages. I am just so thankful that I not only renewed my mind through your books, but I began rebuilding my life while my husband was gone by going through your Wise Woman and all the amazing principles—like trusting God with my fertility!!!

Everyday I STILL have to forgive my husband and be forgiven by God whom I go to when I fall short of what He deserves. It is often difficult not to focus on pleasing my husband and keep my focus on the Lord, pleasing Him and keeping Him first in my life.

When the enemy tries to wriggle in our relationship again, I know to use what I have learned and used before my restoration. These principles in your books are not a one-time remedy… they are to be used for the rest of your life!! God's ways are never "not needed anymore" but something to continue to build upon! But as you said, before I was able to rebuild I need to get rid of ALL (not just some) of the lies and myths and things that everyone else believed. Now after being restored I see how holding on to any of these would have caused my downfall and for my marriage to crumble again.

It was hard work doing it God's way, and not giving in to my flesh and the world's way. And when I failed, it was hard to forgive myself enough to ask God to forgive me, and then pick myself back up and start again and again. But God was there with me the whole way and it has been worth all the effort, pain, and heartache. My God is still healing both our hearts, and even though at times when they ache, God said that He faithfully mends the brokenhearted. Amen? There is no doubt in either of our minds that both my husband and I will be completely healed in time. We've healed so much already, but once in while, a little more healing needs to occur and He is faithful to do it.

Sorry this is not very detailed and far too short—there's so much more I could say of how your resources helped point me to God, what I used to point others to Him, and how well you trained me to keep looking to Him for ALL my answers—but my houseful of children needs tending =)

Annie in Georgia, RESTORED with a Restoration Baby Girl

Be Encouraged 

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Be Encouraged 

Video Series 2/2

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Then come back and take a moment to submit YOUR video review!

Don't perish for a lack of knowledge. If you skim over the instructions, without reading them carefully (this goes for all our lessons), then you will find yourself lost, frustrated and falling into the same pattern that led to your marriage crumbling. Seek God to show you what is wrong. Do NOT contact us. This is an opportunity to allow the Lord to guide you and to prove to Him you will be seeking Him and no one else.

Please note: Video 6 part 2 is the last video in this video series. 

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1 thought on “Day 7 Be Encouraged eVideo 2”

  1. Precious dearest woman, don’t think that what you see is the truth, look with the eyes of faith and trust the Lord. Look completely different than the world will look. It also seemed to me that my ex-husband was very happy and later he told me that he was actually the unhappiest person.

    See things as our precious Lord sees them. Remember faith pleases our precious Beloved Lord, so believe that He will do what He promised, believe that He has plans of prosperity for us in every area of ​​our lives. And remember to renew your mind. Replace your negative thoughts with all of our precious Beloved Lord, remember the battle is in our minds. Remember precious woman if you do not renew your mind with God’s word and everything from Him, you will fall apart. I didn’t renew my mind and I fell apart and I don’t want that for any woman.

    Remember precious woman how it looks should not matter to you at all, because it is never as it seems, but it can only not matter to you, if you renew your mind with everything from our precious Beloved Lord.

    The most important thing ever is to have a personal intimate relationship with our Beloved Lord. That’s how you’re going to stay standing and not fall apart. Get to know our Beloved Lord like never before, because it will certainly be the most wonderful course of your life. Let His Holy Spirit guide you precious woman. When I starting having a personal intimate relationship with our Beloved Lord is when I started experiencing His peace that surpasses all understanding.

    Our precious Beloved Lord would not say that nothing is impossible with Him if it were not so, because He is a Fulfiller of His Word! Precious woman surround yourself with people who believe that nothing is impossible with God. For me it has been such a huge encouragement to be surrounded by like minded women believing that nothing is really impossible with our Darling Lord. And the best part is you don’t have to make your own plans. I made so many of my own plans to get my marriage restored and it all backfired in my face, so I really want to encourage you to trust our Darling Lord, He knows what He is doing.

    Precious woman I really want to encourage you to listen to these Be Encouraged videos, it has encouraged me so much and don’t just listen once, because every time I listen over something knew sticks.

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