Dealing with “Those Talks” -FDA, CH4

"But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (1P313)

What I have learned for this lesson (Dealing with “Those Talks”) is that we need to learn how to hear the Lord and to praise Him in the midst of facing divorce. To look at the future He has planned for us and not to focus on what is going on, because He has a bright future planned for us, no matter what the outcome of the divorce will be.

How you deal with your earthly husband telling you that he wants a divorce by not asking questions, remaining quiet, and immediately running to the Lord will not only help you recover faster, but it will also bring you closer to restoration.

When you get alone with the Lord, tell Him everything and then ask Him how He sees the situation and how He feels about it. Then sit quietly in His presence until you can hear Him speaking to you. You need to learn how to listen to Him so He can guide you not only through this difficult trail but in everything you do now and in the future.

There are different ways the Lord speaks to us, and we need to learn how He speaks to us. One way is through His word, and it is vitally important to spend time each day in His word, asking Him beforehand to show you what He wants to show you and to help you understand what He shows you. If a scripture speaks to your heart, highlight it, write the date, add a note next to it, and write it on 3x5 cards or save it on your phone to meditate on it night and day.

During the time of my divorce and afterwards, when my heart was broken, His word was my lifeline; it still is, but during that time, He showed me so many things that I treasure in my heart to this day. He spoke to me mostly through His word at that stage. Each morning I would sit quietly with Him, after I read His word and the devotionals, that is what got me through each day. I got excited to wake up and have that time with Him each morning before the daily rush started, it was what kept me going and brought so much healing and peace regarding what was going on. Throughout the day when my emotions wanted to flare up and before it got a hold of me, I would run to get alone with Him, and I still do. For me that was and still is the only way to get through trails. But we need it each and every day, not just during trails.

To praise Him is another very important principle from this lesson I have learned and applied. Praise Him, sing to Him praise music or Love songs, and dance before Him; it will lift your spirit and fill you with joy. If you feel like you can't praise Him, focus on His promises and the future He has for you, not on the present, because He does have a glorious future for you, even if it doesn't feel like it right now.

“O taste and see that the LORD is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” (Ps. 34:8).

“Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, everlasting joy will be theirs” (Isa. 61:7).

I would like to encourage you to read Ch4 in FDA Chapter 4. Dealing with “Those Talks”
Pour your heart out in your journal, post a praise or share what He showed you in the lesson in the comment section below.

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2 thoughts on “Dealing with “Those Talks” -FDA, CH4”

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Adina, praise is such an important principal. I remember when there was a storm at my parents house and I was worried about my son’s car, because it started to hail and I started praising my Darling, and the storm immediately calmed down and I know my Darling was showed me that is the same with storms in our life, because He is the One who can calm the storms in our life and even if He allows a storm for a certain period in our lives, we can still have peace in Him.

    1. Thank you for sharing, Janine, the first time I learned the principle of praising in the storm, it was difficult to start applying it. Our flesh wants to worry and fret when we get bad news or we go through a trail, but when we are able to give our HH a sacrifice of praise, in the midst’s of what is going on… that is powerful, and it takes away all the negative feelings and replace them with joy and hope in the Lord!

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