Course 2: Securing Your Success A Hidden Gem…

Hello Brides,

In seeking my Beloved asking Him WHAT can I share with you today and browsing through what is offered on Hope At Last HE showed me Course 2 and I believe HE wants me to share with you my journey through RMI and what a hidden GEM Course 2, Securing Your Success is.

So basically I read through the RYM Restore Your Marriage book and I journaled Course 1, then it was time for me to move on in my journey and I was able to faithfully journal Course 2, there's some very interesting lessons in Course 2 but it starts off with an important Lesson Establishing Relationships & Restoration Secrets. This lesson helped me to find so much insight and perspective into my Restoration Journey... Let me share a small portion to whet your appetite... I am sure it will strike a cord...

Here is the portion: "Here is what you need to understand. When one person invests a LOT while the other person invest little to NOTHING, it is extremely easy for the one who has not invested into the relationship to leave—since that person has nothing to lose. And when that party leaves, the other (we) are devastated since WE had everything to lose!

Trying to protect ourselves is not the answer either. You'll need to learn and then apply the knowledge you're about to learn."

This lesson also has "#3 Secrets hat we agreed seem to be the greatest downfall of most women who give up and never finish—and we also have included 1 Secret to help you actually enjoy your journey."

So! I hope that what I have shared from the very 1st Lesson in Course 2 will help you to see that our Course 2 is also a very good and very important course in your Restoration Journey. I know that it takes a LOT of time to read through and journal through each of our Courses but I promise you that it will be THE BEST investment you will make into your time!! Our RJ Restoration Journey and what is offered here is by no means a quick and easy thing to do and then VOILA! Restored Marriage... no... Our Beloved is into MORE than that and wants to make sure that HE has worked in your heart and in many areas of your life to heal you and draw you closer to HIM 1st!!

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1 thought on “Course 2: Securing Your Success A Hidden Gem…”

  1. I agree with you Atarah, Course 2 is a hidden GEM, but I also found a lot of wisdom in Course 2, from Secrets to success to the Freedom of letting go.

    And dealing with adultery, your spiritual leader explained……..all the lessons in Course 2 is a must read and I would highly recommend this course. It totally opened up my eyes to see things from a different perspective and helped me to find peace, joy and my HH on my journey.

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