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1 thought on “Facing Divorce Course”

  1. I’m really excited to re-read the lessons in this book! Now with a new perspective, as I am not facing divorce, but I am facing a great impossibility in the life of a loved one that I need to help and to encourage! To do this, knowing who I put my trust in is essential!
    It wasn’t long ago that our dearest Yvonne said that the subtitle of this book was something we needed to consider: “With enthusiasm and without fear”!! And couple days ago, I was able to hear from Erin that the teachings we have here are suitable for the different and diverse crises we face – and this is so truel!!!
    That’s why I encourage you to read and re-read whenever necessary – like I’m doing now!!! Because fear has tried to paralyze me and take away my hope in the face of impossibilities, but I learned that fear will not stop me from following His plans to get through this situation and see my Beloved make possible what anyone would say be impossible!!! “For nothing is impossible with God” Luke 1:37

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